The return of Mingyu, as for Kyoto City, seems to be more of a backbone. Since Murong Yu’s resignation, many ministers in the DPRK are heart-wrenching, especially since the rumors spread by Qi in the recent past, many of them still Under the pleading for Murong Yu to deal with Qin Wangxi.

No one can think of Qin Wangxi’s biological daughter will become a scorpion merged with Jin Guo.

Even Zhao Wei did not end well. It can be seen how much Qin Wangxi hated the rumors. In case she remembered the ministers and the people of Kyoto City?

It was not until Mingyu sat in the white tiger that they were relieved.

Since Mingyu is a benevolent person, it will certainly not hate them. As long as they are loyal and do not make mistakes, Scorpio cannot pick their faults, and they will not be against them.

Ming Yu did not intend to do anything to the ministers here. She knew that they had forced the death of Ye Hao because of rumors. Before she came to Kyoto, her mother had found her. Don’t make any mistakes because of other people’s stupidity. What she has to do is not to count the old complaints, but to settle down.

What is most needed in this world is stability.

Therefore, Mingyu only wants to stabilize the whole world, let the panic stay away, and the monsters cannot be eliminated. Then they must find ways to protect themselves against the monsters.

This time, Lu Shiming’s family also came back. Jin Shanshan, with his child’s thoughts, went to the wasteland with his children. He was afraid that he would encounter the monsters on the road, and he would still be escorted by Liang Shu and Yao Feng.

Soon after, Ye Yinan will bring them back.

After Lei Bingfu and Mingyu reappeared, seeing Mingyu exposed to fatigue, she left the Yangxin Temple and met Murong Yu outside.

In addition to Murong Yu, there are taboos and white tigers who come back with Ming Yu.

Seeing that the white tiger has become a mortal, Lei Bingfu has been able to accept it calmly. Anyway, even how incredible things have happened. The white tiger cultivation has become a human being. It seems that... there is nothing unusual.

These two people have been watching the sky, and did not pay attention to Murong Yu and Lei Bingfu.

Two strange... extraordinary people.

"Chen Chen has seen His Majesty." Lei Bingfu hangs a ritual and intends to leave.

"Ming Yu sleeps?" Murong asked faintly.

Lei Bingfu whispered, "Yes."

Murong Yu was thinking about how to proceed, and he heard Lei Bingfu open his mouth. "If there is nothing, the courtier will go back first."

It seems that I don't want to be like him.

"Hey walk with you." Murong said with a calm face, very dissatisfied with Lei Bingfu's attitude.

"Ah?" Lei Bingfu squatted. He didn't quite understand what Murong said. What is he going to do with her?

Murong slyly swept away, "What? You don't want to?"

"No!" Lei Bingfu immediately shook his head, how dare she have opinions on his uncle, even if there are opinions, dare not say.

She has always been catering to Murong, what he said is what it is.

Murong Yan turned and walked up, and Lei Bingfu followed him behind him.

The white tiger and the jealousy have always maintained the same posture. Lei Bingfu and Murong Yu are only irrelevant to them, so no matter what they say or do, they will not affect them.



Murong stalked forward, he deliberately slowed down, and Lei Bingfu followed him to slow down, but he never thought about keeping up with him, not at all!

It’s just that!

This woman has to start to pretend to be a model, and to show a kind of virtuous appearance.

Murong is born with sulking, is this woman really stupid or deliberately stupid? Doesn't she know what he is upset about?

Only a few days later, I actually returned.

"It's raining!" Lei Bingfu said, this is the first spring rain this year.

Murong Yu was immersed in his own thoughts and did not find the drizzle under the sky.

He didn't let anyone follow, even Ford was sent by him to serve Mingyu. Lei Bingfu was a bit uncertain about what the uncle wanted to do. He didn't want to care about her? He went to the Qing Palace for the first two days to give him a meal. He also showed her face with her face.

So what is his meaning today? Want her to go two steps and walk with him?

Is it fun to shower?

They just passed through the Imperial Garden. Do you really go to the pavilion to avoid the rain?

"Your Majesty!" Lei Bingfu can't stand it, although the weather is not cold now, but the spring is cold, it will fall ill when it rains back.

Murong Yu stopped and looked at her in a faint gaze. She was so happy that she was finally opened.

"What?" Murong asked with a blank expression.

"It’s raining, do you want to avoid the rain first?" Lei Bingfu whispered. "This rain is quite cold."

Murong Yan looked at Lei Bingfu slightly, she stopped him because she wanted to avoid the rain?

"How...what is it?" Lei Bingfu was scared by his gloomy face. Did she say something wrong?

"Lei Bingfu, are you stupid?" Murong asked coldly.

"Chen Chen said the wrong words?" Lei Bingfu is very different, is he wanting to rain, she did not know how to stop him? "Then you continue to rain."

Murong’s face is even more ugly, “I want to kill you.”

"..." Lei Bingfu looked innocent, she really did not know what she was doing wrong.

"Go up!" Murong squinted and let Lei Bingfu go to the pavilion.

Lei Bingfu feels that this man's temper is cloudy, or do not anger her, but the fate is to go to the pavilion from the ground, see him also follow up, thinking that he does not like rain? How come with it.

"Your Majesty, do you want to wipe the rain on your face?" Lei Bingfu asked with a handkerchief. She waited for the habit, even if she was not happy, she still habitually asked.

Murong gave her a look.

Lei Bingfu blinked, what did he mean by saying nothing?

She is getting more and more confused. After meeting Lei Jieting, he seems to be angry, but what is he mad at?

Because she... isn’t jealous?

What is that Lei Jieting, she does not feel that Murong will see her.

"Your Majesty, what did Chen Zi do wrong?" Lei Bingfu walked over to him and took the handkerchief to wipe the rain for him. They got along well before, she liked him quite, and he said that she would take her. Going out to sea, don't take her without you.

"What do you think you are doing wrong?" Murong asked.

Lei Bingfu looked at his handsome face, said with a smile, "Chen Chen ... must be magnanimous in the future, do not arbitrarily make the small temper jealous."

"You are jealous?" Murong Yan raised his eyebrows, why he did not see it.

"Yeah, yeah, which woman is not jealous." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

Murong looked at her faintly, "You."

"I am eating!" Lei Bingfu said in a hurry, he was actually angry because she was not jealous.

What the truth is!

She is not jealous, will he care?

The person he likes... isn’t Qin Wang?

Then is she able to make a bold guess... He already has a little bit like her?

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