Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 256: She can't afford it

Ford had heard a little movement outside the dormitory. He was a little nervous in his heart. I don’t know if the Princess’s Highness would once again anger the emperor. In the past two days, he really served with trepidation, fearing that he was not careful. Let the emperor pick his head.

There is no princess in the sleeping hall. Ford smells the smell in the air. His eyes are bright and hey, hey, the emperor will not get angry when he is full.

Ford looked at the place where the emperor watched the folds. It was a little messy. There seemed to be an unknown object on the blanket. Then look at the dragon couch. Although the emperor put down the account, it’s hard to imagine. What happened a while ago.

"Go to the water, you want to bathe." Murong Zhan faintly ordered Fu.

Ford hurriedly bowed his head and didn't dare to sneak again. "Yes, the emperor."

"Go and find a new set of clothes for the princess." Murong Zhan whispered, his eyes chillingly watching Ford.

"The slaves will prepare themselves," Ford knew very well that since the emperor mentioned that he was a princess, he did not want to let people know what had happened. He naturally did not dare to give it to others.

In fact, if you didn’t seal Lu’s girl as a princess, wouldn’t it be enough? The emperor is looking for bitterness for himself. I don’t know what the Queen Mother knows about this.

Ford was groaning in his heart, but he knew that these things would not be able to talk to him. He would just be a good slave in silence.

Soon, he prepared hot water and clothes, and loyally went outside to guard.

Ye Hao, who was lying in the dragon couch, had already been ashamed to see someone at this moment. She glared at Murong Zhan, but saw the other party’s thin lips smack a pleasant smile and hugged her up. I will take you to the groom."

"I will go by myself!" Ye Hao said with no anger.

Murong Zhan turned a deaf ear, not only took her into the clean room, but also scrubbed her for herself. Ye Hao stiffly leaned in his arms, and the two men were attached to each other. She could still feel the hotness of his back on her back. I am afraid that he will not be like her again.

"Hey, what is your taste? So fragrant..." Murong Chan held the abundance of her chest, just like holding two pieces of nephrite, so that he couldn't put it down, and the fine kiss fell on her pearls. Glossy shoulders.

Ye curled his shoulders and wanted to push his two unruly hands. "Ink-Chan, you promised me."

Murong Chong’s voice snorted and turned her, and bowed her head to kiss her pink lips, and the hand on her chest also increased her strength.

“No...” Ye Hao’s body is soft, and the warm water is soaked in some groggy.

Murong Zhan tightened his arms and held her tighter. He kissed him more deeply. After today, she will definitely alienate him far away. He imagines it is very difficult to get close to her like today.

Ye Hao was breathless and kissed. He reached out and hooked his neck. His fingers accidentally touched the wound on his shoulder and finally let him let go of her.

"Hey, why are you taking me around with you every day?" Murong Zhan gasped and said, the twilight staring at her red, swollen lips.

"Mo Rong Chan!" Ye Hao glared at him, did he want to speak without faith?

Ink Murray was dumb and laughed, caressing her cheeks, and the voice was soft and tempting. "Hey, you are already a jealous person. You can only marry you in this life. Whoever wants to give you a kiss, you can't promise." ,do you know?"

Ye Hao lowered her head and did not speak. She was detrimental to innocence. If she married another person, she would not be fair to her future. She could not marry. As long as she found her sister and brother, she immediately left here and went to a No one knows her place and renews the days she wants.

"Oh..." Murong Chan took a few anxious calls to her.

"You let me get up first, you are like this... I can't talk to you well." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong Zhan laughed and bit her earlobe. "Do you hate you for this?"

If she said that she was annoying, he would definitely not let her go. Ye Hao was silent and did not speak. Murong Zhan thought she was shy and couldn’t talk, and smiled happily in her ear. You are a queen, hey, no more to refuse."

"Why are you saving my father?" Ye Hao looked up at him. Didn't he hate Ye Family? Why do people still save people and brothers.

"Ye Yiqing helped me before. He is different from Ye Yisong." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Even if he had done everything for his daughter."

Ye Hao gently leaned on his chest, telling the truth, and knowing that he had let go of her, she was not excited, not grateful to him, but these gratitudes were not enough to let her forget the pain of tragic death, but more forget Lost his lonely loneliness in the Qin Wangfu.

In her life, she is not willing to live like that again.

"You are like this... Can you forgive me?" Murong Zhan asked her in anticipation.

Ye Hao was silent. She didn't know how to describe the sad feeling in her heart. When she was Ye Hao, she loved him like that. For his disregard of his family's opposition, he dismissed her. Now she is Lu Hao. He is willing to accommodate her like this.

Should she be happy? But she is not happy, the more she wants to get Lu Hao, the more she wants to seal her as a queen, the more she is unacceptable.

When Ye Hao, who loved him deep, hid in the house every night, when he was crying and crying, did he know that she missed him at that time?

In today's Lu Yan body, she is lonely and lonely, and she has already... can't afford him.

"I remembered it." Ye Hao said, she did not want to answer his question.

Murong Zhan was somewhat disappointed, but he believed that the Japanese leader, since she already knew the truth, would always accept him, and now it is only a vain time.

He took her out of the tub, dried her body and put on clothes for her.

"The injury on your back... Has it been removed?" Ye Hao discovered that he had already opened the white cloth. She turned and went to see his wound. The scar of the skull still showed that he had multiple injuries on that day. Her heart is a bit heavy.

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Auntie said that recovery is very good."

"The shoulders are bleeding." Ye Hao whispered that she should have just been caught by her.

"It will be fine to take some medicine later." Murong Chan put on his robes and hugged her out.

Ye Yan said with a red face, "You let me down, I can go by myself."

Ford did not know when it was already cleaned up, and I couldn’t see what had happened.

Ye Hao felt even more embarrassed, as if doing something bad was discovered.

"You sit down, I will re-apply you." Ye Hao pushed the ink to say Zhan Zhan said.

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