Since he met Ye Yudong, he did not let Ye Hao continue to live in the inn, not to mention that he still has a lot of doubts to ask, he personally arranged the carriage, to the inn to the water and ange to receive the Ye Zhai. .

Ye Yidong has been practicing for many years. He has seen people like Watt and Vatican, and they understand that they are unusual, but they have not asked their identity.

"Ming Xi, is he really your second?" The nephew got to the ear of Ming Xi. They had only smashed this person in the port not long ago. There is still a little bruise on his face. uncle.

"It seems to be true." Ming Xi whispered.

The child gently snorted and stood by Mingxi's side. Fortunately, it was just that the fire phoenix shot was heavy, and she only managed to take a look at the water.

"Hey, what happened to the water and Ange?" After Ye Yidong let them be properly placed, they came over and asked Ye Hao to ask.

"Before I answer you, my second brother, you first tell me what happened in China?" Ye Hao whispered, she and Ye Yidong only, she has no intention of concealing the problem of the monster, anyway, sooner or later It will all be discovered.

Ye Yidong said, "About more than a year ago, almost two years later, a tsunami suddenly occurred in the Baoxiang country. The surrounding small island countries were all flooded by the sea. The sea water suddenly rose up. Nanzhou was also Half of the flooding, about half of the land around the border of China was covered by sea water. After three months, the seawater receded. After half a month, we found that the land in China was much larger than the original."

"How come?" Ye Hao felt incredible. If there was land under the sea before the high tide, they must have known it before.

"We couldn't think of it. Even the two uncles felt strange. He went to the bottom of the sea to check it out. He said that because of the tsunami, the surface layer moved, and the country was expanded. Anyway, no matter what the reason is, this is China. The country is a good thing." Ye Xiaodong said with a smile.

Ye Hao knows that he knows more than ordinary people, but she still can't understand this reason. "What about Baoxiang?"

"I'm missing..." Ye Yidong sighed. "We sent people to the bottom of the sea and found that the island country really disappeared."

"What about the people on the island?" Ye Hao's face changed slightly, and he couldn't bear to hear that even people disappeared.

Ye Yidong looked at Ye Hao with a sorrowful look.

Ye Hao thought of the king of Dailuo and others, and there was a sad sadness in his heart.

"Right, I heard that there is a seabed palace in the north." Ye Yidong said, "I have no chance to see it, and the second uncle may have seen it."

"What?" Ye Hao stunned, "The Undersea Palace?"

Ye Yidong said, "Actually, I just heard the story, and it was in the North City. It was closed by the court. I don’t know anything, but I heard that after the seawater receded, there really was a magnificent palace..."

There is still such a thing! Ye Hao thought of the underground palace.

"Second brother, in addition to the country has become bigger, is there anything else happening?" Why do people here seem to have never seen a monster, not even afraid of a monster, the binaural cat is different from the ordinary domestic cat, they Don't you feel scared?

Ye Yidong looked at Ye Wei with a confused look. "Hey, isn't something happening? You seem to be looking forward to the accident in China."

"I don't mean this." Ye Hao whispered, "There is a place in the Central Plains... different kinds of monsters with mortals, there is chaos everywhere, there is no original peace and safety, but China is still prosperous, I am surprised. ""

"You said those animals that grow like animals. It's okay, I have met several times." Ye Yidong said, "As long as he is more fierce than him."

Ye Hao took a breath and said that it was as easy as playing with someone.

That is because there is no high-level monster.

"It seems that I have to go to the North City as soon as possible." Ye Hao said.

Ye Yidong asked, "Hey, what happened in the Central Plains? How did the water become like that, and there is Ange... I thought he was looking for you."

"It’s an accident." Ye Hao looked at him. She thought that the Chinese Congress had a beast, but she did not know the extent of the damage. She did not expect that it would be so peaceful and stable. "Now the Central Plains beast is chaotic, the original Jin Guo Yuan Guo Bei Ming The emperors of the country lost the protection of purple gas, and the three countries merged into Ningguo. In addition to the ravages of the beasts, there is also the resurrection of the ancient Gorefiends. Although the ancient monsters are still missing, they will appear sooner or later, other big monsters. It has already appeared on the human continent."

Ye Hao simply said something about what happened in the Central Plains with Ye Yidong. "...We are looking for the last Gorefiend."

"The ancient Gorefiend... smells the sky..." Ye Yidong was so stunned that these things that Ye Hao said were not heard by him before. He couldn’t even think of what it was like. "This is all who?"

"It all existed a thousand years ago. In short, the situation in the Central Plains is now more serious than the chaos in the world." Ye Hao said, "It is a good thing that China is a quiet place."

"When you come to China, do you think the last Gorefiend is here?" said Ye Yidong.

Ye Hao said, "In fact, I am not sure, so I will come and see, and I will come to find someone."

"What about Ange?" Ye Yidong's look was heavy. He thought that he only came back to visit his uncle, but he did not expect so many things in the Central Plains.

"We found it on a small island and was trapped by a thousand-year-old sea turtle." Ye Hao said, "He hasn't woken up yet, he has to wait until he wakes up to know."

Ye Yidong took a deep breath. He has been walking all over China for several years. In the past year, he has sometimes encountered rare animals. He thought that he had little knowledge and that the animals overseas were different.

It turns out that those are monsters...

However, if the monster will hurt, then the monster he encountered before is very gentle, it will not hurt people.

"Second brother, have you seen Huangfu? Is he in the northern city?" asked Ye Hao.

"I met Mr. Huang Wei not long ago." Ye Yidong said, "He doesn't live in Beicheng City. He is not far from here, and he can get there in two days."

Ye Hao gently clenched his hand. "Well, let's go to Huangfu."

"I will go with you." Ye Yidong said, "Ouyang Island is not easy to find, I will lead you."

"Good." Ye Hao nodded gently.

"Hey, those people who came with you..." Ye Yidong asked cautiously, "What are you coming for?"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "There are spirits and monsters, as well as Gorefiends."

"..." Ye Haodong suddenly regretted proposing to lead the way.

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