Although Ange woke up, but his body was still weak, Qihai was slowly recovering his aura. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar teenager. He stayed for a long time until Mingxi opened his mouth and he remembered who this teenager was. .

I haven't seen each other for two years, and Mingxi has grown so that he can't recognize it.

"Where am I?" Ange’s voice was hoarse, and he felt that he was dreaming.

"Huazhou Nanzhou, we met you on the road, Master, how can you be trapped on the island of the Millennium Turtle?" Mingxi whispered, the previous Ange style, every move is a genius, In the private, Huo Huang always said that he was too arrogant, but now he can only lie here weakly, pale, completely without the past style, people feel sad.

It is too uncomfortable, he missed the former Master Song.

Ange raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, making sure that he was not dreaming. "Is you saving me? What is Modi?"

"I am going to find the emperor to go to the ridiculous hell. I am coming to China with my mother." Mingxi said.

"What happened?" Ange struggled to sit up.

Ming Xi is busy holding him down. "You don't worry, I will come to my mother."

After that, Ming Xi ran out and screamed before seeing Ye Hao’s figure. "Mother, Master wakes up."

Ye Hao was very pleased to hear this and hurried to visit Ange.

"Auntie." Ange smiled at Ye Hao's weakness. "I thought I was dreaming."

"I also hope that I am dreaming." Ye Hao sat down next to him and gave the pulse to Ange. "Your spiritual power is very expensive. Even if I have given you a lot of condensate, you still can't completely repair your sea." , Ange saint, what happened?"

Ange smiled. "Since you are here, it must have been an accident. I wanted to go to you a year ago. I wanted to rest on the way through the island. I was told that I was trapped like this. Two years ago, the sky. There was a gap, and there was a tsunami earthquake here. I was in the Baoxiang country. There were monsters everywhere. People were not swallowed by the sea or swallowed by the monsters. I couldn’t save everyone, and the monsters were I have never seen it before. After I seized one of the tortures, I realized that they were from ridiculous hell. Several island countries around China disappeared. The monsters went to China, but the strange thing is that they arrived in China. After the country, they did not dare to hurt the mortal, and in less than a month, all the high-level monsters disappeared. A strange palace appeared on the northern border, as if it could suppress the monsters, and the high-level monsters were sealed there. ""

palace? Ye Hao listened to sit up straight, and she suspected that the palace might be the underground palace she had seen before.

"I haven't found the reason for a long time, but I think it is certain that someone is protecting China. I want to go to find the Emperor. If he is here, he will definitely find out the reason, so he will go out to find you. I was trapped on the way. When I went to the island, I felt a kind of spiritual power. I thought it was a rare treasure land. I didn’t expect it to be a sea spirit tree. The more I used my spiritual power to break free, the spirit The force disappeared faster. I often heard songs on the island. Every time I heard the voice, I didn’t have the strength to sleep. I didn’t know how long I stayed on the island.”

Ye Hao said, "So, someone deliberately wants to leave you on the island, Ange saint, have you seen the palace that emerged from the sea?"

"I have seen it, but there is a strong enchantment outside the palace. Only mortals are allowed to enter. Any spiritual person can't get in. I just looked outside. The palace is white, and the building is strange. I I have never seen it before," Ange said.

White? That is a little different from the underground palace.

"Inside...someone?" Ye Hao asked.

Ange frowned and said, "I don't know, but I think the palace is unusual. I want to go to find the Emperor. I passed the letter to you and I have not heard back. I am worried that you are not in trouble. What is the Emperor? Will go to the ridiculous hell, what is the matter of repairing the emperor?"

"The ancient Gorefiend and the top ten monsters have awakened, and I heard that the ridiculous **** was ruled by the scorpion." Ye Hao said, after the Ange left, the things that happened in the Central Plains told him fifteen, "...we It is to find Ying Ying and A Bu."

"You said that the girl who is next to Huangfu is Abu, is... the big monster around Wen Tian in ancient times?" Ang's face changed and he sat up suddenly, his body was still weak. Excessive force and the whole person was dizzy.

Ye Hao gave him a condensate Dan. "Although not sure, but in all likelihood, it is a mermaid."

"Mermaid?" An Ge swallowed, "What did you say?"

He knows that the nephew is a little white dragon, and others can't see the camouflage of the mermaid, but the dragon can definitely see it.

"Yeah." Ye Dagger, "But even if they are still alive, they don't know that Ai is not a mermaid."

Ange slowly runs into the sea, and then regains his strength after adjusting the interest rate. "If A is not really one of the big monsters, then everything that happened in China, including I was trapped in the island for so long, then it is Can explain."

Ye Hao said, "Let's go to Huangfu."

"I am going with you." Ange said immediately.

“Would you like to rest for a few more days?” Ye Hao asked, worried that Ang’s gas could not be repaired.

"No, my spiritual power is already recovering." Ange said, "Is the Gorefiend you are here?"

Ye Hao nodded. "Students and Vatican are not bad people. They are not the same as the ancient Gorefiends we knew before."

Ange laughed. "I believe that you will not look at the wrong person. Right, did Modi find that day? Is it smelling?"

"Since he entered the black hole, I couldn't get in touch with him." Ye Hao's eyes flashed a worries, and in order not to let other people worry, she never dared to show concern about the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, "They should be It was a ridiculous hell, so I lost contact."

"He will not have anything to do with the monk," Ange said. "I just don't understand that the human world and the Xuantian continent have already had an accident. The nine-day Protoss is still indifferent, even on the God of the Gods. Also missing..."

I hope that there will be no accident on the mainland.

"Master, have you seen Fan Luo before?" Ming Xi suddenly asked.

"I have seen it once or twice, and the Fanluo emperor rarely appears in front of people. What happened?" asked An Ge.

Ye Hao said, "There is still one thing I forgot to tell you, Van Gogh is also on the mainland, and he also let the mortal practice the Gorefiend, and took away Yan Xiaoliu... Now I don't know where it is, I am afraid he will Yan Xiaoliu It also became a Gorefiend."

Ange snorted, "What?"

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