
The water was locked at the bottom of the cabin and was locked in the enchantment. Although he has not shown signs of waking up so far, just like sleeping, there is no consciousness at all, but Ye Hao is still not at ease. .

Occasionally, let Van Gogh go down and check at least a few times a day.

Shen Luoyang has already woken up, but I don’t know how she was abused before, no matter who she saw, she was hiding in the corner like a frightened bird, her eyes full of fear.

Ye Hao personally took care of her for two days, and now she is better, and she is willing to let Ye Hao approach her.

"Small, small 夭..." The crystal-clear worm king like a ruby ​​flies around Ye Hao, and the voice is tender and crisp. "Play with me, Xiao Yan."

"What do you want to play?" Ye Hao reluctantly asked, she did not like blood worms, she was afraid of any worms before, but this worm king is really ignorant of a little worm, looks cute and beautiful, still likes to stick her, she is It hates it, but it always feels weird.

How did the lying worm king cultivate in the end, how the temper is like a child.

"Let me eat it!" Fire Phoenix called beside him, wanting to swallow the baby in one bite.

Ye Hao hurriedly pulled him, "No!"

He thought that the worm king was the same as the caterpillar, and he really didn't know what was going on in his stomach.

"Why?" Fire Phoenix stared at the baby. He felt that the bug looked delicious and had already drooled.

"That is the lying insect king." Ye Hao said.

Of course, the fire phoenix knows that this is the worm king. He is a spirit beast. How can he not eat the worm king?

Maybe you can increase your training.

"Smelly chicken!" The baby was hidden in the plaque of Ye Hao, and the two tentacles moved. "You have come over and see who is eating."

"Come on, come on." Fire Phoenix hooked his fingers and made a face to the worm king provocatively.

Ye squatted on the baby, "Okay, no more trouble, Ming Xi, take the fire phoenix away."

"Don't go, I want to eat it." Fire Phoenix called.

Ming Xi took him up and went out. "Don't make trouble, if you really eat it, you will definitely not finish with you."

They just walked out of the door and they were lying outside.

"What to eat?" asked softly and asked Ming Xi.

"No, Huo Huang is hungry, take him to fishing." Ming Xi said with a smile.

The fire phoenix is ​​interesting, and no longer wants to eat the worm king.

"Sink Luoyang woke up?" Ye Hao whispered, screaming at Luo Luoyang to take a medicine to sleep, she let her go to see, I want to know if there is any blood worm in her body.

"Not yet, I have seen it. There are no eggs in her body. If there are, it hatches out for so many days, but it is only scared by torture."

When I heard that I was lying, Ye Hao was relieved. "What about the water?"

"I can't see it, I still need to look at it again." The layman said that the black gossip is not the same as theirs and will not hatch so quickly.

Ye Hao gently beheaded, "I am going to see Shen Luoyang."

When he came to the wing room, Shen Luoyang just woke up, there was no one inside, and seeing Ye Hao coming in, Shen Luoyang couldn't help but shrink, and his eyes looked at Ye Hao.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Ye Hao said softly, "I am here to help you."

Shen Luoyang shrank to the corner of the bed, always looking at Ye Hao, not as screaming as before.

"No one will hurt you in the future." Ye Hao came to the bed and reached out to Shen Luoyang. "Come, hungry? Let's go eat."

"Go away!" Shen Luoyang avoided Ye Hao's hand and looked at her with fear.

Ye Hao is not discouraged. "Is it still painful?"

Shen Luoyang shook his head and buried his face in his knee.

"I'm sorry..." Ye Hao sat down and gently touched Luoyang's hair. "I didn't protect you. I brought you to the Central Plains. I thought it was glory, but it made you suffer." Torture."

Shen Luoyang stiffened and did not move.

"I don't know what you have endured, but I promise that there will be no such thing happening in the future." Ye Hao said softly, "Do you want to believe me again?"

"There is no Yuan Dynasty in this world." Ye Hao whispered, "I created the Yuan Dynasty, now..."

She took the water away and ended the Yuan Dynasty.

"Look outside, we have to go back to China." Ye Hao walked over to open the window and let Shen Luoyang see the sea outside. "You haven't seen the sea for a long time?"

Shen Luoyang slowly raised his head and looked at the outside with a gaze.

Jin Wuxi fell, the sea was golden, the waves rolling, her eyes were dyed with brilliant light.

"See?" Ye Hao looked back and looked at Shen Luoyang.

Shen Luoyang gently nodded his head and stared at the sea outside the window. A long-lost familiarity came from the bottom of his heart.

"Sea..." Shen Luoyang said a word softly.

Ye Hao came to her and looked at Shen Luoyang gently. "Yes, the sea, do you still remember China? We are going back to China, your hometown now."

The eyes of Shen Luoyang looked at the sea without looking at it. There was a bit of clarity in the muddy mind. She seemed to remember the memory of a long time ago.

It is no longer a memory of darkness and fear.

"Come, I will take you to the window to see." Ye Hao saw that Shen Luoyang finally responded, his face also smiled, holding her hand and asking her to walk out of bed.

"Sea...the sea..." Shen Luoyang said in a word, still looking at Ye Hao with some vigilance and fear.

Ye Hao said softly, "Come, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Shen Luoyang looked at Ye Hao, "Heaven... Hey..."

"Do you recognize me?" Ye Hao looked happy, so good, although Shen Luoyang looked very weak and timid, but at least remembered her.

This is a good start.

Shen Luoyang did not speak, but held Ye Hao’s hand tightly.

Ye Hao took her to the bed. "We are now in the West Sea and have been going east. According to the route, we still have one month to go to China. However, we will soon enter the open sea."

"Seeing no, the sunset is very beautiful." Ye Hao came to the window and pointed to Jinwu in the distance. "The sun rises tomorrow, and it is a new day."

Ye Hao whispered something about the former China, while observing the face of Shen Luoyang, seeing that she really listened to it, and her heart was happy too. "...I remember what you said?"

Shen Luoyang gently nodded, then shook his head again, she raised her hand to catch the light of the setting sun.

"We have to go out to sea." Ye Xiao smiled, she looked at the surface of the water, the sunset has gradually sinken, the sky dimmed.

A strange smell came from afar.

Ye Hao clenched the hand of Luoyang. "Okay, don't watch, let's go eat."

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