"You...who are you?" The turtle giant groaned and couldn't believe his turtle shell would be cut in half. Yes, this little girl is cutting and effortlessly smashing him. The turtle shell of the shield is cut in half.

For the first time, he has been able to destroy his turtle shell so thoroughly.

The nephew stood by Mingxi and determined that Mingxi was not injured. This turned his eyes to the giant turtle. "Who am I related to you?"

"You dare to destroy my turtle shell!" The turtle giant could not see who the nephew was, but his turtle shell was cut in half. He was too angry to care for the Vatican still on his shoulder. The child was torn in half.

"Do you keep my friend inside, but I still don't allow me to save people? It is obviously your turtle shell and tofu, but also blame others for destruction." The child snorted, others may think that the turtle shell of the millennium turtle Unbreakable, but she has seen all kinds of treasures in Heilongjiang since childhood, what shields have not seen, this tortoise is really nothing.

The turtle giant has to rush to catch the nephew.

The golden axe of Vatican shook in front of his eyes. "Don't move, my bloodworm is hungry."

"What do you want?" the turtle giant yelled, he was not afraid to fight with them alone, but the bloodworm was such a thing... he was afraid.

"This should be what we ask you." Ye Hao said faintly, "How long have you been burying An Ge in the island?"

The turtle giant looked at the unconscious Ang, "I don't remember."

How can I not remember, clearly do not want to say!

"I heard that the monster can also cultivate the Gorefiend, maybe you can try." Ye Hao smiled and said.

"A year ago!" Turtle Giant said immediately. "He passed by me and thought that I was a small island. When I saw him with spiritual power, he left him on the island and took his spiritual power to Hailing Tree every day. ""

Ye Wei asked, "Who made you do this?"

"No one has let me do this. It is this person who is unlucky. I just met me." The turtle giant snorted and said nothing about who was ordered.

In fact, even if he does not say, Ye Hao can also guess that it is Ah.

In this sea area, in addition to Abu, who else can make the Millennium Turtles move.

She did not believe that it was so skillful that the Angodes passed by, and the millennial sea turtles knew each other very well. It is not good for him to know that trapping a saint.

"Have you seen the mermaid?" asked Ye Hao.

"Hahaha, you are fainting, the mermaid that comes from this space, has long been annihilated." The millennium turtle laughed, as Ye Hao said a funny joke.

Ye Hao and his father looked at each other. Did the turtle giant have not seen Aber, or did not know that Aberdeen is a mermaid?

"Hey, what do you want to say? I said everything that I said." The giant turtle called. "If you dare to give me **** worms, I will fight with you."

In fact, they don't want to fight with this millennium sea turtle. It really fights. The sea is definitely not calm. If you are not careful, it will trigger a tsunami.

"Let him go." Ye Hao said faintly, he will definitely go to the person behind him, who let him shut the song, that person will definitely appear.

"Go!" Vatican collects blood worms and gives the turtle giants freedom.

The Turtle Giant is no longer threatened by blood worms, pointing to the unconscious Ange. "This person... is also mine."

"This person is our friend, not yours." Ye Hao said coldly.

"What friends, how do I know if you are telling the truth?" the giant turtle called.

Ye Lan took a step forward and looked at him with a stern look. "What if it is fake?"

The turtle giant looked at them and judged their own odds. He may not be able to beat the Gorefiend, but the bloodworm is too disgusting. As long as it is wrapped up, unless it can defeat the Gorefiend, it will be controlled by the bloodworm.

But Gorefiend is not his most vigilant, but the little girl who cut his turtle shell in half, that is the most invisible to him.

"You have a lot of people, I don't care about you." The turtle giant snorted and jumped into the bottom of the sea, and soon disappeared into the sea.

"Running, are you not very powerful?" cried Fire Phoenix.

Ye Hao whispered, "Okay, don't chase him, go back to the boat first."

The most important thing for them now is not to catch the giant turtle, but to treat the Ango saint.

"Mother, what about my master?" Ming Xi rushed to ask.

"It's not clear." Ye Hao looked at Ange with a heavy look. "Go."

Fire Phoenix cried, "Does this turtle shell not go away? What a pity..."

His words have not been finished yet, and the turtle shell that originally floated on the sea disappeared.

"This is the tortoise of the millennium sea turtle. Do you think he will keep it for you?" The turtles who lost the tortoise shells will lose their spiritual power and will certainly not give up.

The fire phoenix licked his mouth and secretly regretted not getting the tortoise shell early.

Going back to the boat, leaving Van Gogh on the deck, he went to the bottom of the cabin to see the water, and the worm king still checked his body for black eggs.

For a glimpse of water, lying is more vigilant.

"Mother, look at Master." Mingxi worried about the Ange saint. He always thought that Ange was very happy in China. He never thought that he would be trapped on a monster island like the Millennium Turtle.

Ye Hao gave Ange a pulse and checked his gas. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, there was no serious injury, but the spiritual power was exhausted, and the sea could not work."

"It must have been that the old king eight sucked away the spiritual power of An Ge." Fire Phoenix said.

"An Ge may want to go back to find us, and was stopped by the Millennium Turtles on the way." Ye Hao whispered, "Ming Xi, first take him back to the wing, I will give him medicine."

Her condensate Dan has been used up, and I have planned to refine some of them in the past few days.

"Hey, will it be an accident in China?" Fire Phoenix asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Ye Hao looked at the sea ahead. "Some people don't want us to go to China."

The nephew asked, "Who?"

"Ah you saw in the Yuan Dynasty..." Ye Hao frowned. "It may be one of the great monsters of ancient times."

"What?" The three children screamed, "Impossible!"

Ming Xi said, "Mother, that is not very courageous, it is impossible to be a big monster."

"If she is a big monster, why don't you come to find them?" Fire Phoenix said.

The child frowned, "but she is a mermaid..."

"What happened to the mermaid?" asked the fire phoenix.

"It won't be worse than the millennium turtle we just saw, it will only be more powerful." The nephew said, "Besides us, the mermaid only surrendered to the Protoss."

There are still smells.

The whispering day is itself a python, and it can become a true dragon only if it is a step.

"When we arrived in China, after seeing Abu, everything will be understood." Ye Hao whispered.

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