Ye Hao glanced at the white faintly. "Where is it different?"

"I thought you would really die." Bai said with sarcasm that she had never done this kind of thing before, and that Wen Tian was seriously injured. Now that Wen Tian has not recovered, this little girl is smart. Some, no stupidity to sacrifice yourself.

"Do you think I look like a fool?" Ye Hao said with an eyebrow. The people are all irrelevant people. If she died because of their stupidity, how would the person who loves her feel sad?

Bai Yi smiled and said, "No matter how you look, you are a fool."

"I thought you were just having problems with your brain. I didn't expect even eyes to have problems." Fire Phoenix emerged from the back of Ye Hao and made an ugly face against Bai Yi.

"This is the fact that we are all tired of you." Bai Yi ignored the fire phoenix and regarded him as transparent.

Ye Hao looked at them and looked at them. I thought that Xiaoyan must have been kind enough to be a thunder. However, with the innocence and kindness of Xiao Xiao, I really thought that I had harmed the people.

"White, the person you said is Xiaoxi, I am not." Ye Hao said seriously.

"Whether you call Lu Hao or Xiao Yan, it is the same." Bai Yi snorted and looked at the person sitting on the Hummer. "We are so many people, we have to drag for these mortals." Slow speed."

Lying faintly, "Then you can go first, we have never been a passerby."

"Yeah, you are leaving you!" cried Fire Phoenix.

Bai Yi gave them a look, "I can't go!"

“What are you doing with us?” Ye Hao said faintly. “Isn’t it just to go to Kyoto with us?”

"Follow you to find Wen Tian." Bai Yi straightened and said, "He will definitely come back."

Regarding Wen Tian’s business, Ye Hao still had some problems she couldn’t understand. She looked at her life. “What are you going to do next? Is it going to find a choice and an eve?”

Lying in a low voice, "Do not look for them."

If you choose to see them, you will not disappear without a trace, and you will definitely come to them.

"I want to go to China." Ye Hao said, "Although I don't necessarily find a response, I still want to find someone...not a person, a mermaid."

The twilight of the lying is slightly changed, "Mermaid?"

“Is there still a mermaid in this world?” Van Gogh asked, whispering, “Isn't the Dragons almost merging the mermaid?”

"Azhan said that the nephew is a mermaid," said Ye Hao. "And she suddenly appeared on the human continent, perhaps from a ridiculous hell."

The lying and the Vatican looked at each other. "Small, where are you going, we will go."

Ye Hao had expected that they would say this, "Where are you going to find the smell of the sky?"

"The ridiculous hell." Lying said that since the embarrassment came from the absurd hell, the news must have been transmitted there, and there must be someone who knows where the loneliness of the Lord is.

"Sleeping, find the lonely soul of Wentian, what about others?" Ye Hao asked.

The coveted squatting said, "If a lonely soul finds it, he will be able to find him."

Ye Hao did not ask any more.



On this road, although there are horses and beasts, the speed is still much slower. What's more, Lu Shiming and Yu are both old, not on the road day and night, plus children, stopping at night to rest.

It is because of this that Ye Hao knows how far Zhao Yi spreads his rumors.

Probably the people in the whole world have treated her as a demon girl, and she can't wait for her to die.

Although I don't care what others think of her, but in order to facilitate the road, Ye Hao still can easily accommodate himself as a man, lest the road be recognized and lead to the indignation of the people.

Ming Xi also sent her a voice.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin are now helping him attack Qi. He said that if Zhao Qi’s suffocation is not completely destroyed, there will be a lot of troubles in the future, and those troubles will go to Mingyu.

When they will play Qiguo almost, they will come to her.

Tang Hanyan did not know what the mainland became like before they came. Now that they know it, they know that Ye Hao will not leave easily. Compared with the chaos of Xuantian mainland, the people on the mainland need help more.

At least the warriors of the Xuantian mainland have been repaired to be able to resist the monsters, and the people here have no power to protect themselves.

They could not open Ye Hao and Murong Chan to follow them to Xuantian.

Ye Hao returned to Ming Xi, and Zhao Yu was alive and dead, but her children had to keep a life.

Within a few days, Murong Yan decreed that he would pass the throne to Ming Yu and combine Jin Guo and Ning Guo. He became the youngest Tai Shang Huang.

His will is like a small stone, and after a little embarrassment in the world, it calms down.

No one cares about who is the emperor today, only who cares who can protect the world.

When they were about to enter Ningguo, they met an acquaintance on the road.

"Fang Shaoye..." Ye Hao looked at the young man who was holding a donkey. Isn't this the young master Fang Yan?

Fang Yanqi looked back at Ye Hao. He didn't recognize who Ye Hao was. After a while, he whispered. "You are... Ye Gongzi?"

"How are you here?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, shouldn't he be in Qinghe City?

"Sure enough, you!" Fang Yanyi said happily, although this time she saw that Ye Hao was different from the previous appearance, but his instincts felt that she was, "I want to go to the King City of Ning."

Ye Wei asked, "Is there something wrong with Qinghe City?"

"I really can't fill you anymore." Fang Yanxiao smiled. "Not long ago, there were monsters attacking Qinghe City. The city only escaped more than 100 people. Now everyone is hiding. I heard that Ningguo Tianhao defeated. The beast... I want to ask for a scorpio, can you tell me how to surrender the monster?"

“Where are you hiding?” Ye Hao asked, “What kind of monsters are you attacking?”

"It's not the same as the last one." Fang Yan's face is heavy. "It's bigger and more terrible. It looks like a rabbit. We have never seen such a ferocious rabbit. Everyone is hidden in the cellar of Fangjia. After my last grandfather, I hid a lot of food in the cellar, enough for them to use for a while, and... the last time you seemed to have made a battle in Fangjia, the monsters did not dare to move closer."

Ye Hao looked at him. "Fire, you go to Qinghe City to save the people with the white tiger. Fang Yanyi went to Wangducheng with us."

She knew that she couldn't control the monsters in the whole world, but since she met her, she couldn't sit back and ignore it.

"It’s not far from Qinghe City, you can go back quickly.” Ye Hao said.

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