Ye Hao wants to persuade Murong not to retreat so quickly, but she finds that this is actually more selfish. If she and Murong Zhan went to Xuantian mainland, he might still live outside the day he wants to be free and easy to come back. The emperor of Jinguo also took care of Mingyu for so many years.

She knows better than anyone else that Murong Yu does not like the life of the palace. Otherwise, he would not have left the lord to go to the owner of the Raksauge in the first place. He was mixed in the rivers and lakes, and changed others. Can you be as chic as he is?

Who is willing to let the prosperity and prosperity?

Ye Hao knew that he was the emperor of Jin Guo because of what he had owed him too much.

"Since you have decided, then respect you, but this matter can not be too urgent, Mingyu needs a period of acceptance." Ye Hao said.

"I won't leave Mingyu no matter, even if I abdicate, I will stay with Mingyu for a while." Murong said, "However, you can let Mingyu go to Kyoto City first. Here is where she grows. It is ok to merge the two countries."

Ye Hao gently beheaded, "I will let people tell her."

"Hey, then you... what are your plans for the next time?" Murong whispered. "Those monsters don't seem to be solved in a day or two. It doesn't really matter if you only rely on you."

If it is not a monster attacking the city, he still does not know what this world will look like. I believe that there must be monsters in other places. Perhaps in a few years, this world will be encroached by the monsters.

Compared with the monster, the mortal has no chance of winning, and the power is not equal.

Ye Hao smiled and shook her head. To be honest, she didn’t know what to do now. She could only take one step and take a step. In fact, they said it makes sense. She insisted that it is not necessary to find a response. As long as you wake up, you should appear no matter where you are.

However, her subconscious mind does not want to smell the sky.

She seems... a little afraid to see him.

"I want to go to China to go to the sea." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong stunned, "You are going to find Ye Daren?"

"There is still a Gorefiend not found." Ye Hao said, "The palace of the Chinese state... Although the hope is not big, but always try."

"If you can't find it?" Murong asked, he didn't know much about the Xuantian mainland that Ye Hao had been to. Now even if he is martial, he is still vulnerable in front of the beast. He wants to help the leaves. Oh, nothing can help.

Ye Hao sighed. "Then I don't know what to do."

She wants to find her, and uses his demon to make the mainland calm down. But in today's situation, it is very difficult for her to find a response. Maybe she can find it faster.

However, where is Wentian?

She really can't do anything. If Murong Zhan is there, at least he can still do what the Lord should do next, but he has no news at all. She is worried and helpless. She knows that he has recovered and can hurt him. There are very few people, not to mention the monarchy with him.

It should be a ridiculous hell.

Lying in the air, I heard that there is no such thing as a lonely soul, so I have never been awake, and I don’t know if the lonely soul of Wentian is in a ridiculous hell.

"Little!" Under the wall, Van Gogh called her loudly.

Ye Hao looked down and saw that in addition to the Vatican, she also saw the white and the ring.

They went to Kyoto City.

Actually so slow! They clearly rode the Hummer, and the original journey of a few days was more than ten days.

"Oh, we are back." Taboo waved and shouted happily.

"They..." Murong saw them riding the monster, and his face suddenly changed.

Except him, other soldiers screamed.

"Don't be afraid!" Ye Hao hurriedly appeased them. "That's just a horse, like our horse, it won't hurt people."

Murong was busy pulling her arm. "Don't tell them these."

Ye Hao said, "The Hummer is not the same as the previous monster..."

"Everyone is already a bird of surprise." Murong whispered.

"I will go down first." Ye Hao thought for a moment, Murong said right, the people in Kyoto City were hurt by the monsters, they are not protected now, they hate the monsters, no matter who does not want to see Go to the beast and enter the city.

Murong saw that the soldiers had armed weapons and wanted to attack the monsters. He hurriedly followed the wall.


"Kill them!"

"Yes... is a monster..."

White frowning at these weak mortals, standing in a lazy and arrogant position, holding a hand on his shoulder. "What do these mortals want to do? Want to hit us?"

"The monsters attacked Kyoto City. They had never seen the Hummer before, thinking that they were the same as the monsters who had attacked the city before." The rest explained.

"Don't touch me." Guan Guan said with a frown.

Bai Yi half body is on his body, "I have to touch, I am trying to save you from injury, do you want to push me away?"

Guan Guan frowning and looking at her leg, "Okay."

"Not good, hurt!" Bai Yi said weakly,

"You..." shut her eyes and glared at her, not knowing how to push her away.

Taboos come over and push the white away. "Don't take advantage of the cheap, do you have such a shameless woman?"

Bai Yi smiled and styled. "Yes, I am shameless."

She shameless, just smell the sky.

"What do you want to do?" Taboo shouted loudly, what do the soldiers want to do, holding a broken copper to kill the horse?

"Worms..." the soldier said with a blank face.

Ye Hao came over and explained, "The horses and animals will not hurt people."

"It's all monsters, how can we not hurt people!" Some soldiers retorted, his companions were killed by the monsters, and the monsters killed a few people with a punch, which is terrible.

"It's true, they are just like horses." Ye Hao said, "Don't be afraid, the monsters will not come to attack the city again."

Bai Yi picked up his eyebrows. "Who said that the horses and animals will not hurt people, it is because they have not yet opened their minds."

Ye Hao suddenly turned back and glanced at Bai Yi.

"Oh..." Guan Guan was very happy to see Ye Hao, and immediately came to her side.

Bai Yi’s heart was filled with jealousy, and Guan Guan never took the initiative to approach her.

"Play the monster, where there are monsters." In the gate, a group of young and strong men ran out with an axe, followed by a number of women and children.

"Stand up!" Murong shouted. "What are you going to do?"

"The emperor, we have to protect Kyoto City, we can't let the monsters come in again." The man in front said, "We all unite, don't be afraid of the beast."

A woman standing behind pointed at Ye Hao and screamed, "It is her! It is her who killed us, this demon girl! She is Lu Hao..."

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