Murong Yu only thought that the palace lady in front of her eyes seemed to be familiar, but she could not remember who she was. Seeing that Lei Bingfu’s look was weird, he remembered who the palace lady was.

This is the former Lei Family II girl who had to enter the palace in Wuling City. What is Ting?

"Get up." Murong slammed openly, and did not intend to pay more attention to Lei Jieting.

When Lei Rongting was about to leave, Murong’s eyes were tearful, and looked at Lei Bingfu pitifully. “Sister, I finally saw you.”

"You look for me?" Lei Bingfu smiled and raised his eyebrows. She never heard that Lei Jieting was looking for her, but she cursed her behind her many times.

"Sister, I have been in the palace for so long, my heart has been thinking about my family. In the palace, I only have one of you, and there have been so many things happening outside. I am really scared..." Lei Jieting said pitifully. .

In Lei Bingfu’s memory, she was not the first to see that Lei Jieting was so weak. She used to be pity in front of her father. This is the trick she and her mother used. This time it was not for the sake of winning her sympathy, but for wanting to see it for Murong.

Sometimes she really admired Lei Jieting, and changed her emperor, which is easy to be tempted by the female color, she must be very easy to go up.

"What do you want?" Lei Bingfu asked with a smile. "If you want to go back to Wuling City, you can be allowed to leave the palace."

"Sister only wants to be able to stay with her sister." Lei Jieting whispered.

Although she did not go out of the palace, what happened outside, she had heard about it recently, even if she went out to the palace to return to Leijia, who knows what the Lei family is now, and when the Mo Mingyu came back, the master of the palace completely changed. If she can't seize a chance at this time, she will only be a uterus in the palace in the future, and she will die here.

She was only sixteen years old, and she was so happy that she was willing to die.

"Do you want to stay in the side of the palace?" Lei Bingfu feels more funny, his mouth is high, and this is really not a guilty conscience.

"Yes." Lei Jieting looked at Murong Yu slyly, she wanted to let Murong Yu at least leave a little impression on her.

Lei Bingfu looked at Lei Jieting. "The palace is looking at you from the youngest to the big, why should you stay with you?"

"Sister..." Lei Jieting flashed a slap in the eyes. She wanted to let the emperor see how Lei Bingfu was a narrow-minded person. Even if their sister had any gaps before, she was a palace lady in the palace for so long. Eat so much bitterness, but if you have a bit of a chest, you should forgive her.

"Either go out of the palace back to Wuling City, or continue to be a palace lady in the clothing bureau, others, don't think too much." Lei Bingfu said with no expression.

Lei Jieting looked at Murong with tears in his eyes. "Emperor, please be your slave."

Let Murong Yu give her the master? Lei Bingfu almost wants to laugh out loud. In fact, Lei Jieting said so much, in order to say this with Murong Yu.

"I don't care about the harem." Murong said faintly, how could he not see Lei Jieting's mind.

Lei Jieting stepped forward and wanted to protect Murong’s calf, which was blocked by Ford. “Let’s go!”

"The emperor, please give the slave to the master." Lei Jieting wants to get the care of Murong Yu, but also wants to ask for a hope, she really does not want to stay in the clothing bureau, do not want to be a palace lady who has no hope for a lifetime.

"How do you want to be the master?" Murong asked indifferently.

Lei Jieting thought that Murong Yu was finally soft, and she looked at him with delight. "Since my sister doesn't need slaves to serve, then... the slaves are willing to give you the horse to serve the emperor."

"You don't need slaves around you, you don't need cows or horses." Murong said faintly, "If you are not willing to stay in the palace, then you are allowed to leave, Ford!"

"The slave knows what to do, kneel down," Ford said.

Murong Yu did not pay attention to Lei Jieting, and walked in front of him.

Lei Bingfu smiled and followed him.

Later, Lei Jieting’s crying was exhausted. However, they did not seem to hear it, and they still slowly walked to the Royal Hospital.

"You don't seem to worry about you will leave her?" Murong glanced at Lei Bingfu, remembering that for a long time, she never seemed to care about how to find ways to approach him. She decided that he would not be pampered by those women. ?

"Why is the courtier worried? You will not leave her at all." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, if it was because of her sister, Murong Yu was afraid that she would not even say a word.

Murong stopped and followed her slightly. "You are broad-minded."

Hearing his tone is a bit unhappy, Lei Bingfu is a bit surprised, how can he get angry? Did she say something wrong?

"The emperor, you should not be... I think the courtiers should be jealous?" Lei Bingfu is a smart woman who knows the reason.

Murong’s face flashed a slap in the face, and he slammed and walked forward.

"Emperor, wait." Lei Bingfu's mouth couldn't help but bend. "Chen Chen is not not jealous. I think the emperor's eyes are not so bad. If you really look at Lei Jieting, then how can it be? Let the other gongs in the palace be issued to the palace."

"You don't ask why, why don't you let you go?" Murong whispered, and the obvious mood was not so good.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I am so smart and wise, and the emperor is of course reluctant."

"You really boast of yourself." Her dignified and sages are all pretending. I really thought he couldn't see it. Although Murong grinned, his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He didn't know why. I want to leave Lei Bingfu.

Probably for so many years, she is the only woman who makes him feel easy and funny.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "The courtiers are telling the truth."

Murong smirked lightly, didn't say anything more, but his mood improved inexplicably.

After so many things happened, he and Lei Bingfu also experienced several life and death. Every time she stood firmly beside him, she seemed to always be awesome to him, but at some point not fearful. His status, the words that should be said should not be said a lot, she has her unique temper, what kind of attitude she will have in front of what kind of person, if she is not familiar with her, she does not know her What a real temper is like.

It's not bad to have someone who can get along well with each other.

In the depths of his heart, the stunning woman has become a white moonlight that can never disappear. He loves her and recites her, but he clearly knows that she does not belong to him.

As long as she is doing well, it is enough.

He is also very good now.

"The emperor, the emperor, the Song Daren woke up!" They had not yet reached the Royal Hospital, they heard the palace man cried happily.

Murong Yu’s face was a joy, and he looked back at Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu smiled. "Qin Wangxi said that as long as the Song Master can wake up, it is to save his life."

"Yeah." Murong nodded and strode to the Royal Hospital.

Jin Wuxi fell, the palace was illuminated by the light, although there are still some troubles outside, but tomorrow morning, the sun will still be bright and bright.

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