"Who are you? Dare to scatter here!" Several men dressed up in guards on both sides of the auction house shouted at Vatican.

The two-eared cat felt the temperament of the different mortals in Vatican. She stepped back and looked at her with a sly look.

"I don't care who you are, but you can't auction your binacle as a commodity," Vatican said in a rage.

Their Gorefiend used to protect mortals from being harmed by monsters. For the first time, she saw that mortals would actually treat monsters as commodities.

"Oh, little girl, our auction hall is dead, live new, old and new can be auctioned, as long as you can afford the price, you can do anything." A middle-aged man wearing a robes came over Looked at the Vatican sharply.

Those guards and auctioneers are saluting him.

"This is not your thing, why should I give you two silver!" Vatican called.

"Girl, as long as they entered the Yejia auction hall, what appeared on the auction floor, it was our Yejia auction house." Jinpao man sneered, "The girl is coming, you don't know the rules of our southern state." Don't blame you in the next, you still leave, lest you be ugly."

"I don't care what the rules are. In short, you can't treat the binaur like this." Van Gogh unscrewed the lock and released the binaural cat.

The binaural cat grows in size and is the size of an adult leopard. It is afraid of the powerful mysterious atmosphere of Vatican, but she is here to save herself. It hides behind the Vatican and carefully looks around.

The middle-aged robes of the man’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange look. The lock that locked the binaural cat was not played by ordinary blacksmiths. It was made of the finest bronze. Even the best swords were difficult to open. The girl was easily unscrewed. It is.

If he had checked the cage before sending it to the auction house, he almost thought it was his own omission.

"The girl is a trainer." The Jinpao man looked at Vatican. "Today, you are coming to me to mess up."

Vatican said, "I am not coming to trouble, but this is not a cat that you can auction."

"The girl still doesn't understand, can put on the auction floor, it is all there is a price, as long as you can afford the price, you can take this cat away at any time." Jinpao man said coldly.

"I also said that binaural cats are not commodities!" Vatican looked at the Jinpao man.

The Jinpao man looks gloomy, "Let's blame us for not leaving us!"

There are dozens of guards on both sides of the auction floor, and each person looks like an extraordinary figure.

But even if these people are so powerful, can they still play the ancient Gorefiend?

Ye Hao has walked down from the second floor and walked through the crowd standing behind the Jinpao man. "Tian Shu, that is my friend, I don't know how to be young, don't be surprised."

The Jinpao man was Ye Hao’s former Tianji in the city of Jinkou. Ye Hao took the soldiers back to the Central Plains, and Tian Jiu followed Ye Yiqing to stay in China.

In the wing room, Tian Jiugang appeared, and Ye Hao recognized him.

Tian Jiu heard the words of Ye Hao, suddenly turned back and looked at her in shock, "Little... Miss!"

"Tian Shu, don't come innocent." Ye Hao said with a smile, since Tian Jiu is here, then she suspected that it was confirmed, this Yejia auction hall really is their Ye family.

"When did the lady come back?" Tian Jiu’s serious and heavy face showed joy. He gave a courtesy to Ye Hao. "How come you have a letter to Nanzhou?"

"I just arrived." Ye Hao said with a smile, his eyes looked at Vatican. "That is my friend. I don't know what makes Tian Shu difficult."

Tian Jiu was a little surprised. He smiled and said, "Since it is a friend of Miss, it is a person, a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

He gave the auctioneer a look, and the surrounding guards stepped back.

"Vatican, come over." Ye Hao said to Vatican, and he waved his hand.

"You come over too." Van Gogh saw Ye Hao actually knowing the people here, and he didn't plan to shoot again. She looked at the binocular cat and knew that the monster was able to understand the human voice. Follow the past.

The binaural cat walked close to Vatican's thigh, fearing to be caught again as a commodity auction.

Tian Jiu squinted at the binaural cat, and the cat with only four ears was worthless. I didn't expect it to be such a storm.

"Miss, are you alone? Mingxi and Mingyu?" Tianjiu asked with a smile, thinking that if the master knew that Miss would come to China, he would be very happy.

"Ming Yu did not follow, Mingxi did not know where to go to play." Ye Hao said with a smile, looked at the curious eyes around, "Tian Shu, let's talk in the wing room."

Tian Jiu raised his hand, "Miss, please here."

He took Ye Hao to the back yard, which was far from the sound of the auction house, and another kind of quiet.

"Miss, how come you come to China? But what happened?" Tian Jiu asked, he did not see a familiar prostitute around Ye Hao, and the strangest thing is that Murong Zhan is not here.

"I missed it, I came." Ye Xiao smiled, his eyes fell on the side of the binaural cat. "Tian Shu, this is where the cat was found, it is really strange."

"This is caught in the mountains." Tian Jiu said, "very fierce, looks like a cat but not a cat."

Ye Hao said, "There are such animals in the mountains, Tian Shu, is there any animal that is as strange as it?"

"It’s not easy to catch such a binaural cat. There are so many strange animals." Tianjiu said with a funny smile. "And, this is still found on the newly emerging peninsula. Now the peninsula has been The court is in control, we can't get in even if we can't get in, we want to find the same bina, it's impossible."

Newly emerging peninsula? Ye Hao looked at Tian for a long time, did they really never see the monster?

There is Ange here, he will definitely tell what is a monster.

What happened in the end?

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Hao smiled. "Yes, what am I? Or is it in the North City?"

"Master always likes to go everywhere this year. I don't know where it is at this time." Tian Jiu smiled. "However, I heard that my wife has already sent a letter to the lord, and the lord may have returned to Beicheng, and the lord may have gone back."

Ye Hao wants to ask Tian Ji whether he knows about the monster, but he can't know his attitude towards the binaural cat.

"This side... Are you managing yourself now?" Ye Hao asked.

Tian Jiuxiao said, "I am only responsible for the auction hall, mainly because the second master is taking the idea."

"Two Lord?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"It is the young master." Tian Jiu said.

Ye Yidong! Ye Hao laughed, she forgot, and the second brother was staying here to help.

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