In the saying of Shi Tiandi, he and the mermaid are not deadly enemies, and even the two are still barely regarded as old knowledge. Ah did not help the emperor, and he also saved her. This is a fate, why not I have to keep him here, and it has been for so many years.

"Only I know she is a mermaid, and... at that time she was awakening other big monsters, and I and Delicate Emperor wanted to stop her, be tempted by her songs... just flashing for a while, we were her I am trapped here, I don’t know what she has eaten for us. After we are awake, we completely lose our skill.” Shi Tiandi said.

Murong Zhan did not know how powerful the mermaid was, but he did not believe that she could ruin the cultivation of two emperors at the same time.

This is the emperor! Even if the mermaid used to be the subordinate of the smell, it is impossible to force it to such a point.

"I haven't recovered for so many years?" Murong Chong asked strangely, what can make the repair of Emperor Zun disappear?

“No.” Shi Tiandi respected his head. “Your mother has been retiring for many years, but it is trying to resolve the restrictions, but it has not been effective. We have not felt that the cultivation has disappeared, but there is no spiritual power at all. It is totally useless. There is also a blank in the air."

There is no spiritual power in the move, and many exercises can't be made at all, let alone those magic weapons, and even out of the ice.

When Murong Zhan remembered the Dead Sea, the monsters who were enchanted by the songs of the springs, they also lost all their demon power, and there was no use at all.

He looked at the spring on the side, and the boy avoided his gaze and looked guilty.

"How did you do it in the Dead Sea?" Murong Zhan moved his long legs, and in a few steps he came to the front of Quan Xian, looking down at the teenager who dared not look at him. "The monsters Why is the demon power completely gone?"

It didn't take long for the double-headed eagle to lose its demon power in the Dead Sea. The whole person couldn't move completely in the small boat. He and Yu Xiu were not affected, but why did they arrive here, the two emperors would inexplicably lose their skill.

Quan first took a pair of innocent blue eyes. "I don't know, the Dead Sea is like this."

Murong Chong picked him up and stared at his eyes. "If you don't want to be a grilled fish..."

"You are too bad, how can you always threaten me!" Quan first screamed. "There is a kind of sea stone in the Dead Sea. It is capable of sucking away the demon power of those monsters. Who makes the Kraken practice less than other monsters. Great, sea stones are to protect us."

"The sea stone only has restrictions on the monsters. Why does it affect the emperor?" asked Murong Zhan.

Quan first blinked. "I don't know."

Murong Zhan showed a smile of Sen Han, "Is it?"

"I... I really don't know." Quan was first chilled by the smile of Mo Rongzhan, and even shivered. "I still came here for the first time. I really don't know anything."

"Zhan children, don't bother him, Ah never let other people come in, he doesn't know it is normal." Shi Tiandi said, this boy looks pure and tender, and he has been scared to cry by a few words. .

Quan first gratefully looked at Shi Tiandi, this is a good person.

Murong Zhan said faintly, "He knows why."

"I don't know." Quan said first. "I only know that the sea stone **** away the demon power, but there is no sea stone inside. How can I know the reason."

Shi Tiandi respected, "Zhaner, can your influence be affected?"

"No..." Inkyun Zhan's operation is still full of spiritual power. He waved his hand and the big tree in front of him crashed down. His cultivation was not affected at all.

"So it has nothing to do with the sea stone." Shi Tiandi said, "Ah should not give us something to eat."

"No matter who you are, you will lose your skill when you eat Haiwang Stone..." Quan first whispered.

Murong slammed him up. "What are you talking about?"

Deaf people are kind, others are good to him, he will be better to others, and Shi Tiandi respects him. He can't help but say what he knows. "I don't know if I have eaten Neptune, I I have never seen Haiwang Stone. It is going to the deepest part of the Dead Sea. I heard that only a few thousand years have produced a small piece."

"I have heard of Haiwang Stone." Shi Tiandi said, "It is the golden dragon that died after the death of the sea king, not to mention that he has not seen it. I have not seen it for so many years. It is rumored that the dragon and the protos have one. More expensive than anything."

The mermaid is living in the deep sea. If she finds the sea king stone, it is not surprising.

In order to limit him and the exquisite emperor, it is inevitable that some of the rare Neptune stones will be given to them.

Murong Zhan released the spring first, "How do you take the Neptune stone out?"

"This..." Shi Tiandi respected Shen Shen. "I am afraid that it is not so easy. Zhan Er, what happened outside?"

If it is not an accident, Modi will not find it here.

"The big monster went to the mainland and the heavens, and the ancient Gorefiend was resurrected. Only the smell of the sky disappeared." Murong Zhan whispered, "The whereabouts of God is unknown, what happened to the two continents of the nine-day Protoss I didn’t care about it. I and Yu Xiu were looking for a day to find out if she was smelling the sky. Now she knows that she is a mermaid, she is also in the world."

Moreover, it was also dressed like a weak and timid child, who deceived Huangfu.

I think that Ange has lost contact since I went to China, and I don’t think that I have a great relationship with Afghanistan.

Shi Tiandi stood up in disarray. "The ancient Gorefiends are resurrected?"

"Yes, now the monsters on the mainland are raging, if there is no Gorefiend control, I am afraid..." Murong’s eyebrows are wrinkled, and now the world of the human world is actually a Gorefiend, but the Protoss does not care, in the future. It is normal for them to occupy the human continent again.

He is also somewhat unhappy with the Protoss.

"Shen Tian is not coming back." Shi Tiandi respected his head and said, "The Protoss must know this, but there is no..."

"Yifu, this is not a reason." Murong Zhan said coldly, "This is not the reason why they can ignore the world."

Shi Tiandi looked at Murong Zhan in a strange way. He had never seen Modi for a long time, but he still called his childhood nickname. This child has always been cold and cold, when will he actually be sympathetic to the mortal people on the mainland?

He used to ignore the things of Xuantian mainland.

"Zhaner, have you been in the world for many years?" asked Shi Tiandi.

Murong Zhan nodded. "Yes, my wife and children are now also on the mainland."

Wife and children? Shi Tiandi is even more shocked. "When are you married?"

"Yifu, this matter will tell you later, now we still think about how to get out of here." Murong Zhan said that the most important thing is to find a way to restore him and the exquisite emperor's cultivation.

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