Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 246: She is a demon girl

Ye Hao originally wanted to go to Cining Palace to ask the Queen Mother to call another doctor to take care of the emperor. However, the Queen Mother felt that other people were not as trustworthy as she was. She could not say that she did not want to see Murong Cham. After all, he was injured because of saving her. In the heart of the Queen Mother, I definitely feel that Murong Zhan is more important. In case she does not even care for him, she is afraid that the Queen Mother will be unhappy.

She went to the Royal Hospital to give him medicine. When she thought of the words of Murong Cham, she felt angry and uncomfortable. She thought that he was only because her name was not like Ye. It seems that this is not the case, she is a little bit worse. It is soft.

When he was trying to save her, when he saw so many scars on him, when he heard that he had suffered so much, she really thought that she could let go of her previous resentment against him.

Until he said that she would marry her as a queen, if she was only Lu Hao, she would be happy to hear such a thing, but she is Ye Hao, who once loved him for eight years, in order to stay alone for two years, and finally see him. Ye Hao, who was killed on one side.

How could she be happy because of this? She only felt that she was too sad when she was a Ye Hao. For him to live so humble, it was like the dust on the ground. But for her, what is she?

In the future, if he knows that she is Ye Hao, is it still going to be like this to her?

She doesn't dare to gamble, and she is even less willing to live like that.

Estimated the time, almost to the time when the ink was given to the ink-filled medicine, Ye Hao slowly walked back to the dry palace, but before he approached, he heard the crying from the Qing Palace.

Listening carefully to the content of crying, Ye Hao's face condensed, these people are coming to plead for the Eight Kings! It seems that Tang Yin has found out who is plotting the hunting ground. If there is no real evidence, it is impossible for him to arrest the Eight Kings.

Ye Hao lowered his head and passed by those people, and ignored their crying screams. These people are the same as the Shun Wang. Who knows whether the hunting grounds are involved or not.

The five princes saw Ye Hao, and immediately stood up and pointed at her and cried out, "This is the demon girl! Not only has it blinded the Queen Mother, but it has also caused the emperor to remain unconscious. Tang Yan has unreasonably caught the starling, and must be confused by this enchantress. Uncle Huang, we should avenge the heavens and avenge the emperor and kill this demon girl!"

"Yes, kill her!" 跪 跪 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面 后面Many bonuses can be obtained.

Ye Hao glanced at them coldly, and actually deducted these things from her. It was ridiculous. Can she change the evidence that Shun Wang wants to murder the little prince?

"Five princes, here is the palace, there are the Queen Mother and the emperor, but you can't be shouting and killing here." Ye Hao said faintly, she never liked the five kings and the eight princes. The generation, especially the five princes, he thought that Murong Zhan was still unconscious, so he took the opportunity to make trouble.

Could he really think that without Murong Cham, he will be able to fly into the sky?

The five princes pointed at Ye Hao and cried, "The Queen Mother is tempted by you. The Emperor is now ignorant of danger. The king will replace the singer in addition to you, so that you will not blame the country."

Ye Hao smirked and laughed. She was born to look very good. When she deliberately smiled and looked charming, she looked more natural and took up the wind. It was really a beautiful look, and everyone else’s eyes were straight. I am grateful to the Five Kings for seeing this palace. If the palace has the ability to blame the country and the people, it will certainly praise you for a foresight."

The five princes looked at Ye Hao’s beautiful face, thinking that if he had the opportunity to pull down the lonely star of the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, he would definitely take the woman into the palace in the future. She, watching her kneel under him.

"The shameless demon girl, this king will not let you go today." The five kings called, and they will come to arrest her.

Ye Hao stared at him coldly. "If you dare to touch me, I must make your hand a waste hand."

The five princes were shocked by her cold eyes, and they reacted to being scared by a weak woman. They were even more angry and angry. "The king must try it, what do you have!"

His hand had not touched Ye Hao, and suddenly there was a black shadow around him. Then the whole five people flew out, and a scream was more screaming than before.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?" Tang Yan looked down at Ye Hao, his eyes were full of worry and anger.

Ye Hao smiled at him. "I am fine."

The five princes were dragged out of the air for a few meters, and the forehead hit a big bag on the ground. He pointed to Tang Yan and shouted, "Bold! You... you dare to play this king!"

Don Juan didn't look at the five princes. He only used him as a screaming fly. He whispered to Ye Hao, "Princess, you should go ahead and give it to the minister."

"Don Juan, you are arrogant!" Kang Lao Wang screamed in anger. "There is no Wang Fa in your eyes. You dare to beat the prince, do you want to rebel?"

"Kang Lao Wang, how is the prince playing a rebellion?" Tang Yan sneered and asked, these old guys who thought they were stupid enough to think that the current clan could control the emperor at will?

"You..." The five princes were helped from the ground, pointing to Tang Yan's anger and unable to speak.

"We want to see the emperor!" cried Wang Wang.

Tang Yan said coldly, "The emperor does not want to see you."

"Is the emperor not wanting to see us, or can't see us? Don Juan, what is the purpose of concealing the condition of the emperor? Regardless of the life and death of the emperor, it is reasonable to tell us the clan!"

"Kang Lao Wang, you too take yourself seriously." Tang Xiao smiled.

"Don Juan, if you stop us from seeing the emperor, then don't blame us for using other methods to enter the Qing Dynasty!" Kang Lao Wangdao said.

Tang Yan looked at him with a cold eye. "How does the old lord want to go to the Qing Palace, is it hard?"

Kang Lao Wang snorted. "We have to do this to protect the comfort of the emperor."

Really a good excuse to find! If they let them break into the dry house, they might kill Murong Cham and then hold others as emperors.

"If you are advanced in the Qing government, then go to the Queen Mother to pick up your hand. Otherwise, unless you kill the lord, you don't want to go in one step." Tang Yan said sharply.

"Don Juan, you don't want to toast or drink fine wine!" The five kings warned coldly.

"What kind of wine does not like to drink?" Tang said.

Kang Lao Wang and Wu Wangye looked at each other. Don’t want them to go to the Qing Palace. Is it worried that they found Murong Cham?

It seems that Murong Cham... is really hurt, and may be life-critical.

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