In the sky of the east, there is a white belly. When the morning sun penetrates the clouds, the sky is rendered bright and bright, and the blue sea reflects the first sun. The dragonfly flashes and looks beautiful.

Ye Hao stood on the deck and looked into the distance. She hadn't seen such a calm and beautiful sea for a long time. When she took her two children out to sea, she felt more relaxed than ever before. Now she is standing here, but she can't feel a touch of ease.

"Oh..." Guan Guan came to Ye Hao's back, with a trace of tension in his eyes.

"Wake up?" Ye Hao looked back at him and smiled. "Is the neck still hurting?"

He turned his head and shook his head. He couldn’t feel the pain and didn’t feel at all.

"Here..." The ring is closed to his heart, "uncomfortable."

Ye stunned. "What happened? Wounded?"

Turning shut and looking at her, he shook his head hard. "No injury, it is uncomfortable."

"I look." Ye Hao gave the pulse to the ring, his pulse was smooth, and there was no sign of injury. "Nothing, who is hit here in your chest?"

"No." Guanuan shook his head. "I don't feel bad when I see you."

Ye Hao laughed and clicked on his forehead. "What are you thinking about, like a child."

Guantuan wants to say that he is not a child, but he is born with a lot of things, and many words don’t know how to export.

"Oh!" Van Gogh ran up and his face became a bit ugly. "It doesn't seem right to see the water."

Upon hearing this, Ye Hao immediately went to see the water at the bottom of the cabin with Van Gogh.

I have been lying here with my baby. The baby is parked on the forehead of the water. The golden tentacles are fanning. I don’t know what I am doing. Since the black blood worm in the water has been killed by the baby, he Fall into a coma, and it is the kind of lifeless coma.

Ye Hao almost thought that the water should be a must die.

"He woke up?" Ye Hao looked at the water that had already sat up.

"Open your eyes, not yet awake."

Ye Hao looked at the look of the water and saw his eyes stagnate. Although he opened his eyes, he did not seem to have consciousness. "Is there a black blood worm in his body..."

Is it that the black blood worm is controlling him to open his eyes?

"The worm king is checking, if there is a black blood worm, it will know." Lying said that he was the first to become a Gorefiend, and among all the Gorefiends, no one can cross him, and Only he can cultivate the worm king, but in the face of the situation of water, he is also confused.

According to what he had seen before, it is impossible for water to survive to the present after losing black blood worms.

Unless he had black blood worms on his body, neither the worm king nor him saw that there were black blood worms in his body.

"A glimpse of the water." Ye Hao went to the front of the water and whispered his name.

"Small, don't go." The layman pulled Ye Hao back and prevented her from getting too close.

Ye Hao said, "He seems to have no reaction at all."

"The black blood worm's eggs are not the same as the blood worms. Even if you leave the host, you will survive. Don't be close," said the layman.

"You are skeptical... will he still become a black-soul?" Ye Hao frowned.

Lying in the mouth, looking at Ye Hao, he did not want to hide her, "Well."

"That..." Ye Hao wanted to say that he had killed the water and looked at his look of stagnation. She still couldn’t say anything.

"If you kill him, the bloodsucker's eggs will not disappear, and ... will speed up his becoming a black-soul, dominated by eggs." Lying said, letting the water live is safer than killing him. .

Ye Hao called a few more words, and there was still no reaction in the water.

"How long does it take for the baby?" asked Ye Hao.

"It wants every blood to be checked, so as not to be missed," said the child. "It may take some time."

Vatican said, "Small, you can rest assured that I will keep an eye on it and will not let the water become a Gorefiend."

Ye Hao gently beheaded, there is a lying and Vatican here, she is more assured.

"I will go to see Luoyang first." Yesterday, Luo Luoyang finally gave a speech. Today, I don't know if it will be better. If she is willing to say what happened to her, maybe she can still know what she had done before the water. .

When I came to the wing, Ye Hao saw that Luo Luo was lying by the window and was watching the sea outside.

“Wake up?” Ye Hao walked in and came to Shen Luoyang’s side. “It’s beautiful outside. Would you like to take you to the deck to see?”

"Outside..." Shen Luoyang hesitated, and she looked at Ye Hao slyly. In fact, she was expecting something.

Ye Hao gently held her hand. "Come, we will soon arrive in China."

Shen Luoyang's hands are thick, that is her tempered swords over the years, and the softness of Ye Hao is completely different, I do not know why, this soft little hand makes her feel inexplicable safety.

When they came to the deck, Mingxi and Huohuang were standing guard, and the Kraken suddenly appeared.

Shen Luoyang saw them and unconsciously shrank back and stood behind Ye Hao.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you." Ye Hao said softly, thinking that Shen Luoyang is going through desperate things, how to see two teenagers are afraid of being like this.

"Mother, there is a small island in front." Mingxi, standing on the sail, shouted, "Would we like to land?"

Ye Hao, a little island?

impossible! She remembers that there is no island in this position on the route.

She remembers not before.

"Slow down the speed, and observe it carefully." Ye Hao said, and the island, which was inexplicably inexplicable, was not at ease.

Ming Xi said, "Would you like me and Huo Huang to go to the island first, if there is no danger, then we will land again."

Their ship was hit yesterday, although it was not damaged to the keel, but it would be better if it could be docked.

"Good." Ye Hao nodded, agreeing that Ming Xi and Huo Huang should first explore the road.

In a short time, Mingxi sent back the news. It was a desert island. Apart from a few animals on the island, they did not see anyone smoking. They could rest on the beach.

Ye Hao then discussed with the layman and brought the boat to the island, intending to spend the night on the island.

"The last catastrophe, the sea has changed. I have never seen this island before." The route map in her hand was previously left. They are still on the ocean route. Even if there is a deviation, there must be It won't go anywhere.

She is pretty sure that she did not have this island before.

“The change in the sea surface is more elusive than the land,” said the layman.

Ye Hao nodded. "Maybe."

In the middle of the night, Ming Xi, who was already sleeping, opened his eyes and he sat up and woke up the fire phoenix.

"What's wrong?" Fire Phoenix asked with a squint.

"I seem to hear the voice of my master." Mingxi whispered, "Have you heard?"

After the fire phoenix stunned, I remembered who the master Mingxi said. "You say Ange saint? He should be in China, how could it be here?"

Ming Xi looked at the forest deep in the island. "Let's go there and see."

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