Yan Xiu took out a blue shield and looked like jade non-jade. However, he couldn’t see anything powerful. However, those water columns were blocked. It was impossible to penetrate the water column and really open the gap. .

Murong Zhan took the spring's collar and groaned with a gap and immediately jumped into the ice water.

The two talents just entered, and the jade shield that was repaired was immediately bounced off by the water column.

"Oh, I actually came in." Quan first yelled, but there was still some excitement. He had never wanted to come in before, but he did not expect that outsiders would bring him in.

Murong Chan looked at Yan Xiu, "Is it okay?"

"Nothing, you are going to find them." Yan Xiu said, "I will find the treasures of the ice and water in the surrounding."

As long as you find the treasure and destroy it, this dungeon will be useless.

When Murong Zhan determined that Xiu Xiu was not injured, he took the spring to go to the ice tower. From the outside, it was an ice tower. There was no world inside, the courtyard patio, the exotic flowers and grasses, like the world.

"Who?" A gentle, low-pitched voice came from the house, and the footsteps screamed and slowly walked out of a tall middle-aged man. The man was born with a warm and jade, only his home-made clothes, but his own sacred bones. The graceful posture.

Murong Chan stood in the same place, and when the middle-aged man spoke, he already knew who it was.

Sure enough, he is the person he is looking for!

"Yifu!" Murong Zhan whispered quietly and walked a few steps forward. It was difficult to hide the shock in his eyes. How could Shi Tiandi respect be here?

Shi Tian...弑天......

what is the problem?

"Zhaner?" Shi Tiandi was even more shocked, then shook his head and sighed. "You find it here, and it is an accident to come outside."

"Yifu, righteous mother?" Murong Zhan came over. "How come you are locked here?"

Shi Tiandi’s eyes raised his worries. “This is a long story. You sit down first, and your mother is in a retreat. You should be out in these two days.”

Mo Rongzhan is full of doubts. With the ability of the two emperors, it is a breeze to leave the ice and water, how they will be here.

"Yefu, have you been here for so many years?" Murong Cham asked.

“Is it for many years?” Shi Tiandi asked. “I have closed several times and I don’t know how old I am.”

Quan first looked at the surrounding with amazement. "It turned out to be so beautiful. Why didn't you let me in, so I should let me live in such a beautiful place."

Shi Tiandi respected Xiang Quanxian, "This is... swearing?"

"Yifu!" Murong Zhan felt that Shi Tiandi respect did not want to tell him the truth, deliberately diverting his attention.

"I have no repairs with your mother." Shi Tiandi whispered, "I don't want to go out, it is impossible to go out."

how is this possible! They are the emperors of the gods, except for the nine-day gods, it is impossible for God to be the opponents of the two emperors.

Even if the mermaid is so powerful, how can she keep them here?

"A hundred years ago, we found the ridiculous hell. I told the story to God. God went to the ridiculous **** and told me that there is no difference. I just thought that there was a monster that broke through the sixth order and triggered the thunder. I thought I didn't care. After a few years, when I was visiting the three continents, I found that the absurd **** had the breath of the big demon. At that time, God was retreating, and I came to Linglong and met Ah...."Shi Tiandi The silence is silent, and there is sadness on his face.

Murong Zhan looked in his eyes and was amazed at his heart. Didn’t the Emperor of Heaven know Abu before?

"Ah has not saved us." Shi Tiandi said in a low voice, "It was already a long time ago. At that time, I just cultivated, but it was a young man. It was just a negligible warrior in Xuantian, and once practiced in the secret. Falling into the sea, I will not save me, and teach me how to practice..."

"She used to be the subordinate of Wen Tian, ​​a general who attacked the Protoss." Shi Tiandi Zun continued to say, "There is a little relationship with the Protoss."

Murong Zhan said, "She is the child born to the Protoss and the Mermaid, the half-deity mermaid?"

Shi Tiandi respected the decapitation. "Yes, all the mermaids, only she survived and was saved by Wen Tian. Later, she became the subordinate of Wen Tian. She went to the protoss to attack the Protoss and wanted to avenge her family. However, until now, the Protoss did not know that the mermaid they wanted to kill was still alive."

Looking back at the timid little girl beside Huangfu, Murong Zhan couldn't associate her with the big monster.

Among the subordinates of Wen Tian, ​​the top three with the strongest fighting power, one of them, no one knows that she is a mermaid.

"She... isn't it sealed like Wentian?" Murong Zhan asked with some acidity.

Shi Tiandi respected the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, "When Tian Tian is a python, the snake has been repaired for thousands of years, and it has been robbed into a dragon. If you smash the sky, you can fly straight to the hunch, but at the time of the robbery The White Dragon King prevented Wen Tiansheng from rising, which led to Wen Tian’s later grievances with the Dragons. Wen Tian was destroyed and the soul was destroyed. Other big monsters did not have leaders. The Protoss attacked and defeated, sealed and ridiculously in the Baiyan Mountain. Zhenlong breathed down, I had already cultivated to the peak of the ancestral scene. Although I did not participate in the war, I heard some news, Aberdeen... I fled to Xuantian mainland after the injury, and I happened to meet..."

"You saved her, she was saved from being sealed?" Murong Zhan whispered.

"With my strength, I can't save her. The Protoss will soon be able to find her. If I know that I will save her, I will be destroyed when I am repaired." Shi Tiandi hurriedly yelled, he was red and shy, full of shyness. "She won't let me help her, just give me a scale, let me throw it into the sea after she is sealed, and then she will return her kindness."

Murong Zhan said, "It is because of this scale that she will wake up in the absurd hell... and help other big monsters to escape from the seal."

Shi Tiandi smiled and smiled. "I just wanted to reconcile my relationship with her, otherwise I will definitely have a demon."

"All the big monsters in the ridiculous **** are released by her. She gave her a name called Haotian?" Murong Zhan did not understand how the mermaid thought of this name, because of the sake of Shi Tiandi.

It is no wonder that all the big monsters in the ridiculous **** are willing to obey the rule of Haotian. If there is no her, other big monsters are still sealed.

"She said that she can wake up because of my sake, she wants to kill the Protoss in this world..." Shi Tiandi said helplessly, "She is only a child from this name."

"Then why should she keep you here?" Mo Rongzhan asked, since Emperor is helping her, why should she treat them like this?

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