I was slashed several times with my sword, and I could not leave a trace on the turtle shell.

After all, it is a turtle shell that has been cultivated for thousands of years. The hardness is not comparable to that of a normal shield.

"Ming Xi, try your round knife." Fire Phoenix said to Mingxi.

Mingxi took a round knife and slashed it to the tortoise shell. His round knife could not see the sharpness. If it was placed in the famous sword, it was just a blind knife that was inconspicuous. However, this round knife allowed them to escape the millennium turtle. The prison of Hailingshu.

There is a scratch on the shell, but it has no use.

"..." Fire phoenix round eyes, even the dragon knife can not hurt this turtle shell?

"If the turtle shell can be used to refine the shield, it must be a super treasure." Ming Xi touched the scratch and said with exclamation.

The fire phoenix rolled his eyes. "You can go out and say, how do you make this turtle shell into a shield?"

Mingxi was not nervous at all and was trapped inside the turtle shell. "Don't worry, let's see what the millennium turtle wants to do."

"He wants your round knife." Lying said, he looked at the round knife in Ming Xi's hand. "You are... where did you find it?"

"Hey." Ming Xi shrugged. "It looks very interesting."

I have seen many weapons when I was in ancient times, but I have never seen this round knife.

The fire phoenix looked around the turtle shell, and did not see a trace of the gap to escape. "Hey, did you hear us talking?"


"No need to call, my mother can not hear." Ming Xi said, this turtle shell can not leak a drop of sea water, let alone the sound, and certainly can not hear anything outside.

Fire Phoenix came to Mingxi’s side. "How are you not nervous at all?"

"What is so nervous?" Mingxi said faintly, "Mother will definitely let us out."

He and Huo Huang did not go back for so long, and the deaf children should have discovered it. For any monster, it should be fearful to the deaf children.

However, he does not want his nephew to come to save him, in case he reveals her identity as a little white dragon?

I haven't checked why the children were kept in Heilongjiang since they were young.

Outside the tortoise shell, Ye Hao has brought the Ango saint from the sea, but he is still unconscious, she still does not know what injury he suffered.

"Let's put it down!" The turtle giant came behind Ye Hao and ordered in a cold voice.

"Who made you shut him?" asked Ye Hao.

The giant tortoise waved to Ye Hao.

"Follow him!" Ye Hao throws the Ango saint back, just in the hands of the Vatican.

The side of Vatican is a nephew.

"Mrs., Mingxi?" asked the child. She and the fire phoenix were angry. They didn't go to the island on the boat. I didn't expect it to happen. The island disappeared, but a thousand-year-old turtle appeared.

"Being in the turtle shell, you can save them." Ye Hao said.

The baby looked at the green giant, this is a turtle that has been practicing for thousands of years. In the case of the dragon, this turtle can only be regarded as the lowest servant.

If she shows the true dragon, the Millennium Turtles will certainly not dare to let her in front of her.

Ye Hao saw the hesitation of her son at this time. She also knew that if the children showed a real dragon, they would not need to fight any more. The thousand-year-old turtles in front of them would definitely release Mingxi, but they were lying. Vatican, they are here, they can't let them know the identity of their nephews.

"Hey, go find a way to release Mingxi them." Ye Hao whispered, looking at her with gaze.

"Okay." The child saw the meaning of Ye Hao, and did not hesitate to gallop in the direction of the turtle shell.

The turtle giant looked at the petite figure, and an inexplicable awe was coming up in the bottom of my heart.

He couldn't see the identity of the little girl, but he didn't dare to hurt her.

"Small, okay?" Van Gogh came to Ye Hao's side, still holding an An Ge in his hand. "Who is this person?"

"Ming Xi's master was trapped in the sea spirit tree by the Millennium Turtles." Ye Hao said, "He is very powerful, be careful."

Van Gogh gently nodded.

In the hand of Ye Hao, holding the bow of the next day, he swayed quickly in the water column of the turtle giant, and the arrow of the next day slammed into the eyes of the turtle giant.

However, they were all opened by the water column.

"Small, shoot his eyes." Van Gogh placed Ange on a small boat with two golden axes in his hand behind the giant of the turtle.

"The fire of the next day..." The turtle giant frowned at Ye Hao. "Who are you?"

Van Gogh appeared on the shoulder of the turtle giant, and the golden axe reached his ear. "Who made you here?"

"Bloody?" The Millennium Turtle is more confused.

"Would you like to let the blood worms crawl in your ears?" Vatican asked with a smile. "Although our blood worms generally choose mortals as hosts, regardless of...not looking for monsters, at most it takes some time. The same can be found in your internal organs."

The face of the turtle giant suddenly changed. "You dare!"

Vatican eats and laughs. "Is there anything I dare?"

Ye Hao heard the threat of Vatican, and his mouth tilted slightly.

"What is the relationship between you and Wen Tian?" asked the turtle giant, pointing to Ye Hao. "And you are the ancient Gorefiend?"

"I don't know Wen Tian, ​​but now on your shoulders, you guessed it." Ye Hao said faintly.

The Turtle Giant felt inexplicable. He was ordered to come here to block the woman with the whip of the next day, but he could not shoot the ancient Gorefiend, and he saw the ancient Gorefiends to give them directions. What is he now? do?

"Ah, let's not let you come?" Van Gogh asked in a low voice.

"You..." The turtle's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "If you know, it won't roll away."

Van Gogh looked at Ye Hao, it seems that they had guessed the same. The mermaid in China is the Aber they have seen before.

What do you want to do?

"What about him? What is going on?" asked Vatican pointing to Ange.

The Turtle Giant refused to answer, and he wanted to take out the Vatican. He was cut off by the golden axe of Vatican. "Blood, the bloodworm is the blood."

"Don't!" The turtle giant was too rigid to move. "It was the man who passed and lost on my island."

"A, don't let you shut him." Ye Hao asked coldly, "Is it?"

The turtle giant looked at the top and did not answer Ye Hao’s question.

At this moment, there was a dazzling light shining over the shell of the turtle. With a loud bang, the shell of the turtle cracked into two halves, and Ming Xi and Huo Huang flew out from the inside, followed by lying.

how is this possible! The turtle giant's face changed greatly, and someone could open his turtle shell!

"Big brother." Vatican shouted. "Are you okay?"

"No problem." Lying softly beheaded, looking at the brightly smiling nephew.

He just seemed to... feel a familiar and strange atmosphere.

Is it an illusion?

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