Where is China?

On the easternmost side of the open sea, Ye Hao remembers that he had been in the open sea for more than a month before seeing the island countries, but they have not seen the island country she had visited before.

"It's not a problem with the route. What is the reason?" Ye Hao frowned at the map in his hand and should not go wrong.

"When a disaster occurs at sea, the island will change." The whispered whispered that the human continent had a gap more than a year ago. At that time, disasters were everywhere, and the sea here was equally likely to happen.

Ye Hao said, "I know, just don't want to happen."

After all, those island countries have the people she has met, and she hopes that they will all be well.

“How far is it from China?” asked the layman.

"It should be soon." Ye Hao looked at the sea. "There are no sirens on this road. I don't know if you come, so I won't let the Kraken appear again."

Lying in a bitter smile, "I don't know if I don't know if she was seen before. Even if it is really her, she may not want to see us. She has not said anything other than the Lord."

"There is still such a thing..." Ye Hao was surprised, but it really is everyone.

"Look, it seems like the front is coming." Mingxi, standing on the sail pole, cried, "I saw the port."

Lying to Ye Hao, I was asleep, "It’s here."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, thinking that she could see them immediately, her mood was extremely exciting.

“Is China not an island?” Mingxi asked. “This is the end of the sea.”

"What?" Ye Hao stunned and came to Mingxi's side, overlooking the island in front. No, it was not an island. It seemed to be at the end of the sea, completely different from the country she had seen before.

Although China is very large, it will not be much smaller than the Central Plains, but she remembers that Qi Hua said that China is surrounded by the sea.

According to the route she used before, they should first come to Baoxiangguo, where she met the kings of Dailuo and Afu, and also taught people there to plant herbs to help them learn to cure diseases. They all look for the national teacher. What she has done in the treasure country is still vivid, and she can't believe that the vibrant island disappeared.

"Mother, is that China?" Ming Xi came to Ye Hao's side. Although he had been to China before, he was still so small at that time, and there was almost no memory.

Ye Hao frowned and shook her head. She was not sure if it was Huaguo. "Let's go to the beach first."

Their ship slowly approached the shore, and the familiar and unfamiliar port made it impossible for Ye Hao to determine whether this was a Chinese country.

People on the shore saw big ships approaching and looked at them curiously.

"Mother, do you want to take the water off the boat?" Ming Xi whispered.

"Not for the time being." Ye Hao whispered that water is not a small person in China. Although it has been away for so many years, it is difficult to ensure that some people will recognize it. She does not want to cause unnecessary trouble. "I am going to bring Shen Luoyang, you first Go ahead and ask if this is a Chinese country."

Mingxi responded, and the three of them would first disembark and ask for it.

Ye Hao went to the wing to find Shen Luoyang, but Shen Luoyang, who was supposed to be inside, did not know where to go.

"Shen Luoyang?" Ye Hao questioned and asked the Vatican that had just passed.

"Isn't she always there?" Vatican asked strangely. "I went to find my big brother and didn't notice her."

Ye Hao frowned, and although Luo Yang had not resisted strangers before, but without her, she never walked out of the wing, where would she go?

"I am going to find her." Ye Hao said, there are some concerns that Shen Luoyang will be scared.

She didn't dare to ask what happened to Shen Luoyang until now, fearing that she would remind her of the bad things.

I will help you find it. "Vatican said.

They searched the cabins above and below the cabin, and still did not find Shen Luoyang.

"Small, will she have already disembarked?" asked Vatican.

"Impossible, if she disembarked, I definitely know." Did not see Shen Luoyang out of the cabin.

Ye Hao carefully thought about where they still did not go.

Van Gogh’s face suddenly changed. “She won’t go down to go below?”

"Go and see!" Ye Hao said, the bottom of the cabin is a warehouse-like room, where the water has been locked.

She did not want to let Shen Luoyang see the water.

"Shen Luoyang!" Ye Hao came to the bottom, but before he entered the door, he saw Shen Luoyang, who was shrunk into a corner.

A glimpse of water has already woke up, looking at the front with no expression, it seems that he did not notice Shen Luoyang.

"Are you okay?" Ye Hao used to sip Shen Luoyang, and she was scared and pale, her whole body was shaking, her eyes staring at the water, "I will take you away first."

"What happened to her?" When Ye Hao was about to leave, the water suddenly opened.

Ye Hao looked back at him coldly. "You are finally awake."

The water looked at Ye Hao with a blank expression. "Hey, why should you treat me like this? I am more like a ghost than a ghost."

"Even if you become a waste person, it is stronger than being a black blood monster." Ye Hao said coldly.

"You can't stop me." Water said, "unless you kill me."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "Vatican Brah, you will go back to Luoyang."

Shen Luoyang shivered in the arms of Ye Hao, and for a while, she was willing to be left by Van Gogh.

"What did you do to Shen Luoyang?" Ye Hao turned back, the anger that was difficult to suppress.

Water did not answer Ye Hao, "Where is this?"

"Shen Luoyang has been with you for so many years, born and died for you, even if you have no credit and hard work, you don't even think about her feelings for you. After so many years, don't you have any old feelings?" .

"I will read everything she has done for me." Water said, "I just want her blood, and she didn't want her life."

Ye Hao angered, "You might as well kill her!"

"What is wrong with her?" asked the water.

"You are really..." Ye Hao took a deep breath. If she could kill him, she would rather kill him. "What did Ye Wei say to you?"

The water looked at Ye Hao with a faint gaze. "What about her?"

"Dead!" said Ye Hao. "You don't need to expect her to help you practice the Gorefiend."

"Hey, you are good to everyone, but you are too cruel to me." Water whispered.

Ye Hao looked at him. "Your ambition is too big."

Water smiled and laughed. "My ambition is always only you."

He gave up everything in China and followed her to the Central Plains. He did not do it for himself, just because of her.

However, she never dismissed him.

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