It’s too easy to wake up this monster.

Fire Phoenix smiled and looked at Mingxi, and the two flew into the forest. In a short while, the sparks in the forest flashed, and a piece of woods burned.

"..." Is this fire burning too much?

Ye Hao is also helpless to these two teenagers, so he wakes up when he burns.

The whole forest was burned and there was fire everywhere.

A deep cry came from the bottom of the sea.

The island slowly sinks, the original beach is immersed in the sea, and the sound is getting more and more dull, shaking the surrounding seawater.

"Hey, the island is gone." Fire Phoenix flew up with Mingxi and smiled at the sea.

"This is a small island that has been transformed into a thousand-year-old sea turtle. You are now burning him like this. He must be furious," said the layman.

His words were just finished, a huge splash of water spouted out of the sea, the waves rolled, and there was a giant green body on the top of the wave. His body was still carrying a light smoke, holding a large turtle shell in his hand. I am groaning in anger.

"Hey, look at the sea, is it an Ange?" Fire Phoenix pointed at the back of the giant turtle, and a pink figure floated in the sea.

"It's Master!" Mingxi called, he really wasn't sensitive to the mistake, and he really heard the voice of Ange.

The turtle giant looked fiercely at Ming Xi and Huo Huang. "You dare to disturb me to sleep!"

"You have to say shamelessly. If you don't stop us from going out, who will disturb you to sleep." Fire Phoenix snorted, they were lost.

"Go down!" The turtle giant roared and raised his hand to take a fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix avoided it flexibly, and Mingxi stayed in front of the turtle giant.

Mingxi said, "The big tortoise, we have no enmity and no complaints, isn't it burning your hair? You are so tall and sturdy, you should be generous, and what do you care about with our children? Are you right?"

"No!" cried the giant turtle. "You burned my sea spirit tree, you can't spare you!"

It turned out that it was Lingshu, and Mingxi smiled. "Isn't it a tree? Then there is another kind."

The turtle giant was stunned by Ming Xi’s understatement. "Do you think that the sea spirit tree can grow if you want to grow it? You know how much effort I spent!"

"What kind of blood is spent, your sea spirit tree can grow on the turtle shell, is it using the spiritual power of Ange?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

She had never seen Hailing Tree before, but she saw it in the book.

This is a tree that grows in the sea. It can't leave the water to survive. Once it leaves the bottom of the water, unless there is enough spiritual power, they will grow more quickly than in the water, and it is a natural prison, as long as it is trapped. In it, it is difficult to get rid of, and the sea spirit tree is cut and the sword is constantly cut.

If you don't meet Ming Xi's round knife...

Ming Xi and Huo Huang may be trapped inside and will never come out.

"What is in your hand?" The giant turtle pointed at the round knife in the hands of Ming Xi. He did not think that someone could break his sea spirit tree. If it were not this round knife, he would not be burned like this. .

"It's a small broken knife." Ming Xi said with a smile.

The turtle giant glared at him. If it was just a small knife, how could he cut off his sea spirit tree.

"You asked us so many questions, it is our turn to ask you." Ye Hao said, pointing to the floating song of life and death in the sea, "Why are you shutting him?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" the giant turtle called, and a stream of water rushed from the sea to Mingxi. "Give me the knife in your hand."

Mingxi sneered, "If you have the ability, you will grab it."

The turtle giant's water flow is amazing, and it rushes straight into the clouds. Ye Hao and his life are to avoid. She is worried about the Ange in the sea and wants to take the Ange away.

"You are careful." The open mouth reminded Ming Xi that this millennium sea turtle is not much better than the sea otters they had encountered before. Ming Xi and the fire phoenix are not necessarily his opponents, especially they still I was angered.

"Sleeping, you go to help Mingxi, they lead him, I will save the Ange saint." Ye Hao sent a message to the lying, Ming Xi and Huo Huang to deal with the turtle giant is still relatively difficult.

"You are also careful." Lying to Ye Hao.

Mingxi and Huohuang are flying fast, and the giants of the tortoise are hard to beat each other. The sea has appeared in the water to chase Mingxi.

"Smelly tortoise, do not use water with the ability!" Fire Phoenix called, he hated water.

"He was originally a turtle, how could he not use it!" Mingxi called.

Fire Phoenix thought for a moment. "It makes sense. We lead him out of the sea, so he can't use water."

He said, he flew to the sky with Mingxi, and the turtles of the turtle giant could not catch up with them. He screamed and chased them up on the water.

"Look, he left the sea." Fire Phoenix exclaimed excitedly and turned to meet the turtle giant. "We burned him to the black king."

Ming Xi took his wings and wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

The turtle giant sipped into the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix wows, "How can he still use water?"

"..." Mingxi said helplessly, "You are stupid, he is a Kraken, how can you not use water, and the flame on your body is a holy fire. The sea on the earth can't deal with you at all. What are you afraid of?" ""

The same was true of the two days before the sea scorpion demon. After entering the sea, his flame had no effect at all. He completely scared himself. When he did not find it in the sea, he himself could not help but collect the fireworks. It had nothing to do with the sea. .

Fire Phoenix snorted. "You make sense, why don't you say it earlier?"

"You are stupid." Mingxi said with no anger.

"Burning it!" cried the fire phoenix, he wanted shame.

Mingxi’s eyes swept to Ye Hao and had already gone to save the Ange. He smiled and looked at the turtle giant. “You can’t beat us, or don’t fight.”

The turtle giant sneered. "Take your knife and let you not die."

"Give me your turtle shell, we don't want your king's skin." Fire Phoenix called.

"Stinky bird! Looking for death!" The giant turtle was furious and flew over to Mingxi and Huohuang. The shells in their hands were thrown out, and they grew bigger and bigger on their heads, almost blocking the half of the sky.

Mingxi was shocked and took the hand of the fire phoenix. "Come on!"

Unfortunately, they are too late, they fly faster, the turtle shell becomes bigger, and they are shrouded in the shadow of the turtle shell, so they are buckled on the sea.

"Ming Xi!" The look of lying changed, and before the turtle shell buckled in the sea, it entered the turtle shell.

"How come you come in!" Then the fireworks of the fire phoenix, Ming Xi saw lying.

Fire Phoenix asked, "How do we go out?"

This is the turtle shell of the Millennium Turtle. Its turtle shell is a super-protective shield.

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