Although most people in the world have heard the rumors, they have been dominated by the fears in their hearts after seeing the monsters. Any possible hope is enough for them to believe that they will come true.

They hope that Ye Hao can change the peace of the world in one death, but it does not mean that everyone believes this rumor. No matter what time or place, there will be rational people. They clearly understand that the reason why Qi will go today, it is Zhao Wei. As a result, an emperor who is immersed in hatred completely ignores the lives and deaths of the people. There are also many people who want to fight against Zhao.

When Tang Yan’s words were lyrical, many soldiers’ faces were hesitant.

"You... and the beasts, you dare to say that everyone is looking forward to it!" Zhao Yu sneered, reminding those soldiers who are already heart-warming, some of their family members were killed by the beasts, and they want to be with Mo Mingxi. Together, that is with the monster.

"If you can get along with the monsters, why can't you be with the monsters?" Mingxi asked faintly. "When mortals have not been able to drive the monsters out of the world, there are other ways besides getting along with each other." ?"

Zhao Wei sneered, "Strong words!"

Mingxi’s eyes are sharp and sharp. “Zhao Wei, you can’t even use the generals. Why do you fight against the monsters? Are you yourself? Do you have the ability to lead the soldiers behind you to fight the monsters, even the mortals fight? However, let alone the monster, at this time, you still refuse to give up the idea of ​​revenge."

"Lu Hao is dead, and naturally there is no need to take revenge." Zhao Wei said.

"Have you heard it? Your emperor just wanted to take revenge. She never thought about your future." Mingxi said, "Do you want to follow such an emperor?"

Tang Zhen said, "That is to continue to die."

"It doesn't matter if you don't open the city gate. We can get in as much as we can, but it hurts less." Ming Xi said.

"Stop!" Zhao said with anger. "Don't believe what they say, they are all deceptive."

Ming Xi said, "If I say something, the world is a testimony, there is no such thing as a false statement."

"Open the city gate!" I don't know who shouted.

Then, many soldiers from Qi State shouted out.

Zhao Wei’s eyes flashed a fluster, and she knew that many people hated herself, but at this time she betrayed her, she still couldn’t be indifferent.

Ming Xi looked at her faintly. "Zhao Wei, have you seen it? This is your people's heart!"

"Who dares to open the city gate and kill innocent!" Zhao Wei shouted loudly.

"Song General was born and died for Qi. Now what is the end of the game, you have not taken us as a person for revenge!" A taxi pointed at Zhao.

"Yes! Even if we don't open the gate today, we have to be against you."

"Open the city gate!"


Ming Xi silently looked at this scene. In fact, it is a matter of time before and after the Qigong Congress. Song Hongyi has not appeared since returning to the emperor. There are many soldiers in the military camp. How can they not doubt that Song Hongjun was sent out? From the moment when Zhao Yuguan was in the prison, the military camp floated in the hearts of the people. If it was not for the sake of his home country, he might have rebelled.

Zhao Wei heard the city gate open.

There was a string in her heart that was broken, and there was no hope for a little. She had no hope for the future, and everything was gray.

There is no Cheng Hao around, she is already dead.

"Ming Xi, Zhao Wei does not seem to be right." Tang Yu whispered to Ming Xi.

"She is already a madman." Ming Xi looked up at Zhao Wei and said that she was strong for her mother, but Zhao Wei was immersed in hatred and never thought about her son, but she had a little bit of thought for her son. She will not go this step.

The child frowned and said, "She has to jump."

"Don't let her die." When Mingxi's words were just finished, she saw Zhao Wei's open arms, like a dying golden bird jumping from the wall for life, her face without any expression, as if looking forward to a long time.

Ye Muxin flew up, and when Zhao Hao landed, she grabbed her back and gently brought her back to the ground.

"If you die, you can't make a sin." Ming Xi looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yu round eyes, now she has no freedom to die?

"Going into the city!" Ming Xi ordered, "Hou Ye, this person is handed over to you, don't let her die."

Let Zhao Wei die like this, isn't it too cheap for her?

Her self-serving person should live well and be tortured by hatred and thoughts.

Mingxi took the soldiers into the city and ordered not to hurt the people. The soldiers of Qi State saw that most of their companions no longer resisted, and they also put down their weapons. At this time, resistance has no meaning.

At the gate of the palace, one person is waiting for Mingxi.

"Song General, you are still alive, that's not bad." Ming Xi smiled at Song Hongyi, who was often in a casual suit. He really thought that Zhao Wei killed Song Hongwei.

Song Hongyu said, "I’ll come back earlier than I expected.”

"Of course, it is easier to have General Song as an opponent." Ming Xi said, "However, you seem to be hurt, wouldn't you want to stop me from entering the palace?"

"Do not stop." Song Hongyi shook his head. He knew that there would be this day and would not do unnecessary resistance. "What about Zhao Wei? Can you leave her a life?"

Ming Xi said, "How can she let her die? She wants her to live well."

"She is not easy." Song Hongyi still speaks for Zhao Wei. The long princess has only hatred since she lost her mother. She used to hate the emperor. Later, Cheng Hao was better, and later hated Lu Hao.

Her life has been dominated by hatred.

Mingxi said faintly, "Who is living now?"

Song Hongzhen was silent for a moment. "She shouldn't swear."

Hey? Mingxi raised his eyebrows, and Song Hongjun actually called his mother's name so familiar. "General Song, you don't have to delay the time here. I don't intend to take Zhao's son. If you want to take him away, then let's go. ""

Song Hong looked at Ming Xi from different places. "What do you say?"

"Do you think that I will kill her son like Zhao Wei?" Ming Xi sarcastically asked, "She and Cheng Hao's son can take it away, but don't teach him to come back to revenge."

"No." Song Hongjun whispered, he did not expect Mingxi to see through his intentions.

Ming Xi said, "That's it."

"These beasts..." Song Hongyi looked at Mingxi’s back. "Is it really hurting?"

"No." Mingxi said decisively.

Song Hongzhen took a deep breath, "Don't tell Zhao Wei that her son was taken away by me."

He didn't want the child to know his life in the future, and he didn't want Zhao to have the opportunity to find them in the future.

"Good." Mingxi promised.

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