Zhao is crazy.

She thought she would die, but she was still alive, but she had already forgotten that she was an emperor. She lived in her previous memories all day, only talking and smirking at the air, as if Cheng Hao was standing in front of her.

Ming Xi did not like Zhao Wei, but she still felt pitiful when she saw her like this.

"What happened to her?" Ye Muxin asked in a low voice. Although she is not a native of the world, she can do what the female emperor should not be able to do, but what Zhao Zhao did. I feel that I am a weak person.

"Is hated by hatred, I can't think of it." Ming Xi said, "I only see other people's hatred, I never thought about my own reasons, so I will be persistent."

Ye Muxin looked at Ming Xi, "You don't kill her?"

Although Zhao Wei is crazy, she is the king of a country after all. If she does not kill, it is inevitable that someone will use her. It is not necessarily a good thing for Ming Xi to keep her.

It’s not that Ye Mu’s heart is hot, she just looks at it from the perspective of a bystander.

"She has already died already." Ming Xi said, "Is it different from death?"

Ye Muxin said, "Although this is said, it is necessary to prevent it from happening."

Mingxi smiled. "You didn't think I should stop fighting at first?"

"I originally thought that you wanted to invade Qi State, but later discovered that it was not." Ye Muxin said seriously, "You have done nothing wrong. If you don't do this, Zhao Wei will make more and more to the aunt." rumor."

"Mingyu has sent people to take over the things of Qi State. I will go to my mother first," Mingxi said.

Ye Muxin’s eyes lit up. “That’s great. I have never seen an aunt for a long time. I don’t know how she is.”

"My mother is of course very good." Mingxi said after thinking about it. "Although there are a lot of things to worry about, but how is it better than in the Xuantian mainland, the last time you called the monastic decent, almost killed us? ""

"That time... I don't want to... It's all misunderstanding..." Ye Mu said with a heartfelt heart. Although she did not join the ranks of crusade, the Great Sacred and the Shengzongmen were both besieged, but now they are coming. Asking Ye Hao and the city owner for help, it is a bit unreasonable.

Mingxi looked at Ye Muxin's look, and his mouth was high and up. "Just kidding, you don't need to take it seriously."

Ye Muxin smiled and nodded.

"I don't know where I am, so if you want my mother to go to Xuantian mainland, it is impossible." Ming Xi said softly, don't say he will definitely not agree, he will not agree How do those people in Xuantian mainland treat them, this time only if his mother goes back alone, who knows what will happen.

"You can rest assured that we will not force it." Tang Hanyan came over. "We didn't know that there was such a thing on the mainland before we came. Now it seems that there will be a phenomenon of chaos in the Xuantian continent. Relationship, you said the big monster and the Gorefiend, maybe they can solve it."

Compared with mortal people, Tang Hanyan knows more about the origins of the big monsters and the Gorefiends. Before they were only guessing, they are now confirmed.

If you can find the demon flag or smell the sky, then the troubles of both continents can be solved.

"We can't go back to Xuantian mainland with our own strength." Tang Hanyan said.

Ming Xi waved his hand. "Well, wait until I see my mother."



Zhao Qi’s son was not found in Qi’s palace. Mingxi did not deliberately find it. Zhao’s most trusted sister, Zhao Xiang, did not find it. He should have left with the child. Mingxi did not do anything to the Song family. What, with Song Hongyi decided to stay.

Song Hongyi did not leave, he chose to stay, but the rest of the Song family left Kyoto City the next day, leaving only a few of the descendants of Song Hongyu who used to be used.

Ming Xi has no opinion on this, and his impression of Song Hongyi is quite good.

"Ming Xi!" Tang Yan strode over and took a secret letter in his hand. "Look at this, it is from Kyoto City."

"I look." Mingxi knows that there are monsters to attack Kyoto City. If his mother arrived in time, it is hard to say what Kyoto City is.

He opened the secret letter and saw it inside.

"Six uncles have retired?" Mingxi asked strangely, "so fast!"

Although Jin Guo will hand in the hands of Ming Yu in the morning and evening, but Liu Shu is still so young, so eager to abdicate to Ming Yu?

Tang Yin said, "The emperor has already issued a will, for specific reasons... I am afraid you still have to ask Qin Wang."

He knew that Mingxi’s own method of contact with him would soon be able to get a reply, although he did not know what to do.

"My mother didn't mention this when she gave me a message two days ago." Mingxi said, "There is definitely a reason for Liu Shu to do this."

Mingxi sent a note to Ye Hao and he quickly got a reply.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, Liu Shu’s purple gas disappeared and he was seriously injured. If he did not abdicate, Kyoto City would have no purple gas to protect.

Forget it, it is a matter of time.

"My mother, they have already traveled to Wangducheng." Mingxi said, "Hou, I have to hand over to you here, I will go to Wangducheng to see my mother."

There is nothing else in Qi’s side. Tang Yan can handle it. Since the emperor has already abdicated, he will also follow the orders of Ming Yu’s Tian Yu. There is no difference.

"Good." Tang Hao nodded.

"When Mingyu sent people to come, Qi Congress merged with Ningguo, now it is necessary to add Jinguo." Mingxi frowned and thought about it. I don't know what it would be like after I knew about it.

Tang Wei said, "When the Ming Yu princess sent someone, I will cooperate with them."

Mingxi went to Tang Hanyan and told them about the situation in Kyoto.

"...I didn't find the demon flag. My mother first went to Wangdu City, then went to the sea to go to China. Do you want to walk with us?" Mingxi found Tang Hanyan, and said the situation that Ye Hao had encountered. By the way, ask them about the arrangements.

Tang Hanyan said, "We have to go to see Auntie anyway, how to arrange it later, and then meet with Auntie."

Mingxi was undecided, and he agreed to leave for Wangdu City early tomorrow morning.

"Hey, what about children?" Mingxi looked around, as if she hadn't seen her nephew all day, and she was closely following him on weekdays.

I was asking, not far from the voice of fighting, a powerful spirituality shrouded.

It is the spiritual power of the child!

Mingxi’s face changed, “There is something wrong!”

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