In the front carriage, Lu Lao’s wife heard the movement and immediately stopped the carriage. “What happened?”

"Old lady, Hou Ye suddenly poisoned, to kill the three girls." The squatting squat looked back and said.

"Fast, help me get off the bus." Lu Lao’s wife was shocked and hurriedly let her ring help her get off.

Ye Hao had already ran down at the moment when Lu Yan’s hair was stunned. When she saw Lu Lao’s wife, she immediately choked and cried, “Grandma!”

Mrs. Lu hugged her and asked anxiously, "Hey, what happened, your big brother?"

"Big brother had told me well, and suddenly I grabbed my hand and said that I would kill me..." Ye Hao cried, "Grandma, I am afraid."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Grandma is here." said Mrs. Lu, "How is Hou Ye?"

The two guards helped Lu Yan from the carriage, Lu Yanzhi's look was exhausted, his eyes fell on Ye Hao's body, and the eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

"Exit, are you okay?" Mrs. Lu asked quickly.

Lu Yanzhi nodded gently. "Grandma, I am fine, just... scared."

Ye Hao bowed his head in the arms of Mrs. Lu, and did not look at Lu Yizhi. In the eyes of everyone, she looked like she was frightened.

"Exit, you still have to rest in the house, I will go to Huguo Temple." Lu Lao’s wife said, what if I went to Huguo Temple and had poison?

Lu Yizhi saw Ye Hao simply do not want to care about him, understand that she was really scared by him today, even if he wants to explain clearly, he will not listen. "Grandma, then I will go home first."

"You carefully escorted Hou Ye back." Mrs. Lu said immediately, but my heart was very uncomfortable. I don't know when I can solve the poison that has been extended to the body. This always tortures him, no matter who sees it, it is uncomfortable.

"Hey, my eldest brother scared you today, and I won't be in the future." Lu Yuzhi said softly to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao simply went to the back of Lu Lao’s wife.

"Oh..." Lu Yanzhi called her and wanted to come over to see her.

"Don't come over!" Ye Hao shouted, clutching Mrs. Lu's clothes tightly with both hands.

Mrs. Lu looked at her distressed heart. Whether she was delayed or embarrassed, she felt distressed. "After the delay, I haven’t calmed down. When we go home, you will come back and talk to her."

"Good." Lu Yizhi nodded lightly and re-entered the carriage. He sighed low and leaned against the wall. He couldn’t understand how he suddenly became a scorpion. He couldn’t figure out why. I will never forget Ye Hao.

Ye Hao... When did he have roots in his heart, so that he could not get rid of it.

For Lujia, for the sake of the two children, he is sorry for Ye Hao, but he has never known... He thought that Ye Hao was only a little pity, it seems that this is not the case.

"Hou, are you okay?" Lu Yizhi's little whispered in a low voice.

"Go to Jingning Houfu." Lu Yan said in a whisper, perhaps because Lu Hao looked too much like Ye Hao, so he would be so obsessed.

If you are not at home, maybe everything will be fine.

Lu Yizhi came over to Tang Yan, just happened to meet him.

"Extending, how come you?" Tang Yan was surprised. "I just want to see you. I heard that you are poisonous. Can you have a cure for you?"

Listening to the friend’s concern, Lu Yan’s faint smile, “Let’s go in and talk.”

Tang Yan and Lu Yizhi returned to the study room. After watching the tea, he whispered, "Do you have anything to come to me today?"

“Is it not very stable in the palace recently?” Lu Yanzhi took the tea and dialed the tea, and smiled at Tang Yan.

"Deferred, you know, before the emperor did not order, I am not good to tell you too much." Tang Yan is a little embarrassed, he and Lu Yizhi were friends who were born and died, but in front of the imperial power, he also has no way to do it. Helpless.

Lu Yizhi nodded. "I understand, just ask me casually. Now I am not in the hall. I shouldn’t ask so much. It’s just... Kyoto is unpredictable. You must be careful."

When Tang Yan saw his friend and didn't blame him, he smiled and said, "With the emperor, how can Kyoto be unpredictable, and the outside winds can't believe it."

In this way, the injury of the emperor is no problem at all? There was a glimmer of light in the shackles of Lu Yu, and the emperor obviously did not trust Lu Jia before. The two children have now become Dao Gu. Before the second uncle, he looked for him to talk, hoping to send Lu Jinger to the palace to help the children. He did not agree, but it has been shaken in the past few days.

If there is a Lujia girl in the palace, when I am pampered, I will mention the two children on the premise of the emperor. In the future, the two children may have the opportunity to return to the palace.

This matter goes back to discuss with the old lady. Today he came to Tang Yan, but for another thing. "The last time you mentioned it to me, I tried the three-legged tone."

Tang Yan heard it, and last time he asked Lu Yizhi what he said? Isn't that what he wants to be jealous?

Lu Yizhi looked at him and smiled. "Sanchai is also very impressed with you. I am very happy to hear from you. If you really have a heart, you can go and meet with Sancha."

"Extended to..." Tang Yan’s heart is really sweet and bitter.

"What is your expression? Do you regret it?" Lu Hao's face changed.

Tang Yan immediately said, "How can my mind change? But, now, it is already a princess, even if Mrs. Lu has promised, then... can the emperor agree?"

He did not dare to say that the emperor was acting on Lu Hao. After all, they are still brothers and sisters. He can't bear to hurt.

"As long as you mention the relatives, the old lady will naturally enter the palace and ask the Queen Mother to give a marriage. You will also talk to the emperor himself." Lu Yizhi said, "I will go to the third uncle."

Can he really be jealous? Between her and the emperor... Tang Yan remembered the scene in the hunting forest, and suddenly felt heartache. "I am very embarrassed to extend it, but will you be willing?"

"How can you not? You can rest assured, even if you are going to raise a relative." He wants to get rid of his heart, then he will marry him. Otherwise, he will think about it day and night, and will hurt her sooner or later.

Tang Yan’s heart was horizontal. “Then I will go to Miss Lu’s wife.”

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "Well, wait for your good news."

"Deferred, I feel that the marriage is not easy to settle down. She is a princess." Tang Yan is more worried that she has an emperor in her heart, so she refuses to marry him.

"Hey is a princess, but she is also a girl from Lu." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

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