The forest in this small island is very strange. The trees inside are not seen by Mingxi. The trees are towering into the clouds, and the sound of insects is not heard. Except for the sound of waves coming from far away, there is no sound coming out here. .

"It’s weird." Ming Xi said, "I have never seen such a tree before. You look at these flowers, bigger than the wellhead, and the piranhas are not so terrible."

Fire Phoenix reached out and touched the petals gently. It was no different from ordinary flowers. It was bigger. "Ming Xi, will you feel wrong? There is not even a bug here. How can Ange be here?"

Mingxi frowned. When he was at the beach, he did hear the voice of Ange, but after entering the forest, they could not hear anything.

"Go there and see again." Ming Xi said, if he did not find it again, probably he just got it wrong.

In fact, he did not hear clearly, but he was vague and somewhat similar.

The fire phoenix followed the Mingxi, and kept observing the surroundings, worried that something would suddenly jump out. However, the two of them almost walked the entire forest, and still did not find a semi-personal shadow.

"It seems that I got it wrong, let's go back." Ming Xi said.

After half an hour, the faces of the two teenagers became heavy and serious.

"Are we lost?" Fire Phoenix whispered, they clearly walked the way, how to turn for a long time or in the forest.

"Go here." Ming Xi said quietly.

They walked in the forest for half an hour, still did not find the beach before they came.

Huo Huang said with a smile, "I thought that this forest is nothing special, it seems unusual."

Ming Xi looked up at the sky. "The trees will move."

He had just done his hands and feet on the tree. When they walked, the trees would follow them, and they were all confused by them, so they could not walk out of the forest.

"Do you want to burn these trees?" Fire Phoenix asked, when he said this, the surrounding leaves made a rustling sound, as if he could understand the words of the fire phoenix.

Ming Xi gently stroked the uneven bark. He never heard of any trees that could move by themselves, let alone the human continent, unless these trees are not trees.

"You used to see such a tree in Xuantian mainland?" Ming Xi asked.

"No." Fire Phoenix shook his head. "Not before."

Ming Xi took out the round knife, and the dragon knife flew out. The countless big trees in front of him broke open. He and the fire phoenix galloped along the broken tree. However, those broken trees soon became long. A new branch, it took a long time to return to its original state.

If you say that this forest is not the same, then it is really a ghost.

"There is a problem." Fire Phoenix whispered.

"That's a play." Ming Xi said with a smile, "Go, fly up and see what the island is."

The fire phoenix flew up, his speed was fast, he thought he would be able to fly out of the island soon, but he found that as he was flying high, the trees followed him up, he could not fly out of the forest. .

"Continue to fly up." Ming Xi said, he did not believe that these trees could grow into the sky.

On the other side of the island, Ye Hao and Shen Luoyang did not rest on the beach. She knew that Shen Luoyang was still afraid to see people, so she just walked below and returned to the boat. He heard Ange in Mingxi. When she heard the sound, Ye Hao felt that something was wrong, so she asked Guan Guan to guard Shen Luoyang at the door. She planned to go to the beach to find Mingxi.

The Mingxi and Huohuang, which were supposed to be on the beach, were gone, and I didn’t know where I went.

"Ming Xi, Huo Er?" Ye Hao called a few words, thinking if they were going to go wherever they went.

"What's wrong?" Walked behind Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked back at him. "How come you came, did you wake up in the water?"

"The insect king is still checking." Lying said that he felt a bit strange and deliberately took a look.

"The two children may have gone to the forest to play." Ye Hao said, "I am going to find them."

Lying in the hands of Ye Hao, "Don't go, this island has problems."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, "What problem?"

"Come here." Lying with Ye Hao, flying in the air, overlooking the entire island, they did not see it when they looked from the front, but when you look down from the top of the island, you will see the shape of the island. It looks like a giant turtle.

"Look at those trees." Ye Hao cried, she saw that the trees were moving.

Lying said, "Ming Xi and Huo Huang may be inside."

What is possible! The two guys must be in the forest, and now they can't come out.

"I will find them out," said the layman.

"Don't go." Ye Hao said, "They should be able to come out by themselves."

Looking at the island with a gaze, I noticed that the island was moving gently. If there is no guess, this should be the island of the Millennium Sea Turtle. The look of this island is at least Turtles that have been cultivated for thousands of years.

How can the mainland have a turtle that has been cultivated to this extent?

Ye Hao saw a ray of light in the forest, which should be the fireworks of the fire phoenix.

"They can't get out." Ye Hao whispered, she saw that the big trees would grow taller, they blocked the way out of Mingxi and Huohuang.

"This millennium sea turtle will not let them leave."

Ye Hao looked at the island, "lying, what is this island?"

"The Millennium Turtle." Lying low, "I am afraid that it is the same purpose as the previous Kraken."

"Some people don't want us to go to China." Ye Hao said, more and more, I feel that Aberdeen's side is not the big monster in their mouth.

The only thing she can't figure out is that the big monster came to the world and didn't look for the ancient Gorefiend. She pretended to be dumb and stayed with the emperor. What do I want to do?

A round knife ran out of the forest. The fire rushed out like a fireball to the big tree that wanted to surround him. They stayed in the air, and the big trees wanted to continue to entangle them and get fire. A phoenix fire burned back.

"Ming Xi, Huo Er." Ye Hao galloped toward them. "Are you okay?"

"Mother, we are fine, this island has problems, I just heard the voice of the Ange saint." Ming Xi said.

Ye stunned, Ange?

"Why is Ange in China, how can it be here?" Ye said strangely, thinking that Mingxi should have heard it wrong.

"Really, I really heard it." Mingxi cried, "Mother, we woke up this monster, and the Ango saint will not get lost here."

When I heard Mingxi’s words, Ye Hao frowned, as if... there is this possibility!

"How do you wake up this monster?" Fire Phoenix asked, he has not seen such a big monster.

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