Murong Chan still did not go to the early morning, the ministers of the temple face each other, the heart is guessing the condition of the emperor, Xu Yuxiang and Liu Zongyuan are there, they have seen the Queen Mother yesterday, knowing that the emperor’s body is worry-free, why not In the early morning, there was naturally an emperor's consideration.

However, some people are blinking, watching the dragon chair on the high, silent, flashing a touch of calculations.

"Xu Daren, the emperor in the end... What disease is it? It has been several days, how can we still have a little news?" The minister asked Xu Xuxiang.

"Yeah, Xu Daren, Liu Daren, did you still go to see the Queen Mother yesterday? How do you say the Queen Mother?" someone asked.

Xu Wei said with a sigh. "We have not seen the emperor. Like you, I don’t know much."

"What exactly does the Queen Mother want to do? Deliberately conceal the condition of the emperor?" asked the minister who had been staring at the dragon chair.

Liu Zongyuan raised his eyebrows and looked at the man. "Zhou Zhicheng, what do you mean by this?"

"My words don't mean anything. It's just strange. Why didn't the Queen Mother let the two adults go to see the emperor? Even if the emperor is sick, can't he see the minister? The Queen Mother is deliberately concealing the reason why the emperor really does not go to the early dynasty. What is it... I believe that only the elderly are the most clear." Zhou Zhicheng said in a hurry.

Xu Yixiang frowned and stared at him. "Zhou Daren, it seems that you are the clearest."

Zhou Zhicheng snorted. "If you can't see the emperor tomorrow, then we will have to go outside the palace. Please ask the Queen Mother to understand."

A few people followed him, and others looked at each other and looked at Xu Weixiang and Liu Zongyuan.

Soon after, some people told me that everything that happened in the hall was told that he was still in a coma, and that only a few people knew that his injury had recovered very well.

After listening to the palace man’s return, Murong Zhan let him go down.

"Is this what you want?" Huangfu stood behind the ink-filled Zhan, and was tearing his wound. It would take a few days to remove the thread, but unexpectedly, the wound behind him recovered very well. It is already possible to dismantle the line in advance.

"What is the main thing? You just give them a chance." Murong Zhan snorted. "If you don't give them a chance, I'm afraid they will have nothing to do in this life. Isn't that suffocating?"

Huangfu pulled the stitched thread out.

Murong snorted and screamed unpleasantly. "Are you retaliating?"

"You don't owe me, I retaliate against you?" Huangfu said with a funny voice, "You are not in a good mood, don't look for me."

"What happened to Lu Hao?" Murong Zhan did have a bad mood. Yesterday, in order to be angry, he left Xu Huiru in the Qing Palace. Today, she was asked to return to the harem. However, the little girl actually said nothing. She does not care that he is fond of the woman. In her heart, the most important thing is always the Ye family.

Huangfu said, "Is still a fire lotus, is there still in the palace?"

"There should be more, let people go find it." Murong Zhan said, no matter how he handled Lu Shuanger, this has nothing to do with Lu Jia, he will not die of Lu Yan's view.

"Do you remember how to stop bleeding before you?" Huangfu whispered, he has been a doctor for so long, he has never seen such a serious injury can be cured within a few days, he The method of healing is no different from before. The only difference is that the injury of Murong Chan will soon stop the blood, and this is the credit of Lu Yan.

Referring to the name of Lu Hao, Murong Zhan’s heart was sullen, thinking of her tears in the hunting forest because of his injury. He said with a low voice, “She didn’t know what medicine was used to rub it on my back. Some are cool and don't feel so painful."

"Pharmaceutical?" Huangfu lived. He remembered that when he treated the wounds at the time, he did not find any medicine on his back.

“What's the problem?” asked Murong Zhan, raising his eyebrows.

Huangfu gave him the healing wounds and rubbed the snow lotus cream and repacked it with white cloth. "You should thank you. If it is not handled by her, you may not be so easy to save your life."

Murong Chan's face is condensed, and even if he wants to be grateful to Lu Hao, she is not necessarily willing to appreciate.

"Since your injury is already good, I don't have to be in the palace every day. You are going to send the fire lotus to me. I will give Lu Yuzhi a detoxification." Huangfu said.

"Yeah." There should be something going on in the next palace, and Huangfu is not safe here.

Huangfu packed up his own things and left. When he walked to the door, he looked back and looked at the dark face of Murong Zhan. "Remind you that one thing has already reached the age at which you can be married."

Murong Chong heard the words, his face became more ugly.

"Ford!" Murong Chong called in the outside of Ford.

"Your Majesty, the slave is here." Ford bent over. For the past two days, he was somewhat uncertain about the temper of Murong Cham. I don't know when the master was in a bad mood.

Murong asked with a deep face, "Lu Hao, why didn't you see people today?"

"Back to the emperor, the Princess has not yet entered the palace." Ford replied.

Has she not entered the palace yet? Don't you worry about his injury at all, don't want to take care of him at all? "Let people go to call her into the palace!"

Ford did not dare to say a nonsense, and promised to go out immediately.

I almost ran into Xu Huiru outside, and Ford hurriedly took a gift, "Yin Yin Niang."

Xu Huiru looked at the look of Ford's rush, and asked with a smile, "Fu Gonggong, where are you going?"

Fud smiled awkwardly. "The emperor wants to see the princess. The minion is going to ask the princess to enter the palace."

What should the emperor want to see? Xu Huiru’s smile on her face was a little stubborn, and she went down to see Murong Chan.

"Chen Chen has seen the emperor." Xu Huiru with a shy smile on his face, looking at the ink and hand Zhan Zhan.

Xu Huiru saw Mo Rongzhan, and her mood immediately became happy. Yesterday she spent the night in the Qing Palace. She and her, no longer like before, all the favors look like fake.

Murong Zhan glanced at her with a faint look. "What is Yin Xian?"

"The emperor, the courtiers personally made a few cakes, you taste." Xu Huiru holding a food box in his hand, before entering the palace, she worked hard, I believe that as long as the emperor tried her craft, it will not I thought about Lu Hao.

"Get it, don't like to eat sweet, don't go to the Qing Palace in these few days." Murong Zhan dropped his throat, and his voice said coldly.

Xu Huiru's face changed, "Imperial?"

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