Although Ye Xiaodong has seen the monsters, he has seen the gentle, non-injured low-order monsters, like the two-eared cats of relatives. He heard Ye Hao talk about the situation in the Central Plains, although he believes Ye Hao’s words are still dubious about the fierceness of the monster.

After talking with Ye Hao, it was late at night. He wanted to visit the water and Ange, but when he thought it was not early, he planned to go again tomorrow.

Ye Hao and he said goodbye to the room to rest, not long after, he came to look for her.

"What's wrong?" asked Ye Hao.

"I went to ask the two-eared cat. She said that the high-ranking monsters of the Chinese nation were taken away, leaving them with these low-level darings, and they were afraid of being accidentally killed." Whispered, "What did you hear from you?"

Ye Hao frowned. If the binaural cat said it was true, then Huaguo would not have no high-order monsters, but those monsters would be taken away. However, those who can control so many high-order monsters would be Who?

She only thinks of one person, Ah.

"Huangfu is in the ocean, we go to him." Ye Hao whispered.

Lying softly beheaded, "Okay."

"Ange woke up?" Ye Wei asked, she gave Ange a lot of condensate, and the sea should be repaired very quickly. Only when he woke up, could he know what was going on.

"Not yet, but the face is good, I think I should wake up in these two days."

Ye Hao sighed. "We will depart for the ocean on tomorrow, and the water will be taken away. I can't let him stay here."

Although the blood worm in the water has been taken away by the worm king, she still does not trust, with his ability and ambition, if he is allowed to stay in Nanzhou, it will certainly disrupt Nanzhou.

"Water wants to see you," said the layman.

"I will go to him tomorrow." Ye Hao thought of the situation of Shen Luoyang. She couldn't read the old feelings about the water. If she could kill him, she had killed him hundreds of times.

"Oh, there is something... I don't want to stare at you, about the Lord." The whispered.

Ye Hao suddenly looked up at him, "What?"

"The Lord may soon wake up." The whispered softly said that he did not dare to say that the Lord of the Lord was the Lord. After entering the port, he clearly felt the breath of the Lord, not from the body of the Guan. It is from another place, it seems that the soul of the Lord is here, but I don’t know where it is.

"Do you mean it?" Ye said, she knew that Wentian would wake up, but she didn't expect anything. No one knows what the mainland would look like after Wentian woke up.

"Really." said the child.

Ye licked his thin lips and looked at his life without talking.

"Even if the Lord is awake, he will not hurt you." The hurriedly said, "The Lord will protect this continent."

"I hope so." Ye Hao said faintly, she could not stop Wen Tian's awakening. Her subconscious mind was unwilling to see him. From the words of lying and other people, there was a white fantasy. She felt that Wen Tianhe Xiao Yan must have a lot of unclear pasts. Everyone regards her as a small sister. Although she does not have a small memory, she... does not want to be involved with Wen Tian.

I looked at her and looked at her. "Then I will go back first."

Ye Haomu sent to leave, thinking that Wen Tian may be in China, her heart is heavy, an inexplicable emotion on the chest.



The next day, the sky was light and the sea breeze blew slowly. Ye Hao soon woke up and just opened the door and saw the water standing outside the door.

"I have been unable to cultivate into a black gorefiend, you don't have to stare at me anymore, I want to stay." The original handsome face of the water reveals black air, and the whole person looks gloomy and his eyes are more horrible.

"No." Ye Hao didn't want to refuse, "I won't let you stay."

The look of the water has become more gloomy. "Hey, what are you afraid of? Is it still your threat now?"

"You are not my threat, but if you stay, you are the threat of South." Ye Hao said faintly, "If you are waiting for me here, just want to stay in Nanzhou, then I tell you, no. Maybe! I will take you wherever I go."

"If I don't want to go with you?" asked the water.

Ye Hao smiled. "You don't want to, don't matter, unless you can escape under my eyes."

It is impossible for him to escape under her nose! Not to mention that she is now a warrior, and the people around her, which one he can deal with.

"Oh, sometimes... I really hate you." The water snorted and the voice was sad. "For you, I will give up everything in China and go to the Central Plains. After you disappear, I will play for you." Li Yuanguo, even if you give me the Yuan Dynasty, I still let the people respect you as a scorpio. I ask myself where I am sorry for you..."

"You don't have a place for me." Ye Haoshou, she has never been hostile to the water, and she knows that it is his reason. She was able to make it so smooth when she laid the Dongqing country. "But you are sorry to follow you from China. The old man who left."

In addition to Shen Luoyang, he is still sorry for too many people.

Those people also left China because she was still guilty.

"They are willing." Water said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Since you say this, there is nothing to say." Ye Hao sneered. "Today we will leave Nanzhou, and you will follow along. I will find a place to accommodate you."

Water picked up an eyebrow, "Do you want to shut me up?"

"Yes!" Ye Hao decisively nodded. She was going to shut him down forever. She would never want to come out again. "And, don't appear in front of Shen Luoyang. If you still have a little conscience, still read her. A loyal word to you."

"You are so embarrassed." Water looked at Ye Hao and said, turned and left in anger.

Ye Hao looked at him and turned to find Luoyang.

She did not intend to take Shen Luoyang to the island, but gave her to Tian Jiu, let him send her back to Beicheng City, so that her mood has stabilized after she returned to Nanzhou, probably here. It is the place she used to be familiar with.

If you follow them, no one knows what dangers they will encounter. In her current situation, it is not suitable for bumps.

She asked Tian Jiu to send Shen Luoyang to find her, I believe she will be placed.

Also Qi Qi knows that Shen Luoyang has fallen into such a situation, and certainly will not stand by.

I hope that Shen Luoyang can restore the former hearty.

Ye Haozheng thought, when he was going to find Luoyang, he heard the voice of Mingxi.

"Mother, Master wakes up!" Mingxi ran over and shouted loudly at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s face is a joy, great! I finally woke up.

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