In the next few days, they did not encounter high-order Krakens again. Even if the Krakens wanted to destroy their ships, they were solved by Mingxi and Huohuang.

Ye Hao is more and more sure that someone does not want them to go to China, or they will not stop them all the way.

"Mother, what happened to Master?" Mingxi knocked on the door and entered the room. His eyes fell on the bed on the bed. It has been a few days, but the Ango saint did not show any signs of waking up.

"Not yet awake." She has refining the super condensate dan to the Ange, his previous spiritual power consumption is too large, even if it takes to recover, it will take some time, the power of condensate Dan has been slowly repaired. His arrogance, "When the air of the Ange can work, it should be able to wake up."

Ming Xi sat down beside the bed and looked at the pale ang song. He whispered, "What is Master's sage again? Even if he fights with the Millennium Turtle, he may not lose. He was trapped for a year. ”

He is able to escape from the sea spirit tree, and the Ango saint is certainly also possible. Even if it will not come out for a while, it will not be trapped for a year.

"When you saw Abu before, what was she like?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Be timid, weak." Ming Xi said, "She can see the identity of her nephew at a glance, and she is still in front of her nephew, as if she is very scared."

Ye Yiyi said, "She already knows the identity of her nephew?"

"It should be seen, or why is it so scary." Ming Xi tried hard to think back, Ah did not look at it, he had forgotten what she was like, but when she first saw her nephew, her The reaction made him impressed.

If this is the case, then the identity of the nephew will not be concealed for a long time. Even if he is shackled, he will still be known when he arrives in China.

"You are here to look after Ange, I will go and see below." Ye Hao whispered, the worm king stopped on the forehead of the water for a few days, motionless to check if there are eggs left in his body, She did not dare to disturb, fearing to disturb the king of insects, and she did not appear for a few days.

"Mother, we can't kill the dead water, but we can leave him in this sea." Mingxi whispered, "Even if he really became a black-soul, we can seal him in this sea. Is it possible? The blood worm can also find the host in the sea, and the water can not absorb the blood of others."

Ye Hao frowned, this is no way. If the water is not controlled by the black blood worm, it would be too much to seal him in the sea.

"I will go and see first." Ye Hao said that he did not agree with Mingxi's thoughts.

At the bottom of the cabin, Ye Hao saw the water still as it was, sitting there with a pair of deep, quiet eyes. He clearly had breathing, but he did not eat or drink like a wooden man. Nothing at all.

"Sleeping." Ye Hao came to his side and looked up at the water. "Is still not found?"

"Yeah." Lying softly beheaded, "What happened to the saint you saved?"

Ye Hao said, "I haven't woken up yet, the spiritual power is too much, and I need to recover slowly."

Looking thoughtfully at Ye Xie, he has a lot of words to ask, but he does not know where to ask.

"What happened to the worm king?" Ye Hao saw that the baby resting on the forehead of the water was changing. The original crystal clear body was slowly getting bigger, and the wings on the back were violently fanning.

"Found it!" The look of lying changed, and I would like to ask Ye Hao's words temporarily pressed down. "Small, you go up first."

A scream of screams broke out in the water, "Ah ah ah-"

Immediately set his enchantment around him to prevent the black blood worms in his body from finding the host.

"The baby won't have anything to do?" Ye Hao worriedly asked, she saw the body of the insect king became too exaggerated.

"No," said the layman. He pushed Ye Hao out and went into the room to hold the water.

The sound of a hoarse voice came out, "Let me go! Let me go!"

The king's wings became black, and in the sound of the water, its body expanded and slowly returned to its original state.

"I won't be so easily defeated by you, no!" Water yelled. "You can't kill me, you can't kill me."

"Baby." I ignored him, but I fell on my eyes.

The worm king came down from the forehead of the water and fell on the palm of his heart. "It's so disgusting, the eggs of the black blood worms have the same taste as the cockroaches."

Lying in a laugh, "Have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten it, but...but it must be the same." The baby king licked the palm of his hand. "The egg is so deep that the blood vessels in his brain almost missed." ”

After a scream, the water stunned.

Lying in front of the insect king, he walked out of the wing and saw Ye Hao outside.

"How?" asked Ye Hao.

"Small, I am so uncomfortable." Cinnamon baby cried grievously, want to go to Ye Hao's palm for comfort.

Ye Hao and the worm king have been together for a few days, and have become habits from the beginning of fear.

Besides, the worm king is crystal clear, completely different from the blood worm she saw before, and it is difficult for her to hate it.

"How did you become like this?" Ye Hao took the initiative to hold the baby king in his hand. "What happened to him?"

"I am going to die, how do you care about that guy." The worm screamed, squeezing two tears in the palm of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao thought that it was true, and looked nervously, "What happened to the baby?"

"If you eat the eggs of black blood worms, you may be too tired, and you won't have anything to worry about. Don't worry," said the child. "The water fainted and passed, wait until he wakes up and look at it."

"Is the egg found?" Ye Hao’s face is a hi, so to say, the water will not become a black goblin.

Gently nodded, took the worm king back, and let it go back to his place to rest.

"Let's go up first," said the layman.

Now that you have found the eggs, you should stop worrying that the water will become a black goblin.

Ye Hao and lying on the deck.

"Small, there is something..." Hesitated for a moment and determined that there were no other people around him. He asked him, "Who is the nephew? I heard that Mingxi saved her, what is it?" Where did the place meet?"

Sure enough, I suspected my nephew!

Ye licked his lips. "I can't tell you. When the time is up, you naturally know."

Lying slightly frowning, he was already suspected of her identity when he saw the nephew easily unraveling the turtle shell.

It seems that his suspicions are correct, and the children are not ordinary people.

"We should be able to go to China soon." Ye Hao smiled and shifted the topic, "I hope not to encounter the Kraken again."

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