Huangfu did not care much about how Murong Cham would solve the situation in Kyoto today. He believed that those who were against him would not get good results. The overall situation of the country was fixed, and the people were very supportive of the new emperor. For decades, Jin Guo has not had such stability for a long time.

The patriarchs and family who wanted to support orthodoxy and restore the Emperor's dynasty were only because they had looked down on the ink and the Zhan Zhan, and they were afraid that their interests would be affected, so they could not wait to support an emperor who was in their favor.

Unfortunately, this is not very useful.

"Your wounds recovered much better than I expected." Huangfu said to Murong Zhan, "I was very good at the hunting ground for you. If she stopped bleeding for you, I am afraid I have not saved." ”

When it comes to Ye Hao, the eyes of Murong Zhan become darker and the thin lips are close together.

"She kept you for two days, who advised her not to leave." Huangfu sighed. "Are you saying something to scare her?"

The anger that Murong Cham had suppressed was like a volcanic eruption. "What would you say to scare her? If she wants to marry her, she will not be moved. For Ye Hao... she is far away. Hey, since she is so ruthless, why bother to ask her again."

"..." Huangfu did not know how to comfort this wayward emperor. Although Murong Zhan was a prince, he was not liked by the emperor since he was a child. He even had a first-class palace in the palace. He had everything. He fought for it, he knows how to get the tactics to get what he wants. The only thing he doesn't understand is love.

An emperor who did not know how to love moved his heart, but he did not know how to let his beloved respond to his feelings. He thought it was the same as before, as long as he wanted it.

The most difficult thing in this world is a true heart.

"Azhan, if you become your queen, if Ye Yiqing comes back in the future, how do you let her face?" Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Murong Chan's complexion condenses, "Ye Yiqing can't come back again!"

"If I am Ye Yiqing..." Huang Fu looked at Murong Zhan, "As long as I live a day, I have to come back to take revenge for my daughter."

"You mean... for Ye Hao?" Murong Chan frowned, Ye Yiqing is still the identity of the dead criminal, what kind of identity will he return?

Huangfu said, "A person who is worthless in your eyes is a treasure in the world in Ye Yiqing's heart."

When Murong Zhan was silent for a long time, he said quietly, "Ye Ye is already dead, she is self-defeating..."

wrong! He said that Ye Hao was given poisonous wine. He did not give her a drink. Who is that? Murong Zhan thought of Lu Shuanger, the character of Lu Shuanger. She was most likely to give Ye Hao a poisonous wine. Lu Yuzhi... is it for Lu Shuanger to hide him?

Although Ye Hao’s death did not make him feel touched, but Murong Chan still felt uncomfortable, Lu Yanzhi should not hide him, even for his sister.

Huangfu sighed and said, "You should give some time."

"He has given her a lot of time. In her mind, she is still not as good as Ye Hao she has never seen before." Murong Zhan sighed with anger.

Is the first time the emperor's emperor is so naive? Actually compared with a dead person. Huangfu shook his head in his heart and decided to let Murong Zhan suffer a bit. He learned how to love someone instead of getting one.

"In this case, do you need me to help you change a doctor?" Huangfu asked.

Murong Zhan glanced at him coldly, "No need for you."

Look, don't say it in your mouth, but your heart is still not thinking about seeing others. The emperor is holding back and laughing. "It's almost time to take medicine. I will let people send the medicine."

"I don't want to take medicine." Murong Chong's tone is hard to conceal, and the most dislike is to take medicine.

Huangfu laughed. "I want to go out of the palace today. You don't want to be willful. You should take medicine if you take medicine. You haven't looked at the memorial. You really think you are playing iron."

"Don't you say that your injury has recovered very well?" Murong asked faintly.

"If you haven't fully recovered, you have to take medicine." Huangfu said, "Lu Yizhi is poisonous. This time, the seven-section grass is useless. My aunt asked me to go to Lujia."

Murong Zhan thought that Lu Yuzhi’s body was unclear and silently nodded. "Let's go."

Huangfu retired from the Qing Palace, and Murong Zhan looked at the door. Ford quickly walked in and thought that there was something to order.

"The emperor, what do you want to tell the slaves?" Ford came in and asked.

Murong Chan looked at him coldly and looked at him. "Only you are alone?"

Originally, he was alone. Does the emperor still want to be outside? Ford wisely thought of Ye Hao, "The Princess Temple went down to the Cining Palace, the emperor, are you looking for a princess?"

"Go down." Murong Zhan cold, why did he want to see her, she ignored his mind three times and four times, why did he have to pull his face to marry her.

Ford hurried back.

Murong Chan watched the scores in the dormitory, and Tang Hao and Wei You didn't take long to ask for it.

Eight princes have already caught it, but he denied the fact that he sent the assassin and put the tiger to kill Murong, and Tang Hao directly shut him to the dungeon.

Tang Yucai grabbed the Eight Kings, and the five princes and the clan's people immediately went to the palace to see the emperor. Murong Zhan refused to see them, and they wanted to see the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother knew that after the Eight Kings wanted to kill Murong, they were so angry that they wanted to immediately smash the Eight Kings. How could they come to listen to these people for the Eight Kings?

The five princes and the old man, Kang Lao, were squatting outside the Qing Palace and burst into tears.

"The emperor, you have to be the master of the old eight, our brothers are not much, how can you be provoked by the traitor, so you smashed the old eight... the emperor, you are gracious." Five princes crying loudly.

"Emperor, you show your spirit, and you are the master of the old eight." Kang Lao Wang also called.

The clan doors behind them all clamored for ink to be the master.

In the sleep of the temple, Murong Zhan looked at the memorial. He did not use Zhu pen to review it. In the eyes of the courtier, he was still seriously ill.

"The emperor, the minister went to drive them away." Wei You said with anger.

"Let them call, don't bother." Murong Zhan said faintly, turning to Tang Yan continued. "Shun the king handed it to you, how to torture if you torture."

Tang Hao should have a voice, and he did not intend to soften the Shun Wang.

Murong Zhan picked up the last memorial and saw the above content. He said with a frown, "How long has the dam on the lower reaches of the Huaijiang River been repaired?"

Don Juan and Wei You face each other, how can they know about this?

"The emperor, this matter may have to ask Xu Yanxiang." Tang Yan whispered.

Murong Zhan nodded, it is time for Xu Wei to ask, "Let's go on."

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