Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 250: Why should I help you?

Ye Hao looked back at Lu Yuzhi. This is what he wants to ask today. Although he has been recovering from his family at home, he is not ignorant of the recent movements in Kyoto. Then, today, he goes out with his body to accompany the old lady. Obviously the real purpose is to have something else.

"How do you know that the emperor is injured?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, she naturally hoped that Murong Chong could no longer trust Lu Yizhi, but Lu Hao was too clever, she could not do too obvious, otherwise it would Was seen in her provocation.

Lu Yan’s faint smile, “You and Xiao Wang went to the hunting ground, and the emperor went to see you later, but in the end I only saw you safe and sound. The emperor never went to the DPRK for two days. Tang Yan grabbed the Eight Kings, and the Five Kings and Kang The old prince went to the palace and asked to see the emperor and could not see it... it was easy to guess."

Ye Xie looked at him coldly. "How about guessing?"

"I want to know how the emperor's injury is?" Lu Yizhi asked, he never thought that Ye Hao would not tell him. In his opinion, since this little girl is surnamed Lu, even if she is dissatisfied with the two children, I will definitely help the Lujia.

"I don't know." Ye Hao thought and didn't want to shake his head. "I didn't have to go to the Qing Palace today, Xu Xianyu is inside."

Lu Yi’s mistake was that Xu Huiru refused to let him in, and his face sank. “Is the Queen Mother not letting you take care of the emperor? Why does Xu Huiru not let you in?”

Ye Hao smiled. "You don't need to go to the palace now. The emperor will let you recover. Do you want to know what his injuries are?"

"Hey, Shuanger is no longer a noble woman. Our position in Kyoto is inherently precarious. I want to pay more attention to the emperor for Lujia." Lu Yizhi whispered.

"I don't tell you this, because I don't know too well, but... Today, Kang Lao Wang and the Five Kings are arrogant, and they don't know what to do." Ye Hao said, the heart wants to be Lu Yi's turn. And relying on the five princes, then the ink and handcuffs are good, and certainly will not let him go.

Lu Yanzhi snorted, "What is the use of the Five Kings and the Kang Lao Wang, and the use of the Emperor of the Kings will naturally have nothing to do, even if there is a small prince."

Ye Hao heard that his face was cold. Was Lu Luzhi actually playing the idea of ​​ink-filled? No, it should not be, he seems to be looking for an opportunity.

"If Lu Shuanger can't go back to the palace in this life, how are you?" Ye Xie calmly looked at Lu Yuzhi.

She wants to kill him, but it is the greatest relief when a person dies. Ye Hao wants to let Lu Hao’s life survive in the pain of seeking for it. He wants Lu Jia’s foundation to be stable and wants Since Lujia has been separated from the merchants, she will completely decline the Lu family and will never become a noble.

"The emperor is only a small punishment, as long as the two children have changed, he will let the two children return to the palace." Lu Yizhi said, he still does not know that Murong Zhan has already known everything.

Ye Hao chuckled, "I hope so."

"Hey..." Lu Yizhi gave her a deep look. "If you need your help in the future, will you help the older brother?"

"Why should I help you?" Ye Xiao laughed and looked at Lu Yizhi with sarcasm. "If it wasn't for me, my life would be me. I should help one." Going to the top of the crime?"

Lu Yan’s bitter smile, said with a sigh of relief, “Miss Dad, you should not care about this with your older brother. Brother did not really want to ask you to sin.”

When is she blind and blind? At that time, when he was in the palace, he was so vague, if Lu Shuanger had already been disposed of, she could guarantee that Lu Yan would definitely use her to sin.

In his mind, I think Lu Shuanger is more valuable.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Ye Hao asked. "If I say first, I will not help you with bad things."

Lu Yizhi laughed. "Is Big Brother a bad guy?"

Is he still a good person?

"Have you killed someone?" Ye Hao looked at him with a clear gaze.

"Big brothers killing the enemy, killing people is more than a thousand." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "Is it a bad guy to kill?"

Ye Hao said faintly, "It is not natural to kill the enemy. Do you kill innocent people? Have you harmed innocent people?"

The smile of Lu Yan’s mouth faded a little bit. He has killed too many people in his life. What those people look like, he has not remembered at all, but only one person... is still deeply engraved in his mind. .

"It seems that you are not what you said." Ye Hao smirked a sneer.

"Oh..." Lu Yan’s bitterly opened, looked up at a face like Ye Hao, and Ye Hao’s resentful eyes before death, looked at him with despair and pain, when he swears He will return her in the next life, he can't do anything.

Ye Hao said with some impatientness, "What do you want me to do?"

Lu Yan looked at her insanely. "Hey, how come you grow up... like her?"

"Who? Ye Hao?" Ye Hao smiled. "Maybe we are the same person, big brother, you are so obsessed with Ye Hao, are you doing anything wrong with her?"

"Are you really her?" Lu Yizhi's darkness suddenly darkened his hand and grabbed Ye Hao's hand. "Hey, are you really her?"

Ye Hao tried to open his hand, "Let me go!"

Lu Yizhi pulled hard and held Ye Hao tightly in his arms. "If you are her... If you are her... I will be good to you and will not hurt you any more."

"Who wants you to be nice to me, you let me go." Ye Hao slammed his shoulders hard. He felt very annoyed with him. Now he is holding him, she is more disgusting.

"Oh..." Lu Hao screamed in a low voice, his eyes were a little distracted, like his unclearness. He had already regarded the person in front as the Qin Wang who was poisoned by him.

Ye Hao punched and kicked, "Help, Hou Ye is poisoned!"

The people outside heard the screams of Ye Hao, and immediately stopped the carriage, and the guards rushed to the carriage.

"Big brother wants to kill me, save me!" Ye Hao cried, letting people pull Lu Zhizhi away.

"Hou Ye!" The two guards hurried up and reached for the arm of Lu Yizhi. "Three girls, pull the grandfather outside, you will get off first."

Ye Hao had the help of two guards. Finally, she was able to escape the restraint of Lu Yan. She raised her hand and slap him heavily. "Big Brother, you wake up, you can't be controlled by poison."

Lu Yizhi was stunned by the slap of Ye Hao, and some did not know where he was, and looked at her blankly.

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