The speed of the ship slowed down a lot, and the surrounding temperature also dropped rapidly. Rao had a spiritual body and still felt cold.

Ye Yidong did not have the spiritual power. He had already put on the mane, and he still shivered and shivered.

"What happened, suddenly cold, like this, when I came, there was no such iceberg." Ye Yidong shouted and shouted.

"This iceberg really shouldn't exist." Ye Hao stood on the deck and looked at the iceberg in front. There is no iceberg in the climate here, and this iceberg does not seem to be a thing on earth.

Lying said, "We are going from the side."

"I don't think we can get through." Ye Hao said, from stopping them to China, and now they have to stop them from going to the island, it is self-evident who is stopping them.

"Then try."

Their boat went to the side of the iceberg, and they saw that they would stay away from the iceberg, and the iceberg would grow bigger and block their whereabouts.

"This iceberg is hard to live." Fire Phoenix said with a sigh of relief, "I am going to melt it."

The fire of the fire phoenix is ​​a holy fire. If it is an ordinary iceberg, it can naturally melt. Obviously this iceberg is not an ordinary iceberg. It is estimated that no big flame can melt it.

"You don't have to go any more." Ye Hao said, they will lose their direction of navigation when they go on, and they will definitely not find the island.

"Then how do we go." Ye Yidong asked, can't abandon the boat to climb the iceberg, wait for them to cross the iceberg, how to do without the boat? It will take a day to go to the island, and they will not be able to swim.

Ye Hao said, "Since there is no way to go, then we will make our own way."

"What?" Ye Yidong was shocked by her, "How to fight?"

"Small sly." Lying low and yelling at Ye Hao, "I will go to the iceberg to see."

Vatican called, "Big brother, I am going with you."

"Okay." Lying in a dagger, he looked down at Ye Hao. "If it is really Aber, she won't hurt us."

"If it is really her, she should know that you are going to find her, why should she be in front of you?" Ye Hao worried that Ah did not want to see them, so they have been blocking.

Vatican said, "There must be reasons."

I feel that this reason is definitely related to the Lord.

If there are still people in this world who can let Ai do not care, there will be no other people besides respecting the Lord.

"You are waiting here." Lying said, and Van Gogh and galloped to the iceberg.

"Flying... Flying over..." Ye Yidong rounded his eyes. He saw the lightness of others' ecstasy. It seems to be flying like it. But the two men are not light at all, it is really flying.

Ange patted his head mercifully. "Don't make a fuss."

Ye Yidong swallowed his throat and thought of the monster he had just seen. He was indeed... less knowledge.

"Mother, if you want me or Fire Phoenix to go and see." Ming Xi came over and whispered that he was not particularly trustworthy about the ancient Gorefiend.

"Madam, I can open the iceberg." The nephew said that she could cut the turtle shell of the millennium turtle, let alone the iceberg.

Ye Hao’s heart is to believe in lying, “wait a second.”

"They may be a group with the mermaid," cried Fire Phoenix. "If they are still alive, they are not coming back?"

"I will be back." Ye Hao said, she did not know why she would believe them, probably she had begun to feel that she was a small sister.

They will not betray the harm of the little sister.

Time passed slowly, and the lying and the Vatican seemed to disappear, and there was no such thing as a figure.

"They must have gone to see Ah." Mingxi said, "Mother, I will go and see it."

"You stay here, I go with the fire phoenix." Ye Hao frowned and said, "I am worried that they are in trouble."

The child shouted, "Mrs, don't need to be so troublesome, look at me."

Ye Hao had no time to stop, and the nephew had already flown in the air, holding colorful scales in his hand, and a wave of cracks appeared in the middle of the iceberg. Slowly, the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

The iceberg banged loudly and cracked open, with a passage in the middle.

The figure of lying and Vatican jumped out and the two were trapped inside the iceberg.

"Are you all right?" asked Ye Hao.

"It's her..." Vatican returned to the deck and whispered out. "She doesn't even see us."

Standing by the side of Vatican, looking at the nephew who was parked in the air, his eyes were silent.

The nephew ignored him. She returned to Mingxi’s side and smiled at Ye Hao sweetly. "Madam, we can go."

Ye Hao sighed helplessly in her heart. She didn't want her to take the shot. She was worried that she would see her identity. The last time she had doubts about her life to save Mingxi, this time she could already see it.

"How did you break the iceberg in half?" Vatican looked at him with horror, even if they were familiar with Aber, how could this little girl do it.

The voice of the child said sweetly, "Use the treasure."

"What treasure?" asked Vatican.

"Don't tell you." The nephew made a face and cried with a smile.

I am not going to ask the Vatican to ask questions. "After the iceberg, let me say."

Ye Hao frowned at the huge iceberg. If the mortal ship met, it must be hit. "Why should she stop us?"

"I don't know." Lying in a low voice, "She trapped us without hurting us. We should just don't want us to see her."

"Are you sure that the mermaid is the one you said?" Ye Hao asked.

Lying looking at her dagger, "OK."

Ye Hao’s look is heavy.

"It's so cold!" Ye Yidong groaned. "What a ghost thing, I haven't seen the iceberg several times before."

“The iceberg is melting.” Mingxi said, “How do I feel that the sea is rising, is it my illusion?”

Lying calmly said, "It is not your illusion, it is true."

"She wants to change our route." The iceberg melted into water, the waves rolled, and their ships could not move normally.

"No." Lying low, "She wants to trap us in the iceberg."

The melting iceberg is actually re-condensing, the road ahead is getting smaller and smaller, and the exit will soon be blocked by the iceberg.

A flame of fire blasted out and the iceberg of the exit melted again.

Ye Yidong sees his eyes round and can still spurt fire?

The iceberg condenses faster and the rear entrance has been resealed.

"What to do?" asked Vatican.

"No matter how many times it is sealed, it will be opened again." The child snorted and the scales in his hand flew out, and the condensate exit was about to be opened again.

Both the lying and the Vatican looked at the scales in the hands of the deaf children.

Dragon scales!

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