Ye Hao bites her teeth and endures humiliation. She does not want to ask for mercy. He is bound to win. Even if she asks him, he will not let her go.

Murong's delicate kiss fell on her. He was never so excited and excited. This is the first time he has been so fascinated by a woman. He wants to integrate her into his blood, and he will be with him all the time.

"Hey, look at you." Murong Zhan opened her leg, and his whole body's blood was clamoring for her to ask her.

Ye Hao’s hand had been free. She didn’t know when she had pulled out the jade on her head. She didn’t answer him. She just used the tip of the jade to put her head in her throat.

Murong looked at her with a sigh of relief. She only felt that there was a pain in the heart of the arrow. He quickly took her hand and took her jade and threw it out and shattered it on the ground. In a few paragraphs.

"Why?" His voice could not stand the waves.

Ye Hao closed his eyes and spoke slightly, "I am Ye Hao..."

Murong Chong interrupted her words. "Because you are the sister of Ye Hao? You didn't kill Ye Hao, you... your father... didn't die."

"What do you say?" Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Murong Chong in shock. She guessed that she was not dead. Why did Murong Zhan know?

"You can't release your father and your brother clearly, you can only save people from prison. However, they later disappeared." Murong Zhan whispered, "Hey, you can't let go of the whole leaf." Home, you should understand you."

Any new emperor, as long as it is not Ye Yisong’s personal support, will not allow such a family to exist in the wild. Ye Yisong is a traitor who hates everyone, and Murong Zhan is even more likely to let him go.

"You let them go?" Ye Hao used to suspect that he and his brother did not die. Today is the first time in the mouth of Murong Zhan, he really did not kill them, her mood suddenly excited.

Murong Chan lowered his body. "They are not dead, are you so happy?"

Ye licked his lips, "Yes."

"So if they are already dead?" Murong Zhan showed a sneer, even when he was so angry, he could not control the desire to want her, this little girl... When did he penetrate his heart? God, let him want to let go, I do not know how to let her down.

Ye Hao’s face changed. “Do you play with me?”

"Isn't they dead, you will never stay with you?" Murong Chan is kissing her earlobe, and her slender fingers are gently spinning in her flat belly.

"Stop!" The more strange feeling spread to her limbs, Ye Hao cheeks red, and reached out to push him away.

Murong Chong's fingers came to her legs. "Oh, if there is no leaf between us, will you stay with you?"

Ye Hao’s eyes are filled with tears. If there aren’t many things going on behind her, isn’t she still loving him? "Then if I am not Lu Hao, I am the surname of Ye? Do you still want me to stay with you?"

"Yes, no matter who you are, you are sure to be right for you." Murong Zhan said resolutely and decisively.

"No, you won't." Ye Hao shook his head. "You will be like Ye Hao..."

Murong Zhan lowered her head and blocked her lips, and the fingers in her legs also got into her softness, preparing for his entry.

Ye Hao had to drop her tears, she struggled desperately, but he was as strong as iron, she could not shake him at all.

"Hey, you are not indifferent to you." Murong Zhan吮 kissed her pink lips, and the fingers in her body also accelerated the movement.

The strange feeling almost made her not top, and Ye Hao cried even more.

"Mo Rong Chan..." Ye yelled at his name, but he could not tell his words.

She knew that what he had just said was not to lie to him. He really let go of his brother and her brother. The hatred between her and him can be clear, but she... is unwilling to be one of the nephews in his harem. The two years of embarrassment are too sad, she does not want to live like that.

"You still don't want to." Murong Cham's voice was so cold that his hand left her body and put his hard top on her leg. As long as he pushed in hard, she would belong to her completely.

But what about her heart?

Murong Chong found that what she wanted most was her heart, but his desire was ready to go. He was not willing to find another woman at this time.

He took her hand and let her feel his heat. "Hey, I said before, I will give you time, a year, and whenever you want or not, you will make you a queen."

Ye Hao looked at him and found that after holding something, the red face was red, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but he clutched tightly, and still for him... ... for him, she didn't dare to look at her second look.

Really ugly!

Her hands were soft and small, and she couldn't hold his high-spiritedness. Murong Zhan had a good body. He kissed her jade-like skin and couldn't bear to let her go.

Ye Hao only felt that his hand was sore and uncomfortable, and he could not lift his strength.

"Hey, I still want it." Murong Zhan said with her earlobe.

"..." Ye Hao looked at him with anger.

Murong Chan touched her thigh, and there was something he had just sprayed out. Now she is sticky and wet, and she can't wait to take a shower right away.

When Ye Hao saw that Murong Chan clamped her legs in motion, she could not say a word.

So she and he... what is innocence? Even if she is still a virgin, but with a man, her reputation can be innocent?

Until Murong Chong once again enjoyed the fun, Ye Hao’s hands and legs were so soft that he had no strength.

"Hey, let people get in and come in for you to wash." Murong Zhan whispered, and he still kissed her lips for a while.

Ye screamed, "Don't let others see me like this!"

"Don't let others see." Murong Zhan chuckled and put her in the bed and took her clothes. "This clothes can't be worn, let Ford quietly give you A new set."

Ford was outside the bedroom, and it was impossible to not know what was going on inside.

Ye Wei thinks she has no face to see people.

"Oh..." Murong Chong found that he really liked to see her ashamed, couldn't help but kiss her on the cheek.

"You said to give me time, then you can't do this to me again in the future." Ye Hao looked at him and said coldly.

Murong Zhan hesitated, he felt that it feels good.

"If you do this to me again, I will definitely go far, so that you will never see me again." Ye Hao said firmly.

"朕 promise you." Murong Zhan said softly.

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