Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2418: Don't provoke me

I heard that Ye Hao admitted that he was a demon woman. The people and the soldiers did not know how to get down. Even Murong looked back at her.

"If you want to kill me, then come over." Ye Hao continued to say faintly, her eyes were calm and indifferent, as if talking about something that had nothing to do with her. "Save you, protect Kyoto City. One thing, but who wants to kill me hurts me, no matter whether the other person is a mortal or a monster, I have the instinct of self-defense. As long as you have the ability to kill me, I don't mind, but the same I will kill. The person who wants to kill me, or the monster."

Originally, I was ridiculed to hear this, and I raised my eyebrows to look at Ye Hao, and my mouth was stunned.

"You... you are dead, there is no monster in the world!" said the old man of the whisper.

"Oh? Who told you?" Ye Hao asked. "Which **** is so powerful, can you conclude that I am dead without a monster?"

The old man stunned, he also heard, how to know which god.

"Someone wants to kill me?" asked Ye Hao.

"Ah--" There was a soldier who lost his brother's eyes and ran towards the leafhopper. He was about a meter away from the leafhopper, and suddenly flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

"She is really a demon girl!" The old man cried.

Ye Hao’s lips smiled, “Yes, so before you fight me, it’s best not to provoke me, otherwise...”

Murong screamed, "Hey!"

This will only make these people more afraid of her.

"They are afraid of me, it is better than hating me." Just to make them afraid of her, they dare not mess.

"They will understand later." Murong said.

Ye Hao waved her hand, she didn't care if they would understand, "I am leaving."

"Oh..." Murong called her. "Where are you going?"

"First settle my mother, they can't live in Kyoto." Ye Hao said softly, "You can rest assured, I have set up a battle here, if there is a monster to attack the city, it will not be so easy to break the wall. ""

Murong nodded heavyly, "OK."

Ye Hao went to Lu Shiming, "Hey, mother, sorry, I am tired of you."

"What is said!" 裴 呵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵 呵

"I will send you to Mingyu." Ye Hao said, "I let my brother go to Wangducheng together, there will be no monsters."

Wangdu City has the purple gas guardian of Mingyu, and the monsters do not dare to approach easily.

Lu Shiming said, "Hey, you are going to be busy with you, we can take care of ourselves."

"Hey, how can I be relieved?" Ye Hao smiled. Now it is different from before. The monsters can be seen everywhere. What if they encounter?

"But..." Lu Shiming looked at her behind him and looked at them. Although they didn't know how their daughter would know these people, they didn't look like ordinary mortals. Over the years, they had their own adventures. He guessed before. Arrived.

Ye Hao said, "We have to go there anyway, and let the way go." Ye Hao said, before she goes out to sea, she must go to see Mingyu first, and Mingxi also wants to see it. She has to go to see Tang Hanyan.

After hearing this, Lu Shiming did not refuse.

Jin Shanshan’s face asked Ye Hao slightly, “Hey, is there news from your older brother? I heard that there are also monsters in the military camp...”

Ye Hao said, "Da, don't worry, big brother is fine, there is an enchantment set by Ming Xi, and the monster can't hurt him."

"That's good." Jin Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief.

The people behind them clenched their hands. They hated the disaster of Ye Hao’s demise. It was determined that she would appear as a monster. However, they could not change it. They couldn’t kill Ye Hao. Just now she didn’t move, she would be able to A soldier called out.

Ye Hao didn't look back at them, so they left Lu Shiming with them.

Bai Yi took a breath and followed.

"Aunt, I have to sit on horses!" Ye Muxin, who was held in the hands of Jin Shanshan, looked brightly at the horses and beasts walking in front.

"Come, I will hold you up." Fire Phoenix said, holding Ye Muxin in one hand and sitting on the Hummer.

Ye Muzhen immediately called, "I want me too."

Taboo and hold him up, "Come, go up."

Lu Xiangyu, who was held by Su Xiaoxiao, met with a look of anticipation and looked at Ye Hao with his eyes.

"Do you want to go up? I will take you." Ye Hao said with a smile, go over and hug him.

Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed a touch of fear, and took Lu Xiang’s hand back a few steps. After seeing Ye Hao’s sinking face, she realized that her reaction was too much, she said, "Hey brothers don't even ride a horse, don't you... sit up."

Ye Hao said faintly, "Children are no more than adults, and they can't walk much."

"Isn't that what you said? It's not a monster, what are you afraid of?" He said, whispering, and he hugged Lu Xiang, "Go, grandmother took you there."

"Mother!" Su Xiaoxiao eagerly cried, "Don't scare your brother."

Lu Xiangxi said loudly, "I am not afraid, I will ride a horse."

"Is that a horse? That is a monster!" Who knows what these people are with Lu Hao, she would rather stay in Kyoto City, and don't want to follow them all the way.

Ye Hao looked at Su Xiaoxiao and said, "Is the donkey reluctant to leave the family in the city?"

"Yes." Su Xiaoxiao nodded unceremoniously.

"Would you want me to send you back?" Ye Hao asked, she knew that Mingyu had a small relationship with Su Xiaoxiao. Su Xiaoxiao didn't care for her face because of her inconsistency. However, not every time she I am willing to look at the faces of others.

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Lu Shiming and said in a low voice, "No."

"Then go, go to the next city, and find a few carriages." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Hey, will we drag you down?" Jin Shanshan came to Ye Hao's side. She knew that they could not live in Kyoto City. They told them to leave, but they were actually good for them.

Ye Hao smiled. "Don't say dragging down, you are my most important person."

Jin Shanshan patted her shoulder and went to the horse to go to see her daughter.

After walking for a while, Lu Shiming gradually could not keep up with the speed. Under the persuasion of Ye Hao, they all sat on the horse.

Although Su Xiaoxiao was not happy, she was physically weaker and had to sit on her back.

"You are not the same as before." Bai Yi looked at Ye Hao and said it meaningfully.

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