The largest auctioneer in Nanzhou was a glimpse of water. Anyone who enters the auction hall needs to have an invitation, and he has to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan. It is not unusual for anyone to enter the auction hall. Or because of the thousand vanilla, I was able to enter the auction hall.

As soon as the water left China, the leader of Nanzhou was replaced.

Yejia Auction Hall.

Seeing the characters on the threshold of a few dragons and phoenixes, Ye Hao thought that this Ye family should not have anything to do with her...

"Small cockroaches, it seems to be very fun inside. Let's go in and see." Van Gogh took Ye Hao's hand and went into the auction hall. He was stopped when he didn't walk in. Anyone who wants to go to the auction hall must first Pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan, or replace the treasure of the same price.

"Is it so troublesome?" Vatican asked in a strange way, where did they go to find 100,000?

Ye Hao put 300,000 silver tickets in the hands of the man. "Can you go in?"

The man probably didn't think that Ye Hao could come up with so many silver tickets at once, and some did not respond. Who would have nothing to do with so many silver tickets to walk outside, and it was still a woman.

"What's wrong? Can't you go in?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly. Most of her space was the original silver ticket, and these silver tickets were still common in China. It was left a few years ago. She simply No use.

"Please come in." The goalkeeper returned to God and hurriedly ushered in Ye Hao, and installed the 300,000 two-box box. He planned to tell the story to the owner.

Ye Hao took the Vatican and they entered the auction hall. It was very large. The auction platform was semi-circular. It was carved with huge stones. There were dozens of round tables in front and rooms on the second floor, but it was clearer. See the auction floor.

They were led to the wing on the second floor, just opposite the auction house.

"Oh, what is this doing?" Fan Fan was surprised in the eyes, she was the first time to see such a place.

"A moment later someone came out to auction things, let's take a look at the excitement." Ye Hao whispered that she was very curious about the auction house and was able to replace the water house auction hall so quickly.

Guan Guan stood on the side of Ye Hao with no expression. He didn't seem to have any curiosity about everything around him, as long as he could be at Ye Hao's side.

Not long after, the downstairs has already begun to be auctioned.

"Oh, are they selling people?" Van Gogh was surprised to see the eight young men and women who were brought out on the auction floor. The young men were strong and the women were beautiful, their hands and feet were copied. With an iron chain, look arrogantly at the front.

"Well, auction the slaves." Ye Hao whispered that the state of Nanzhou is well-connected, and many overseas businessmen like to buy slaves to go back.

These people are not locals at first glance, and they want to come to overseas merchants to bring them to the auction.

Vatican took a deep breath. "Don't you all be human? Can you still trade between people?"

"There is nothing that people can't do." Ye Hao said that she doesn't like this graded auction, but she can't change the situation.

“What can these people buy back and do?” Vatican asked, and she suddenly discovered the difference between today’s mortals and the past.

In the past, although mortals have grades, but there is no such auction method at that time, at least to fight to determine the outcome, losers can mortgage their own life, this kind of silver to determine the rest of life, too no dignity.

"Lucky is a man." Ye Hao whispered, "I have bad luck... I don't know."

Vatican did not ask again, she looked at the auction floor silently.

"Don't expect to save them and save them. They still can't run. If they are caught back, they will only get more punishment." Ye Hao whispered.

If they leave them useful, she saved people a long time ago.

Van Gogh looked at Ye Hao, "I understand that if the Lord is there, it will certainly not happen."

If he smells the truth, he is already the most terrible threat on this continent. Who dares to fight against him? However, Ye Hao felt that he had not seen the mainland that was ruled by Wen Tian. Many things were not conclusive, so there was no such thing as Vatican.

Then they auctioned some rare medicines and treasures. Ye Hao had never seen anyone who wanted to see it. It was already dark outside. She remembered that she was still on the boat, "Go."

Vatican has been depressed from the beginning of curiosity and excitement. I did not notice it in the Central Plains. It was discovered here that after 10,000 years of change, the continent is no longer their original continent.

It may not be easy to reunify the mainland even if the Lord is awake.

"Next, it was the finale of the finale." the auctioneer shouted loudly.

Ye Hao, who was ready to turn and left, suddenly stopped and jerked back to the auction floor.

"Little!" Vatican whispered.

“Is it felt?” Ye Hao whispered.

Vatican gently daggers, "is the breath of the beast."

Ye Hao and her looked at each other. She also sensed that there was a monster. Although it was not a high-level monster, it was indeed the first time she felt the existence of a monster after she came ashore.

"It is a low-order monster." Ye Hao said that it should only be cultivated to the second order.

When she had just finished speaking, she saw a large cage on the auction floor, which contained a snow-white bina, and a pair of crystal blue eyes looked at the mortal in front of fear.

“What are they going to do?” asked Vatican.

"What is this?" Someone has started asking questions.

The auctioneer smiled mysteriously. "You must have never seen such a demon cat. The heart of this demon cat can prolong life and cure all diseases. The fur is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a rare treasure in the world. This is us. Today's finale, the low price is 100,000."

"Nonsense!" Ye Hao's eyes flashed a touch of anger, where the heart of the binaur cat can prolong life, it is simply nonsense.

Van Gogh whispered, "The mortal even dare to auction the monsters... it’s too bold."


"Thirty thousand two..."

"One million two!"


Ye Hao looked at the crazy people underneath. The confusion in her heart is getting bigger and bigger. Since there are low-level monsters here, it means that there must be monsters in China, but why haven’t they been destroyed?

These mortals... Where do you come to the bottom that the monsters will not hurt them?

Although the binaural cat is not aggressive, it is also a monster.

Still, they don't even know that it is a monster?

"What to sell, this bina is not something you can buy!" When Ye Hao fell into meditation, Van Gogh had already appeared on the auction floor, yelling at the crazy people.

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