"Sure enough, you!"

Lying and Ye Hao had not found a glimpse of water, they were stopped by a red figure. Listening to the familiar voice, they already knew who was stopping them.

Like Ye Hao’s guess, the water will be able to cultivate the Gorefiend and it is really irrelevant to Ye Wei.

"You simmered in the water to practice the Gorefiend." Ye Hao looked at Ye Wei coldly, and some regretted that she did not kill her as soon as possible. Keeping her is a curse.

"Which is the water, is it that I want to be embarrassed?" Ye Wei chuckled. "The person who made him such a determination is not me, it is you."

Ye Hao looked at Ye Wei with a cold eye. "Let's talk nonsense, let go!"

"It’s already at the last minute. Do you want to watch him die?" Ye Wei asked, if you stop the water at this time, then he is not a human being, no magic, no more difficult than death. .

"He is better than being a Gorefiend when he dies," said Ye Hao.

Ye Wei pointed to the lying side of Ye Hao. "You really said this. You are not a Gorefiend behind you. Can you think that he is not as good as death?"

"They are not the same!" Ye Hao said, lying is not a black gossip, he and water a different way of cultivation, not to mention, the original life will practice the Gorefiend is also forced to helpless.

"What is different, not a Gorefiend, I am also a Gorefiend, I don't think it will be better than death." Ye Wei said.

Lying low, "Small, don't talk nonsense with her, go find water."

Ye Wei's face changed, she is not a living opponent, even if only Ye Hao, with her cultivation, can not stop for a long time.

"Okay." Ye Hao did not pay attention to Ye Wei, who walked away from the ground.

"Do you really want to see the water become such a monster? He is so good because you came here." Ye Wei called.

Ye Hao gave her a faint look. "So I can't let him become a Gorefiend."

"It’s too late..." Ye Wei cried. "You stop him at this time, that is, kill him."

"If you can't stop him from being a Gorefiend, then I will kill him!" Ye Hao said coldly, she couldn't let the water become a Gorefiend, absolutely not.

Ye Wei wants to stop Ye Hao, who is lying in front of her. She suddenly feels that the hair of her body is standing up. She is just a low-order Gorefiend. In front of the ancient Gorefiend like her, she is like a negligible ant. Without the ability to resist, I am afraid of involuntary.

Lying is the first person of the Gorefiend. Before he was born, no mortal can become a Gorefiend.

Ye Hao no longer cares about Ye Wei. She walked into the house. After several layers of corridors, the blood in the air became more and more intense. She almost vomited.

When she reached the last room, she stopped and looked around with vigilance.

The dark clouds that pressed in the air seemed to condense, and the surrounding air became more turbid.

It seems that... what broke out.

Oops -

The door slowly opened, and a **** figure appeared behind the door.

"A glimpse of the water!" Ye Hao's heart paused. She was still a step late. Has the water been cultivated to become a black gorefiend?

The **** figure stepped out step by step. He was all bloody, and he could hardly see his appearance. He could only recognize him as a water by his figure.

"You really have become a black gorefiend?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

When the water didn't talk, he didn't seem to hear Ye Hao's voice. He just walked out of the room slowly. When he came into contact with the light, he subconsciously wanted to block it, and then slowly adapted.

Ye Hao frowned and looked at him. "Have you heard me talking?"

"A glimpse of water!"

No matter how Ye Hao called him, he did not respond.

"Sleeping!" Ye Hao cried, she felt that she should be more aware of what it is like now.

Her voice just fell, she was already on her side, and she took a few steps back.

"What happened to him? Is it successful in cultivation?" Ye Hao frowned and asked to lie.

Looking at the water with a condensed look, "He is fighting for the will with the insects in the body."

Now that this body is not completely watery, if he can't suppress the insects in his body, his body will be dominated by bloodworms.

"Do you want me not to bother him?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Either kill him now, or... let him become a black-soul." He said that he knows that Xiaoyan doesn't like to kill, especially his former friends, although he doesn't know what water had with her before. Kind of origin.

Ye Hao closed his eyes. "If he becomes a black-soul, you need to rely on blood-sucking for a living, right?"

"Yes." said the child.

"I... can't let the water become such a person." Ye Hao said softly, she knew that the water would become a relationship with her today. "If you let the water seedlings see him like this, It must be very sad."

Anyone who once knew about water is definitely not willing to see it.

"Help me, kill him!" Ye Hao said, like a great determination.

"Okay." There is no question in lying, since Xiao Xiao has already decided, that is what she thinks is right.

"Ah--" The water screamed with his hands in the air, his voice was screaming, his body was struggling, and there was something in his head that was drilling, painful and itchy, and he wanted to drive the thing away. But why can't you go?

There is a red blood worm in the lying hand. Unlike the last treatment for Tang Hanyan, this worm is not terrible. It is crystal clear and the two tentacles are golden yellow. It looks up and looks at it. In his palm, he slammed a few times.

"What is this?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, completely different from those disgusting blood worms.

"The insect king."

The bug heard Ye Hao talking, actually turned his head, "Little, small."

"It...it can talk?" Ye Hao cried out, and she stepped back in horror.

Lying in a laugh, "The worm king is not the same as the ordinary blood worm. To kill the water, you must first kill the insects in his body."

"How to kill?" Ye Hao swallowed his throat, now is not a big fuss, or solve the problem of water first.

"Go!" The worm king who touched the palm of his hand, said softly.

The body of the worm king appeared a pair of golden wings, fluttering and fluttering, and disappeared into the body of the water.

"This way you can kill the water?" Ye Hao asked.

"If the insect mother does not completely ruin his will, maybe he can still be awake, but..." I raised my eyebrows in my face. "I am afraid I will not live for a long time."

Ye Hao also thought that if he could kill the insects, he would save the water.

"Ah--" The water slammed openly and stared blankly at the gaze, and the skin of the whole body slowly cracked and blood poured out.

The face of his face changed slightly. "He cultivated black blood worms!"

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