Ridiculous hell.

After meeting the discoloration python, Murong Chan was able to confirm that he and Yu Xiu appeared in the absurd hell. The high-level monsters here know their arrival, and they use various methods to prevent them from investigating the smell. And the heavenly thing.

It began on the day they met the fire beast.

"Modi, are we going to the Chiyan market or the prisoner?" Now they are most likely to find the two places, but can the fire beast and the discolored snakes believe?

"Hongyan Market." Murong Zhan said that they know nothing about the absurd hell. It is certainly not easy to find the sky easily. No matter where you go, you have to go.

A double-headed eagle shouted at the side, "The red ash and the prisoner are in two directions. Where are you going?"

"Don't ask you, shut up!" Yan Xiu looked coldly at the double-headed eagle.

This double-headed eagle was caught by them not long ago. It is not a high-order monster. It has just passed the mind and can't completely transform the adult shape. However, it is familiar with the terrain of the ridiculous hell, so that it is best to lead the way. Choosing, so Murong Zhan did not hesitate to arrest him, and even Jin Dan was in control. If the double-headed eagle was disobedient, Jin Dan, who was hard to cultivate, was completely destroyed.

For two centuries, the two-headed eagle has been practicing adulthood. Wherever it dares to fall short, it is natural for them to listen to them and listen to their arrangements.

“Where is it going to be closer?” asked Murong Chan.

"Nothing is close!" cried the double-headed eagle. "These two places can't go. There are fire corals in the Chiyan Market. There are scorpions in the prison. You don't know, they are all ancient monsters." Even the most demon monsters here are not their opponents."

Yan Fu frown said, "Nonsense, the true seal of the white rock is good, how come those big monsters come out?"

"What is the seal of the dragon, the seal has long been useless." The double-headed eagle shouted. "I don't know who broke the seal. In short, I can't take you to these two places."

Ink Murray and Yan Xiu looked at each other. When they came from the black hole, they saw that the statue of the real dragon was intact. They thought that the seal was still good. If the seal of the dragon had expired, then... the big demon sealed in the absurd hell. Aren't the beasts awakened?

The wake of the top ten monsters... no matter which continent it is not good.

“When did the seal expire?” Yan Xiu slammed the double-headed eagle and asked him to raise his voice.

The true dragon seal is invalid, and the mainland is actually ignorant!

It is no wonder that the mainland will be chaotic, and who is manipulating this.

Yan Xiu felt an chilling fear like never before.

They seem to have a really strong opponent.

"It didn't take long..." The two-headed eagle said hesitantly, "There have been decades...several hundred years...I don't know, I have cultivated Jindan with wisdom, and I know that this ridiculous **** has a big monster. ""

Murong Chan looks at the double-headed eagle. This is a five-headed double-headed eagle. It has just learned to shape the adult. Jin Dan is still somewhat unstable. At least it has been practiced for five hundred years. According to his time, he is ridiculously infernal. The big monster has existed for at least a hundred years.

It was so quietly awakened.

"Unless someone deliberately squats, it is impossible for God to not know." Even if the emperors on the mainland of God did not notice, could they be above God in nine days? They must have known it, and they are actually awakened by the big monster.

Too much to say.

Murong has a thin and tight lips. It seems that nine days is definitely a problem.

"Go to the Chiyan Market." Murong Zhan said that since there is a big monster in the Chiyan Market, it is even more important to look at it.

When the two-headed eagle heard the words of Murong Cham, it almost burst into tears and tears. "Adults, like our little monsters, will definitely not survive in Chiyan."

"You can rest assured that it won't make you a roast bird." said Xiu Xiu.

Murong Cham said, "In addition to smelling the sky, other big monsters are ridiculously hell?"

"It should be." Yan Xiu nodded gently.

"That day..." Murong Cham's gaze is so heavy that he can become a leader in the absurd hell, and let other big monsters obey. Who is this heaven?

The face of Xiu Xiu is heavy. "Mu Di, I think we will continue to check, there are only two possibilities."

Murong Zhan looked up at him and waited for him to continue.

"Either we are killed or we can't find anything." 钰 whispered, "Do we go to God for nine days first, maybe they have a way."

"If they have a way, the mainland will not become like that." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Yan Xiu sighed, and since he became an emperor, he is so overwhelmed for the first time.

The two-headed eagle told them that there are obviously fewer monsters in the ridiculous hell. There have been two gaps in the recent past. They all left the gap. Some went to the mainland and some went to the heavens. The demon who cultivated Jindan did not dare to cross the gap, fearing that it would be swallowed up by other monsters.

"Two gaps?" Murong Chan frowned. "Is there a gap to the Xuantian continent?"

"Yes! It seems... there is a big monster to take with." The double-headed eagle said carefully, "I don't know which grandfather."

It seems that the situation in Xuantian mainland will not be too optimistic.

"Don't think so much, let's check it first, if you can't find anything, then you can say it." Yan Xiu said.

Mo Rongzhan just thought, since there is a big monster to go to Xuantian mainland, is it not going to the mainland?

What if they met?

With their teleportation, the blue sky became gray and red, and the surrounding environment was different. There was no plant, all yellow sand.

"The red ash market has arrived. We can't go any further. It is the site of the fire coral unicorn. I heard that his temper is violent, no matter who goes in the red ash market, there is no dead body." The eagle said stuttering, and the feathers on his body were shaking.

In the ancient book, Murong Zhan has seen the introduction of fire corals. He is like a cow, like a rhinoceros. The body is red, and there is a flame-like coral corner on the top of his head. So he is called a unicorn, also called a fire coral. His character is fierce and fierce. Eating creatures is one of the most ferocious monsters.

"There is no breath of fire coral." Murong Zhan said, "Go in and see."

The double-headed eagle hides behind the repairs. If Jin Dan is in the hands of Murong Cham, he wants to run away.

"Isn't this called Chiyan Market? How is it like an iceberg?" Yan Xiu said, frowning, thinking that it would be very hot here, who knows it is so cold that people are trembling.

"It's been cold here..." said the double-headed eagle. "The general monsters don't dare to approach."

Murong Chan took two pieces of suede from the space and "put on."

"Golden raccoon skin? This is super armor." The double-headed eagle eyes screamed brightly.

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