Since the appearance of the Gorefiend, the nephew has always concealed his own breath, and even the spiritual power is controlled to prevent people from seeing it. It is sure to let the deaf release such spiritual power, and it is sure to encounter the opponent.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin followed behind him and came to the main street of Dongcheng District. The nephew stood in the middle of the street, and the pressure shrouded the entire street. Although she had the power to control her own, this kind of spirit was The human continent is already rare.

Standing opposite the nephew, there are two young men and women. The man’s forehead has a red scar, but his face is white and jade, but the scar is so ugly. He stands next to him and looks like only thirteen. The old girl, who looks young and young, has a pair of hazy sharp eyes, like the eyes of a wild wolf.

They all have the spirit of Gorefiend!

"Hey!" Ming Xi came to the side of the nephew and looked at the two people. "What happened?"

"They are Gorefiends." The nephew whispered, and seemed to be coming to her.

Mingxi blinks slightly, "Choose the heart, the moon!"

They have seen other Gorefiends. Although they have not seen the glory and the beam, they are now with them, and it is impossible to appear here. Therefore, the two most likely ones are The two Gophers of the Palace of the Earth disappeared.

Choose your heart and the moon!

"Have you seen us?" Choosing an eyebrow and looking at Mingxi, he was surprised that he recognized them.

Nowadays, on this continent, you will know that there are not many of them.

"You don't go to meet with them, what are you going to do here?" Ming Xi stood in front of her nephew and let her take back the spiritual power, lest she be seen that she was the identity of Xiao Bailong.

The moon and the moon facelessly point to the nephew behind Mingxi. "She, we have to take it away."

"Where are you going with your nephew?" Ming Xi smiled and asked, and it really came to the nephew.

what is the problem? These two Gorefiends are unlikely to see the identity of the deaf children. They don’t even know where they are, and where do they want to take them?

"You don't need to ask more." The moon said coldly, "Hand over her."

"You said that if you go with you, you will go with you. Then we are not too faceless." The nephew squinted at the small head and looked dissatisfied. It was the first time that someone had a knife and a gun to be directed at her. I don't know if she is a little white dragon, or she won't be both of them.

However, what are the orders of the Gorefiends who just left the underground palace?

The choice of heart said with no expression, "That would blame us."

After all, he had a black long scorpion in his hand and stabbed in the throat of Mingxi.

Mingxi's twilight became darker, and the sharp knife tip arrived at Mingxi's throat, but he couldn't stab him.

how is this possible! The choice of the heart of the eye flashed a strange, his long scorpion is ancient bronze magic, even the black iron can pierce, how could not stab into the boy's throat.

"Don't die!" Choose the only possibility, "You actually make it undead!"

Mingxi grinned and punched his chest in the heart of his choice. "Yes, this is a little trick, and your ancient Gorefiend will definitely not be in your eyes."

There was no defense in mind, and Mingxi hit a punch and jerked back a few steps.

"Be careful!" Xiyue helped the chosen back and carried two big long knives to Mingxi.

"Who is going to kill you?" Ming Xi asked while he was dealing with the eve of the moon. "Have you ever seen a sleep?"

Xi Yue sneer, "I don't think you have seen your big brother."

"Of course, I am lying with my mother now, they are still looking for you, you are waking up in the underground palace, not looking for them, running here to catch the children?" Mingxi asked.

"Have you seen lying and Vatican?" asked strangely, and he glanced at him. "When we take her back, I will naturally look for a living."

Ming Xi discovered that this eve of the moon was an innocent girl, but with a double knife but every move with a murderous murder.

"Who wants you to catch the children?" Ming Xi asked, will not be lying, will not be smelling it?

"You don't need to take care of you!" cried the eve.

Ming Xi is no longer merciless, and a fire rushes out of his palm.

In the evening of the moon, I took a palm and slammed back a few steps. The eyes flashed a bit of surprise. This young man’s cultivation has already reached the peak of the ancestral world. How old is he? Even if there is no talent, it is impossible to cultivate so fast.

Choose your heart and rush to help the arm of Xiyue. "Is it okay?"

"This boy is not simple." Xiyue whispered, they thought it would be easy to take the little girl away, and the girl’s spiritual power was beyond their imagination, and the boy was too deep. It is.

"Let me guess." Mingxi said with a smile. "When you wake up, you should know that they are nearby, but you are not looking for them because someone else first finds you, this person... ...should not be smelling."

The choice of heart and the moon's face are indifferent, and it is undecided about Mingxi's guess.

"If it is smelling the sky, why didn't he go looking for a living?" Mingxi said with a deep pretense, "Don't you want to see Xiaoxiao early?"

"Who are you talking about?" The choice of heart sinks and he wonders if he is wrong.

Ming Xi’s lips smiled. “Small sister, isn’t it a sleepy sister?”

"How do you know..." Choosing Mingxi, choose how this young boy knows Xiaoyan.

Xiyue took the hand of choosing the heart, and looked at Mingxi with a cold eye. "Xiaoying has already died, what do you mention her?"

"So, you don't go looking for a living, how do you know what's going on in the world?" Ming Xi said with a smile, "Don't be deceived and don't know."

"Crap!" said the moon, "Don't talk nonsense, hand over the little girl."

Ming Xi said, "I have the ability to take her away."

Xi Yue frowned at Ming Xi, thinking about how high the chance of taking the little girl from his hands.

"We can't beat, go." Choose the heart to hold the hand of the moon, the little girl has not shot, just let the pressure on the pressure to make them feel pressure, if the little girl and the teenager teamed up, they have no chance of winning.

"But..." I looked at my nephew, and they promised to bring the girl back.

"I will say it next time." Xiyue whispered, pulling the choice to disappear in the sight of Mingxi.

The nephew immediately had to catch up, Mingxi stopped her and said, "No need to worry, we will know where they are going."

“Is it really a smell?” the child whispered.

"It shouldn't be." Ming Xi shook his head, most likely, perhaps there are other big monsters, or... Gorefiend.

The child’s eyebrows are wrinkled. “I’m coming to me, I don’t know if I am...”

"If you know, it is not that they are coming." Ming Xi said.

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