With the lead of the spring, they soon found the prison.

"This is the prisoner's sea?" He said in a strange way, where to see there is a small island, there are thick black fog outside, no one knows what is inside the thick fog.

"Going in is all right." Quan whispered, "If you dare not go in, then don't go, it is very dangerous."

Murong Zhan glanced at him faintly, "Go in."

"You... don't regret it." Quan first bluntly warned, "There is danger inside, I will not save you."

Yan Xiu said with a faint smile, "You don't need to save us."

It is said that the innocent nature of the scorpion's temper is still true. Although this spring first prevented them from going to prison, they also used songs to seduce them, but not too strongly malicious.

The whales have swam into the dense fog, and the surrounding vision has become more blurred. They have not seen the islands at all. Instead, they found that there are many reefs. The whales under their feet should always come in and out. It is very skilled at avoiding the reefs. A few times I want to repair the ink and the 墨 钰 。 。.

"Once again, pull out your shark's fin." Murong Zhan said faintly.

The whale's body shook a bit, no longer playing, and continued to swim forward.

Quan first licked his mouth and pointed to the front and said, "It is here."

Murong Chan looked at it with a slight gaze, and finally saw an island in the fog. The mountain peaks and the fog, it was a bright and splendid weather, as if it were just two spaces in the newly dull sea.

The whale stopped and didn't dare to go forward.

"Thank you, Xiaohei." Quan first touched the head of the whale. He jumped off the bottom of the sea and swam to the shore a few times. The fishtail had been turned into legs.

Murong Zhan and Yan Xiu followed them to the shore before the whale sank into the water, and found that the spring looked at them with a smug smile.

On the beach, the sand suddenly bulged, and there was something like it to appear from the sand.

"There is a problem." Yan Xiu whispered to Murong Zhan, and his eyes looked around.

"Yeah." Murong Zhan nodded faintly, "come."

His words were finished, and he flew into the air, and a huge long-legged demon crab appeared on the beach. The big pliers were at least several meters long and looked very strange and terrible.

"The meat of this crab is definitely hard to eat." Yan Xiu said that he saw such a big crab for the first time.

"It seems that the monk is deliberately bringing us here," said Murong Cham.

Quan said with a smile, "I said that you can't enter the prison, telling you that it is still too late to leave. There are still many Krakens like this. Can you deal with a few?"

"Come one, kill one!" Murong Zhan looked coldly at Quan Xian.

"The shell of the long-legged demon crab is as hard as a stone..." Quan first called.

钰修修笑, "What is hard as a stone?"

If this is the most powerful Kraken in the prison, then it is certain that those high-level monsters have gone to the mainland or the heavens.

Of course, there is another reason why the Kraken is harder to cultivate than the monsters on the land, and few Krakens can cultivate Jindan.

Quan was first to be proud of a few words, and he saw that Xiu Xiu had cut all the legs of the long-legged demon crab.

"..." He forgot, these two men are not ordinary monsters, they are emperors, and another man is still holding a black sword made by black black iron.

They really have the chance to hack all the long-legged monsters.

"Well, I am just playing with you." Quan said quickly, "This is the prisoner's sea. Except I have only these big crabs, no one else."

Murong Zhan sees other long-legged demon crabs hiding in the sand, and this is back to the ground.

Quan first squatted in front. "I tell you that you can't get in the inner sea. There are enchantments there. Even if I can't get in, you will walk on this island and tell you that you are not there. You still don't believe that if she is there, can you still go to the island?"

"Inner sea?" Yan repair raised his eyebrows, "Where is the inner sea?"

Quan first grabbed his mouth, it was bad, and it was too urgent!

"I just said that the sea is over?" Quan first smiled happily. "I clearly said that it is a prisoner."

"Over there!" Murong Zhan did not pay attention to Quan Xian, pointing to the direction behind the mountain.

Quan first stopped them. "Can't go! You can't go there!"

The island of prison is very large, and unlike other places in the ridiculous hell, it seems to be full of vitality and abundance. If you cultivate here, it will definitely be more effective than other places. It’s no wonder that the other monsters will not come. Are you afraid that this place will be occupied?

If the sky is awkward...

It is impossible to say that all kinds of terrible legends of the Dead Sea are true. If they are tempted.

"A good and powerful enchantment!" They came to the mountain in the scream of Quan Xian, and looked up to another scene.

There is also a small lake on the island. It should be the inner sea that Quan said first. There are weird buildings in the center of the inner sea. It looks like natural rock and looks like a carefully carved tower.

There are enchantments around the inner sea, and they are very strong, they can no longer be closer.

"I have said that there is an enchantment here." Quan said first.

Both Yan Xiu and Murong Zhan could not break the enchantment.

What does this mean?

"It's very powerful!" The enchanted monsters are definitely not simple. At least the demon power is definitely above the high-end Jindan, and even... they are three points more powerful than them.

Murong Zhan did not know what to think of, took a scale from the space, he put the scales in his palm, took a step forward and easily entered the enchantment.

钰修瞪 rounded his eyes, "..."

"You... how do you get in?" Quan screamed first, and saw the scales in the hand of Murong Chan. "That is not me..."

"Come in." Murong Zhan gave the scales to Xiu Xiu, so that he also entered the enchantment.

He repaired his face and said, "What the **** is this?"

"The scales of the mermaid." Murong Zhan said, Ming Xiu gave him, in the black hole.

My nephew said that it was the scales of the mermaid.

"What do you mean?" Yan Xiu is a little bit turning, the mermaid on the mainland is related to this enchantment?

Yan Xiu turned his head and looked at Quan Quan. "Is it a mermaid?"

Quan first licked his mouth with his hands and refused to speak.

“Is it a woman?” Shu Xiu raised his voice and shouted, “She went to the mainland?”

Murong Zhan stopped and his face became very ugly.

"What's wrong?" asked Xiu Xiu.

"You... didn't feel it?" Murong Cham's voice was a little dull.

I am trying to say what I feel, and suddenly my face is not right. I look at the ink-filled eyes with my eyes, "Shi Tiandi Zun and Linglong Emperor..."

Murong Zhan Tieqing’s face, “Who is the person inside?”

Quan first screamed. "I don't know, I haven't been there. Ah sister won't let me in the inner sea."

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