Ye Hao, their ship exited the river in Wangdu City, entered the Bailong River, and then sailed from the port of Yuanguo. This route is the fastest. However, if she wants to enter the Yuan Dynasty, she still wants to pick up a person.

"When I was in Bailongjiang, I stopped at the airport for two days. I have to pick up the individual." Ye Hao said to him, "I promised to take her back."

She wants to bring Shen Luoyang back to China. In the same year, Shen Luoyang came because she was here. Although she was for the sake of water, it was not worth the time for her to stay in the Yuan Dynasty.

There was no objection to Ye Hao’s doing anything, although he did not know who Ye Hao was going to pick up in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Okay," said the layman.

"Ye Wei fled to the Yuan Dynasty, I guess she is going to vote for water." Ye Hao said faintly, she knew that Yuyun was falling behind and killing Ye Wei. Ye Wei was seriously injured by Ming Xi, and certainly did not dare to Yu Yun falls directly to the top of the world, and only the water can temporarily protect her.

"Don't you want to go to Ye Wei?" asked strangely, he remembered that she was an opponent with Ye Wei.

Ye Hao smiled. "Of course not. I am going to pick up Luoyang. Ye Wei has a jade cloud to deal with her. I don't need to shoot."

Although Ye Wei is her cousin, there is no such relationship between them. She can't complain with Germany. Ye Wei always wants to kill her. She can't save Ye Wei.

“Need me to help?” asked the whisper.

"No." Ye Hao knew that he was talking about Ye Wei. She felt that Yu Yun’s fall would definitely make Ye Wei’s face look bad.

Their sailing is very smooth, probably walking the water, they rarely encounter monsters, the road is very calm, sometimes it is sensed that there are monsters on the shore, it is still a small monster, dare not cause too much turmoil.

Moreover, mortals have gradually become accustomed to the touch of the beast and began to learn to protect themselves.

Entering the Bailong River, it is soon the field of the Yuan Dynasty. Ye Hao feels like it is not right around.

"Good rich blood." The child licked her nose, she is a real dragon, the change of breath is more sensitive than others.

"Someone is practicing the Gorefiend." Lying on the deck, looking at the dark red clouds in front, "and it is very difficult to cultivate the insects. If the fight against the insects is unsuccessful, it will be dominated by the insects."

Ye Hao did not expect that there are still people who are practicing the Gorefiend. "Is it Ye Wei?"

"Impossible." Waving his head, "Ye Wei does not have such ability, not everyone can cultivate the insect mother, this person should be the first cultivation."

If Ye Wei has that ability, she has already cultivated the insect mother.

"Who would it be?" Ye Hao asked, who else would practice the Gorefiend, the Gorefiend is not to practice cultivation, it must be guided by the Gorefiend, or where to find the bloodworm cultivation.

Ming Xi looked back at Ye Hao. "Mother, will it be a glimpse of water?"

"Impossible!" Ye Hao blurted out. She subconsciously did not want this person to be a glimpse of water. "Why is he good at practicing the Gorefiend."

"He is addicted to cultivation, you know it." Ming Xi said.

Ye Hao took a deep breath. She knew that the water was indulged in cultivation. The minister of the Yuan Dynasty made people talk to her, so she wanted the seedlings to persuade him and advised him not to waste his life. It is not easy to cultivate in the mainland. The so-called medicinal herbs are only chronic poisons, and they will harm him sooner or later.

If the person who cultivates the Gorefiend is really a glimpse of water, then it can only be said that... even the water seedlings are useless.

"There is just the direction of the capital city." Ming Xi pointed to the dark clouds, "Mother, do you want to see?"

"I will go and see." Ye Hao said, if it is really a glimpse of water... I hope it will not be him.

Said, "I will go with you."

Ye Hao looked at him and said, "Okay."

"You stay here, don't go ashore." They said to the Vatican.

"Ming Xi, you are going to take Shen Luoyang to the ship." Ye Hao said to Ming Xi, she wrote a letter to Shen Luoyang when she left, if there is no accident, it should have been received, it should be agreed The place to wait for them.

"Good." Ming Xi should be.

Ye Hao and his father left the big ship and galloped to the dark clouds. The closer they were to the dark clouds, the more clearly they could sense the rich blood.

"It is actually practicing with blood..." The hustle and bustle of the slumber sank, so rich in blood, how many people were killed.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao asked, she is not clear about the cultivation of Gorefiend. Isn't it using blood worms to cultivate?

Lying in a low voice, "He uses the human blood to soak, and practice with the blood worms in the blood pool, so that the cultivator is not afraid of being sucked by the blood worms, but this way... he must kill A lot of people."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, according to this cultivation method, where is to kill a lot of people, it is clear that many people are born to let blood to death.

"Can you find out where he is practicing?" Ye Hao whispered, even though she always wanted not to be a glimpse of water, but she had already had an answer.

"Follow me."

"If he really cultivated successfully, what kind of Gorefiend would it be?" Ye Hao asked.

Lying looked at Ye Xie, "There are two kinds of Gorefiends, one is to cultivate by themselves, and the other is to kill and take blood, and eventually become a black blood monster."

"It doesn't sound like a good thing," said Ye Hao.

"Practicing in the future requires a lot of human blood," said the layman. "It is not a good thing."

That means killing many people as long as you want to practice.

"I hope it is not a glimpse of water." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't want to kill him by hand."

They came to a hidden house and just approached the gate, and many soldiers immediately stopped them.

"Who is here?" The leading man is wearing armor and looks like a general.

Ye Xie’s heart sank bit by bit. Although she couldn’t name the general, she saw him.

He used to be a small soldier in the water.

She has always had an unforgettable skill, so I remember him.

"Water is in it." Ye Hao asked, not a question, but a positive tone.

"You are..." The general took a few steps and looked at Ye Hao in amazement. "Scorpio?"

Ye Hao continued to ask in a cold voice, "Is there a water in it?"

"The emperor told him that no one can enter." The general said, still blocking the door and letting Ye Hao go in.

"Let's leave." Ye Hao said coldly, it really is a glimpse of water!

"Scorpio, please don't let us do it hard." The general whispered.

Ye Hao and his father exchanged a glance, and his body flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

The blood in the house is more intense, and it is a crucial moment for the **** devil to practice.

"If you want to kill him, you must do it before he can practice it, otherwise... you can't kill it," said the layman.

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