They did not know the details of the Vatican. Apart from knowing that he was the emperor of the Gods on the mainland, the other knew nothing. Even Yan Xiu did not understand him.

Ye Hao is very worried about Yan Xiaoliu, hoping that Fan Luo will not turn him into a Gorefiend.

If Yan Xiaoliu becomes a Gorefiend... at least I hope he can control his willpower.

"Van Luo is a man... The temper is indefinite, and he does not follow the other emperors on the mainland. No, he should say that he does not go with anyone. He has always been alone. I heard that he is not from Xuantian. The cultivation of the gods into the upper land of God is brought back by God." Ange said with a frown. "He has been practicing in the mainland of God, without the thunder of the Tongtian River."

"Isn't it necessary to go through the thunderstorm to enter the mainland of God?" Ye said in a different place.

An Ge Road, "It is true, but there are exceptions. Van Gogh is an exception." An Ge said, "I am listening to the older generation of God's mainland. Is it true? I can't say it."

The people who God brought back to God, even if there are problems in the history, there will be no more questions. Even if you want to ask questions, they will ask them. They are just saints. What qualifications are there to ask?

But I heard that Fan Luo is a very talented person, otherwise he will not cultivate to the emperor so quickly.

"In any case, Van Gogh is definitely not a good person." Ming Xi shouted beside him. He made Ye Wei cultivate a gorefiend with problems, and if it wasn't for Fan Luo, he might not be resurrected so quickly.

Although they did not harm mortals, their waking is still influential.

"After finding Abu, we will go back to Vatican in the future." Ye Hao said, no one knows what will happen next. Auntie, who is next to Huangfu, has no purpose. They don't know.

She couldn’t understand why she didn’t stay with Huangfu’s purpose.

When I heard that Ange woke up, I personally came to visit.

"Ancient Gorefiend!" Ange sat up straight and watched the door with vigilance.

"He is not malicious in his life." Ye Hao said busy.

The Ango saint knows that Ye Hao will not easily believe in others, and will not talk to the Gorefiend casually. However, the ancient Gorefiends are all enemies with the Protoss in the impression of all the practicing warriors.

They worship the Protoss and have always been enemies of the Protoss. It is not so easy to change them all at once.

Lying in the door, the eyes fell calmly on Ange.

"You are coming." Ye Hao smiled. "Ange Saint woke up."

"That's good."

Ye Hao felt that she didn't have much affection for the people on the mainland. She stood in the middle of him and Ange. "I asked, Ange heard the song on the island, and was stunned by the song. You Think... is it a mermaid?"

"The rumored mermaid's voice is to confuse people and drive others to do anything." Frowning eyebrows said, "But, there have been no mermaids for many years."

"Although the Protoss killed the mermaid in the same year, who knows if there is a fish that slips through the net." Ange said faintly.

Ye Hao said, "We will immediately go to the island, and we will know when we see Ah."

"Did you go today?" asked the layman. He glanced at Ange. "Would you like to rest for two days?"

Ange reveals a fascinating smile. "Auntie, there is no problem starting today. I am very good."

I heard Ange say this, and I didn’t speak when I was raised.

"Then go today," said Ye Hao.



Before leaving, Ye Hao went to find Luoyang, and Shen Luoyang was much calmer than before.

"Scorpio..." Shen Luoyang saw Ye Hao and quickly stood up.

"Sit down and sit down." Ye Hao pressed the shoulder of Shen Luoyang. "Is the body better?"

Shen Luoyang smiled. "It’s already a lot better to eat your medicine."

"I came here to say goodbye to you." Ye Hao said, "I still have a very important thing to do. I can't go back to Beichengcheng with you. When I have finished my work, I will go to Beicheng City to find you. ""

"You have sent me back to China, I have been grateful." Shen Luoyang said gratefully, after seeing the water, she seemed to break through the magic barrier all of a sudden, all awake.

Ye Hao’s eyes looked at her softly. Shen Luoyang was not young. She had been playing with the water since she was a child. When she returned to Nanzhou for business, she was still the only female general in the military camp. Later, she It was with her that she went to the Yuan Dynasty.

The years left a heavy mark on her body. The black hair had already been gray and white, and the face also had wrinkles, not to mention that she was all thin hands, and her beautiful years were given to the water. Hey.

"I have been unable to bear with you, but I always want to avenge you. I see that you are doing this now. I don't think it anymore." Ye Hao whispered, "If you have any wish, I can ask you to finish it."

If Shen Luoyang wants to kill the water, she will not hesitate to agree.

Even if she can't kill him for a while, she will find a way to kill him.

Shen Luoyang bowed his head and looked up after a while, with a light smile on his face. "Scorpio, I hope you can kill one for me."

"Okay, you said!" Ye Hao promised.

"Ye Wei." Shen Luoyang said.

Ye Hao nodded. "She is afraid that she is no longer in the world."

"There is one more thing." Shen Luoyang's voice became a bit heavy and sad. "A glimpse of water... I will not see you again or later."

"Okay." Ye Hao continued to nod, knowing that Shen Luoyang was hurt to the extreme to say such things.

Shen Luoyang smiled shallowly. "That's enough."

Ye Hao held the hand of Shen Luoyang. The wound that her wrist was bitten by the blood worm had healed. Under the treatment of Ye Hao, there was no trace. She was able to cure the pain of Shen Luoyang, but could not calm her heart.

"If you live your life in the North City, no one will dare to hurt you." Ye Hao said.

"Yeah." Shen Luoyang nodded gently. She held Ye Hao's hand back. Some force, she took a deep breath and said for a long time. "I saw... the water became a big bug... ……so horrible……"

Ye Yiyi, "He became a worm?"

Shen Luoyang nodded in horror. "You have to be careful with him. He is no longer a former general."

"I know." Ye Hao frowned. She never heard that people would become bugs. She would ask her for a while.

When Ye Hao was preparing to leave, the water wanted to take the opportunity to escape. He was returned by the Vatican and was still on the deck. "Small, this person wants to escape."

"After the water, do you think you can escape?" Ye Hao coveted and asked him coldly.

"As long as you can go, you can go anywhere." Water said gloomyly.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "You don't want to think about it. Next time, I will interrupt your hands and feet, so that you can't go anywhere."

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