Ming Xi put a tracer on the body of his choice. When he learned their identity, he had this idea. They would not catch the child for no reason, and they would not know where to live. .

"They...is the ancient Gorefiend?" Tang Hanyan, who came with Mingxi, asked in surprise, "The spiritual power of them is different from ours."

"The blood demon is practicing magic, not spiritual power. The earth on the earth is inherently lacking in aura. For them, this is not a good place to practice warriors, so they cultivated into a Gorefiend."

Ye Muxin looked at his nephew. "But why are they arresting children?"

Ming Xi and his nephews look at each other. They should not choose the heart and the moon and want to catch people, but the people behind them.

That person may already know the identity of the deaf child.

However, since the appearance of the Gorefiend, the nephew has covered up the breath, unless it is repaired to be taller than her, otherwise it cannot be seen.

"I don't know, it will be clear to see the people behind them." Ming Xi whispered, "I will go back to the palace with my nephew."

Tang Hanyan said, "I will go with you, and I will be a helper."

"I am going with you too," said Ye Muxin.

Mingxi thought about it. I don't know how many people there are. If there are Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin, at least two helpers.

"Let's go." Ming Xi nodded and looked for the traces on his mind. They were already tracking at the speed of the teleport, a long distance away from the capital city, and finally Stop in a hidden deep forest.

"The tracer lost its sense." Ming Xi said, "It seems that it was discovered by the heart."

The nephew looked around. "The aura here is much more abundant than other places. We look for it, maybe it's nearby."

"Let's find it separately." Tang Hanyan said, "I found that I immediately passed the voice."

The four of them were separately found in this old forest.

"Ming Xi, do you think who will let them come to arrest me?" and Ming Xi alone, he told him about the two Gorefiends.

"It won't be smelling." Mingxi whispered, he analyzed it. If it is Wentian's words, he should first look for him in his life, especially knowing that his mother is a reincarnation. It is even more impossible to hide behind the order and choose the heart and the moon to catch the child.

"I don't think it will be smelling." The child gently nodded. "Who can be?"

Mingxi frowned and shook his head. "It's hard to say, I seem... I feel that Xiaoliu is nearby."

The nephew looked at him strangely. "Isn't the P6 being taken away by Van Loo?"

Van Gogh?

"Does Gorefiend and Fanluo have a relationship?" Mingxi suddenly asked, he remembered one thing, Ye Wei would become a primary Gorefiend, as if it was the reason of Van Gogh.

Can Van Gogh not be the emperor of God's mainland? He can't keep up with the ancient Gorefiend.

"Do you remember Ye Wei?" asked the child.

"Yeah." Mingxi nodded. "Choose the heart and the eve of the moon. Why do you have to obey an emperor on the mainland? They should have been enemies."

This is also a place where my nephew can't figure out.


Not far away, suddenly there was a loud noise.

Mingxi’s face changed, “Go and see.”

They came to the place where the sound was loudest as soon as possible. They did not see other people, only Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin.

Tang Hanyan was injured.

"Is it okay?" Ming Xi rushed to help Tang Hanyan, and saw a red wound on her neck with a little white stuff on it.

"Who hurt her?" asked the child.

Ye Muxin supported Tang Hanyan, who was already unconscious, and his face was very pale. "Just like that woman, Sancha is to save me, blocking me in front... Mingxi, how is Sancha?"

"I am afraid that there are blood worms in my body. I can't cure her for it." Ming Xi said, the blood worm is such a strange thing that killing and killing in the body, using the force to force the blood worm, will only make the blood worm grow. Faster and ultimately take the host's awareness.

"What should I do?" Ye Mu was so anxious to cry. Although she was the first to see Gorefiend, she knew the blood worms. If Sancha became a corpse, she would not forgive herself if she died. of.

Ming Xi said, "My mother is coming to Wangducheng. We will go to Wangducheng to find her now."

"Auntie... Can you save three?" Ye Muxin saw a little hope.

"Yes, let's go." Mingxi said, there is no time to delay, they must find them as soon as possible.

Lying is an ancient Gorefiend, he must know how to save cold smoke.

"Okay, good!" Ye Muxin nodded hard.

"I am going to carry her back." Ming Xi said, walking over will make Tang Han smoke back, "Is it hurting you in the evening?"

Ye Muxin took a deep breath and explained what had just happened. "We started with a teenager about 14 or five years old. He should be a mortal. He has been at least a peak in the Qing Dynasty. I joined forces with Sancha. Grab him, and the Gorefiend appears, we...not the Gorefiend opponent."

"A 14-year-old boy?" Ming Xi's attention was immediately attracted to this. "What does it look like?"

"Look... it’s very good, I have never seen such a beautiful boy, he was taken away by the moon." Ye Muxin said.

This boy is in all likelihood, Yan Xiaoliu!

Mingxi wanted to chase after Yan Xiaoliu, but he hesitated to look at Tang Hanyan. If he didn't look for Yan Xiaoliu at this time, Fan Luo would definitely take him away, but if he went to find it... Tang Hanyan I am afraid I will be taken away by the blood worm.

He whispered to him, "Ming Xi?"

"Go to Wangdu City first." Mingxi whispered that Yan Xiaoliu could find it later. If he did not save Tang Hanyan in time, there would be no chance.

Ming Xi let Ye Muxin pass a message to Duan Jingshu, let him go to Tang Yu and say, they first went to Wang Ducheng, and other things were handed over to Tang Yan, so that Duan Jingshu left help.

The words are all explained, they rushed to the capital city at the fastest speed.

On the other hand, Ye Hao, when they were about to arrive at Wangdu City, they received the notes of Mingxi, knowing that Tang Hanyan was injured by Xiyue.

Ye Hao looked at the other side of the field, "Xiyue... and choose to arrest the children."

"I have only seen Vatican once," whispered, "I have never seen it before."

"I am not doubting you," Ye Hao frowned. "I have been unable to heal the wounds caused by blood worms. Can you save Tang Hanyan?"

"Let Ming Xi send people to say, I will try." Li said, if it is only a blood worm, he has a way.

Ye Hao’s look is heavy, and this matter is actually related to Fan Luo, then... more complicated.

She couldn't think of the choice of the ancient Gorefiend and how the eve would listen to the words of Vatican.

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