Mo Rongzhan couldn't hear the song of a beautiful boy, but he knew that if he didn't seal his ears, he would be tempted by his songs, as if...this boy is not the same as the mermaid he saw in the ancient book.

The beautiful boy suddenly stopped. He looked around at the Kraken, who was stunned and hypnotized by the song. He smiled with satisfaction. His singing was still able to control the Kraken in this sea. How could the two strangers who came in could not Be tempted.

He almost thought it was a problem with the song.

The Dead Sea has not dared to come in for many years, who is so bold this time?

The beautiful boy stood on the rock and wanted to see who broke into the Dead Sea. His tail had not yet turned into two legs, and he found a tall figure looming in the dense fog near him.

Hey, what is that?

The beautiful boy did not think that someone would be able to resist his singing, so he couldn’t react for a while. When he realized that it was a stranger who broke into the Dead Sea, it was too late. His throat was pinched by a big hand and could not be sung at all. A song is spoken.

"Ah!" The beautiful boy yelled and looked at the man's appearance in front of him. He thought it was a monster, but he was a human being.

"What are you?" Murong Zhan looked sharply at the beautiful boy, especially the beautiful teenagers are the tails of scales. "You are not a mermaid!"

The mermaid is rarely male, and the tail of the male mermaid is not like this. This boy is more like... swearing!

"Ah!" The beautiful boy pointed at his neck. He was stunned to death, how to say it.

"Let you let go, if you dare to sing, I cut your tail." Murong Cham's black sword arrived on the tail of the beautiful boy, and the voice was coldly threatened.

The beautiful boy looked at him with a grievance, and a pair of blue eyes flashed with tears, which seemed to be pitiful and painful.

It is a pity that in the eyes of Murong Cham, he has no pity.

He let go of the beautiful boy's neck and looked at him coldly. "Are you a curse?"

"Yes..." The beautiful boy did not deny that he was afraid of the sword of Murong Cham. It was made of black mysterious iron. If a sword was cut down, his tail would be gone. Black mysterious iron has always been the thing that their mermaid is most afraid of. .

"You are the sky?" Murong Chong stared at the face of the beautiful boy.

The beauty of the beautiful face flashed strangely, hesitated and nodded. "Yes, who are you? Looking for me...What are you looking for?"

Not a day! Murong Zhan affirmed with a glance, this boy will not be a scorpion, if it is a day that can rule the ridiculous hell, it will not be so easy to be embarrassed by him, and there will be no guilty conscience.

"What is your name?" Murong Zhan asked.

"I..." The beautiful boy whispered, and the committee said, "I am called Quan Xian."

The beautiful young man is indeed a monk. He lived in this Dead Sea from birth. He used to have the protection of the sky. No one dared to threaten him. He was respectful to him. His character was as innocent as most mermaids. I will only use the song to confuse the monsters that broke into the Dead Sea. I have never faced the real danger, so he is facing the threat of Murong Cham, and his heart is wronged and can't figure out.

Some people are not afraid of the sky to the Dead Sea to threaten him...

"You are not awkward." Murong Zhan said coldly, "Where is the sky?"

The beautiful teenager screamed, "I don't know."

"Go to the prison!" said Murong Cham, who suspected that Haotian was either not in prison or that something went wrong, otherwise it would not have disappeared.

"What?" Quan first screamed. "You still want to go to the sea? That place is for outsiders."

Murong Chan put the sword next to his neck, "leading the way."

"No, kill me, I can't go to the prison!" Quan first called. "That is... that is the place where the sky is. She won't let anyone go."

"He is not in prison, right?" He did not know when he came, and he stood behind Quan Xian’s body.

Quan first turned his head in shock. "You...who are you?"

"Since Haotian is not in prison, you don't tell him, how does he know that you are taking us?" Yan Xiu asked with a smile, he was surprised when he saw Quan Xian, and began to think it was a mermaid, but Looking at it now, I know that it is a curse.

Not to mention the human world, in the Xuantian mainland and the Shangshang mainland, the monks are very rare. He has been practicing for so long, he has seen it once a few hundred years ago, and he is dying, and he is afraid that it is impossible. Surviving to the present, it is even less likely to come to ridiculous hell.

Look at this spring first, obviously it is just a monk who is less than two hundred years old. How did it appear in absurd hell?

That day... people are becoming more and more curious.

"No, no!" Quanquan first swayed his hands and refused. "You can't go to the sea, Ah... I know that I will be angry."

"Lead the way!" Murong Chan impatiently shouted.

Quan was scared and whitish, and whispered, "I am doing it for you. You will go to the sea like this, and you will definitely not go."

"This is our business." Yan Xiu said, "You will lead the way."

"I...what if I don't lead the way?" Quan first asked carefully, he lived here from an early age, and there were few opportunities to see outsiders, but he often said that outsiders are bad people, let him be careful, now he I met the bad guys.

Ink Murray said faintly, "That's not the tail."

"Don't stop, don't cut my tail." Quan almost cried, "I will lead you."

Anyway, they can't enter the prison.

Yan Xiu and Murong Chong looked at each other and let Quan lead the way to the sea.

Quan first summoned a whale and sat directly on the back of the fish. He thought that the whale would definitely not let the two men come up. He might take the opportunity to escape.

The whales did indeed think like Quanquan, and they wanted to open the ink to them, but before they started swimming, they were swept away by Murong Cham, and they did not dare to move, from repairing and ink. Rong Zhan stood on its back.

"Nothing!" Quan first did not take a good shot of its head, losing it so long, actually afraid of two people.

The whale grievously glanced at him and swam quickly in the sea.

"The prisoner we saw was an illusion?" Yan Xiu whispered to Murong Zhan. At the speed of this whale, they were far away from the prison, and the direction was different from what they saw.

Quan said with pride, "Of course, every one who hears my song can't find the prisoner's sea."

"What is there in the prison?" asked Xiu Xiu.

"..." Quan first silenced and said seriously, "Nothing."

It seems that there must be something in the prison.

Yan Xiu said, "When you go, you will know."

Quan first flattened his mouth and did not speak.

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