Ye Hao’s unreasonable things are equally confusing.

"In fact, it is not certain that Van Gogh, Ming Xi did not see him." Ye Hao said, she still hopes that the person should not be Vatican. If it is him, she really can't think of choice and why she wants to listen to him. Commanded to do things.

Van Gogh...I doubt the identity of my nephew.

When they left the mainland of God, the nephew showed the true body. At that time, the atmosphere of the real dragon was shocked by the whole mainland. She heard that Fan Luo always seemed to be looking for the whereabouts of the dragon. Maybe she was for the dragon. ......

Lying in a low voice, "When will they come to Mingxi?"

"It’s already on the road, and it’s coming soon.” Ye Hao said, “I will go to see Mingyu first.”

The palace of Wangducheng is still being repaired. Because the damage is too serious, it is scared to run too many people by the monster, and it is not enough for a moment, so the speed can't keep up.

Ming Yu has gradually started to work on the political front, especially since the confidant of Mo Rongzhan has become her right hand, she no longer feels more than enough.

Ming Yu, who is discussing the New Deal with the ministers, heard that Ye Hao was outside the palace. Her eyes flashed a touch of joy, and immediately let the ministers step back and happily go to see Ye Hao.

"Mother, mother!" Ming Yu is like a little butterfly dancing, no longer as dignified and majestic as before in the minister, in front of Ye Hao, she will always be a little girl who has not grown up.

Seeing that she grew up with a lot of daughters, Ye Hao felt warm and sad in her heart. If she could, she really wished she could stay with Ming Yu and watch her grow up happily.

"Mother, when did you come?" Ming Yu grabbed Ye Hao's arm and shouted intimately.

"I just came to see you in Wangducheng." Ye Hao stroked the cheek of Mingyu. "Is it tired? I am not used to it?"

Ming Yu said with a small mouth. "It’s exhausting, I’m not used to it. I didn’t like to use my brain before. Now I want to think about things, so tired and tired.”

Looking at her daughter's spoiled look, Ye Hao's heart is really going to be turned into water. "Mingyu should be a clear and leisurely princess."

"Actually... not so tired." Ming Yu didn't want Ye Hao to worry about her. She said with a smile. "Hey, it's all good people, they can solve a lot of troubles, and Xu Jinbei also helps." I, I am not used to it for a while."

Ye Hao knows that her daughter is actually very intelligent. She only has her and Murong Zhan, and there is Mingxi who helped her. Later, Murong used to make her temperament more and more lazy.

"Is there a monster in the city of Wangdu recently?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"No, some people who have left are also coming back." Ming Yu said, "There are also monsters in other places, it is better to be safe in Wangdu."

Ye Hao gently decapitated, and now there is no other place than the Wangdu City is safer, the purple gas of Mingyu has been fully revealed, the monsters do not dare to attack Wangducheng easily.

"Mother, how come you came? Did you find the demon flag?" Ming Yu asked, although she didn't know much, but she knew that they were leaving for the demon, and only found the demon flag. Only able to control those monsters.

"No." Ye Hao whispered, "The Qigong and Jinguo's underground palaces have not found a response. I want to see you and tell you something."

Ming Yu said, "Are you leaving again?"

Ye Hao smiled bitterly. "We have to go out to sea and take a look at your grandfather. Although China is unlikely to have a palace, it is always going to have a look. Besides... Ange Saint has never heard of it, and I am worried. You and the monk should have gone to the ridiculous hell, and I have no news of him."

“Is it very dangerous?” Ming Yu asked with concern.

"Now there is no danger, but you don't have to worry about me, but I don't trust you."

Ming Yu patted her little chest, "Mom, I am good, now I am Scorpio."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "Yeah, we are very powerful."

"Mother, what if I can't find it?" Ming Yu asked.

"That can only think of another method." Ye Hao said, there is really no way, then it is only to find the weather.

However, where should I go to find the weather?

Ye Hao is now unable to do anything, and can only find it naturally.

"Right, you are all pregnant, they are coming." Ye Hao whispered, "I will place them in the big house outside the palace, and wait for it, and then come to the palace to see you."

Mingyu’s eyes lit up, and then frowned and said, “Is it because of rumors? Oh, I know that Zhao’s rumors like walking will not have good things. Fortunately, everyone in Wangdu City knows that you saved them, rumors. Did not spread."

Even if it is not spread, some people will believe it.

Ye Hao said, "Don't worry about rumors, Ming Xi said that Zhao Wei is already crazy. Who are you going to go to Qi?"

"I have sent people to go, wait for the things over there to be handled, and then announce the merger of the three countries." Ming Yu said.

"Well, you are more and more a country's genius." Ye Hao touched the head of Mingyu and smiled. "Your brother will soon go to Wangducheng."

Ming Yu leaned on the shoulder of Ye Hao. "How long will you go to sea?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao said helplessly, "I hope I can come back soon."

"That... Did you hear the news of Xiaoliu this time?" Ming Yu really missed Yan Xiaoliu, but she didn't dare to think about him. When she thought of him, she felt very uncomfortable. If it weren't for her, Yan Xiaoliu would not be taken away.

Ye Qiu thought for a moment, Mingxi did not see Yan Xiaoliu in Qi State this time, I don’t know if it was him, so don’t tell Mingyu better, lest she have hope in her heart. Face greater despair.

"Not yet." Ye Hao whispered, "If there is news of Xiaoliu, we will tell you, and will bring him."

"Mother, Xiaoliu will not die." Ming Yu's eyes flashed a panic, this is her most fearful thing.

Ye Hao said affirmatively, "No! It will not."

Ming Yu smiled a little, and hoped that Xiaoliu would return safely.

"Go out of the palace and go, see the cousin of the cousin." Ye Hao said, shifting the attention of Mingyu.

"Okay, I haven't been out of the palace for a long time, I just want to go to the heart." Ming Yu laughed again.

Ye Hao took her hand. She seemed to have been walking with her daughter's hand for a long time. In memory, when she was holding this, her daughter was still a little bit different, and even walking was unstable.

It has been so many years in the blink of an eye that she has not had time to watch her daughter grow up, and her daughter has been able to stand alone.

Ming Yu is the biggest embarrassment of her life.

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