Dragon scales! How can a child have a dragon scale!

The face of Vatican changed, and he exchanged a look with his face.

His face was calm, and he had already guessed his nephew's identity. Although he still couldn't detect her breath, the dragon had disappeared for tens of thousands of years. How precious the dragon scale is, can be the power of the dragon scale. To this extent, the deaf children must have a relationship with the dragons.

"You are..." Vatican wanted to ask her, and was stopped by a blind eye.

"Look, it's condensed again." Fire Phoenix called.

The scales of the children flew out and smashed the exits of the icebergs in front.

Van Gogh clenched his fists and his eyes kept looking at his nephew.

Their ship went out of the iceberg and sailed on the surface of the sea. The iceberg behind them collapsed and instantly melted on the surface of the sea.

"This is what an iceberg, and it melts when it melts." Ye Yidong cried, he took the big cockroach on his body and the weather turned into summer again.

"I don't know what the danger is before," said Ye Hao.

Lying said, "Ah, if you don't want us to see her, it will definitely stop it."

"Ah, why don't you stop us?" asked the child.

Ye Hao looked at her sleep, and she felt that she was sure to know the answer.

"Hey, is that the dragon scale in your hand?" Van Gogh walked to the front of her nephew, her eyes fixed on her hand.

Their boat has steadily walked on the surface of the sea and the route returned to its original position.

Everyone was relieved, but Vatican and lying could not relax.

If the deaf is related to the dragon, who is she?

"Yeah, what happened?" The nephew opened his hand and gave Van Gogh the scales in her hand. "My grandfather gave it to me."

It is a dragon scale of a black dragon. Don't say that you haven't seen it all now. You can have such a large and so gorgeous dragon scale. It must have been a dragon scale of tens of thousands of years.

"Who is your grandfather?" Vatican asked.

"Ask so much, what is the grandfather of the family who is going to shut you down?" Ming Xi pulled the nephew behind him, not letting her say so much.

Lying in the open also blocked the Vatican, "Well, don't ask so much."

How can she not ask, if the deaf children know where the dragons are, what if the Lord has not been awake and is sealed again by the dragons?

"Second brother, how long does it take to get to Yangyang Island?" Ye Hao asked Ye Yidong.

It is not long before the identity of the dragon is hidden, but in any case, how long it will be hidden.

She really doesn't want to see them all, they are enemies with their nephews.

"If there is no accident..." Ye Yidong thought of the infamous iceberg, and always felt that the road ahead was very rough. "One day will come."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at the calm sea in front. She hoped that there would be no accidents.

"That... what is that?" Ye Haodong called out.

In the air in front, there is a figure like a dragon and a dragon. It is in the air, and its eyes are majestic and sharp, and they are looking at them faintly.

"Respect the Lord!" Vatican blurted out and looked at the figure in the air with shock.

That is a python! An python like a dragon.

"It's an illusion." I was lying and holding the Vatican who wanted to go. "Not the Lord."

The snake has been repaired for thousands of years, and it has been robbed into a dragon.

Therefore, Tamron looks like a snake like a dragon, more powerful than a snake, and a little less than a dragon.

Is that smelling the sky?

Ye Hao looked at the figure in the air, this is his true body.

What does it mean?

"What about the ring?" Suddenly asked.

"Is he not in the cabin?" Ming Xi said, how suddenly he asked about the warning.

A tornado swept over the sea, and they used their spiritual strength to protect their bodies. Their boats were almost overturned by tornadoes.

"Big brother, is that the Lord? He has already woken up!" Vatican happily shouted at the slumber, "I will go and see."

"If you really respect the Lord, he has already come." I looked at Ye Hao.

The Vatican was a bit stunned. Yes, if it is the Lord, he can see that Xiaoyan cannot be indifferent.

The tornado disappeared in a flash, and their ship swayed on the surface of the sea.

“Is it all right?” Ye Hao asked, she didn’t understand what the mermaid meant. If they didn’t want to hurt them, why didn’t they let them go to Yangyang Island?

"Guan Guan!" Vatican called out, pointing to the python in the air, and the ring was taken away by the tornado, and now lies in the palm of the python.

Immediately gallop and go to save the ring.

But before he got close to the python, the figure of the ring and the python had disappeared into the air.

"He... he took the pass!" cried Fire Phoenix. "Why should he take the pass?"

"It must be Ah!" Vatican's face was gloomy. "Let's hurry to find her."

Ye Hao looked suspiciously to the bed that had returned to the deck. "Do you know why she should take the ring?"

"It must be because the mortal is not able to protect themselves. She is picking soft persimmons." Fire Phoenix called.

"The second brother has no spiritual power. He is on the deck, and he is still in the cabin." Ye Hao said that there must be reasons why she did not know.

The lying and the Vatican looked at each other.

"I think, you should have something to say to me." Ye Hao said to his father.

"Ah, I don't know if we are here," said the whisper.

Ye Hao stared at him and asked, "Who, who?"

"Turn off him..." Frowning, he only said it after he wanted to find the soul of the Lord.

Now the Lonely Soul of the Lord does not know where.

"We said inside." Ye Haodao, she always felt that their attitude towards Guantuan was too strange. Even if they did not hurt mortals, she felt that it was not reasonable for a mortal to care about that level.

Especially in white, she almost changed her attitude when she saw the warning.

I knew that I couldn’t hide it, and I followed Ye Hao to the wing. "Oh, I can't go to the island."

“What is the relationship between Guan Jie and Wen Tian?” Ye Hao asked the mountain and asked, “I have already had doubts before, but I think you will always tell me.”

"The Lord has never been awake, his heart is sealed, there is no soul, he will always be a mortal." The whispered softly.

Ye blinked. "What do you want to say, shut him down... Is it smelling?"

"Yes." Lying back to her, she said, "It is the gesture of the Lord."

So... the mermaid took him away.

Ye Hao recalled the bit by bit, she suspected countless possibilities, never thought he would be smelling.

"He is so dependent on you, but also because you are a small sister."

"Don't tell me!" Ye Hao raised his hand and cried. "You make me calm and calm."

Lying softly nodded, and surely stopped talking.

Ye Hao took a deep breath. "Is the mermaid already found the heart of the heart? Did he wake up after sending his heart to the body of Guan Guan?"

"I don't know..." lay a bitter smile.

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