Ye Hao does not like the indifference of Taidi. He can use his son without any mercy, let alone to others, not to mention that he will protect the mainland.

What she is most worried about now is that he will let Murong Zhan deal with Tianbao.

"No." Murong whispered his hand and gently touched the corner of Ye Hao. He was no longer the Shaodi of the year. It was not what the Emperor wanted him to do. "The demon war is nine days." If you win, it will not solve the problem of the human continent. Temporary suppression is useless."

He can drive the monsters to the ridiculous hell, and they will return to the mainland, unless there is a way to do it, it is impossible to kill the monster.

Ye Hao said, "You have been to ridiculous hell, where are there more monsters?"

"They have already come to the mainland." Murong Chan said that it is not practical to want to drive the monsters to the ridiculous hell. There is a reason for being called ridiculous hell. There is a rare aura and it is ridiculous everywhere. How can it compare? Rich in other continents.

Although there is no aura in the world, but for the beast, they can cultivate the demon power, and you don't need aura.

Ye Hao said, "The human continent can no longer be ruled by the monsters, even if there is a castle in the sky...not."

In the past, she did not feel that there was a problem in Tianbao's rule on the mainland. But now she is no longer the idea. The place where mortals should let the mortals themselves rule, do not need the rule of the beast, and do not need the beast to protect.

"This is just like my thoughts." Murong said with a slight smile.

"What should I do?" Ye Hao glanced at him, knowing that he was not thinking about it before laughing at her.

She has been a mortal for so long, from the Queen to the Scorpio, already has a strong feeling for this place, how to let the monsters destroy the human continent.

Besides, the Tianzhu, which is now unified in the world, is Ming Yu, that is her daughter.

"I have to meet the Emperor in nine days, and I will know his tone." Murong Cham said that he had received the message from the Queen Mother. "You go with me for nine days."

Ye Hao didn't want to refuse, "Don't!" She looked disgusted. "I don't want to go for nine days, I don't like it."

Murong Zhan said with a funny voice, "You always have to restore the godhead."

He naturally knows that she doesn't like nine days, and she doesn't like Taidi. If she goes to nine days, she will go to see him, but if she doesn't go for nine days, how can she restore her mind?

"I am not in a hurry to restore my deity!" If she did not want to be with him forever, she did not want to restore her deity.

"Whether, I will go to nine days first, and wait for the Taidi to decide. I will bring you again." In view of the fact that the ink is still not known to the Taidi, it is better to let Ye Hao restore the godhead.

Ye took a look at him. "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't restore your mind. If you don't want me to be old, you will return to your nine days. I will live my old life on the mainland and raise a few to see. Little boy, when I die, I will reincarnate and come back to me..."

Murong was so angry that she bounced on her forehead, "Dream!"

"I feel very good." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Follow me for nine days, it is so decided." Murong Chan thinks that she should not condone her too much. She did not restore her mind. She would not have the opportunity to reincarnate, or give her the godhead early, so as not to regret it.

"..." Doesn't it mean to go again later?

Ink said, "I went out and told them to break some of their things."

Ye Hao wanted to refuse and there was no chance.



In the Imperial Palace, Ye Yiqing learned that Ye Hao came back, and it didn't take long for Huohuang to come to Yejia Mansion.

"Hey!" Seeing Ye Yiqing, Ye Hao’s heart was filled with warmth.

"It’s good to come back safely." Ye Yiqing looked at her daughter and saw her in good condition. The stone in her heart was finally put down. "What about Huangfu?"

Since Ye Hao is back, the emperor should be almost the same, then what should he do next?

Ye Hao said, "He is still at the cold bone market, hey, is it almost the same?"

"There have been some people who have boarded the ship and left." Ye Yiqing said, "I heard that I met the Kraken on the way, but I didn't hurt the people on board. Fortunately, God will protect."

The Kraken did not harm the people, it should still have nothing to do with Ah.

"Leave the North City, or wait for the monsters to leave and come back." Ye Hao said.

Ye Yiqing whispered, "Will those monsters leave?"

"..." Ye Hao didn't know how to answer it. It was impossible in a short time. In the time of mortal time, I am afraid it is a long time. "It may take a while."

"Hey, let me enter the palace with you." Ye Hao said.

Ye Yiqing sighed, "Okay."

In the next few days, Ye Hao will wholeheartedly help the people in the Northland City to leave. Perhaps because of the reason that Murong Zhan is here, the big monsters are all gone, maybe they are watching, they are still waiting. The return of the smell of the sky.

In the past nine days, he has been urging him to go back. He is indifferent, and he does not know what to do with his subordinates. He can hardly see people every day.

Ye Hao knows that his men are coming back. There are twelve gods, she knows.

These days I only saw the broken stone and the eight roads remained in the northern city. Others did not know where to be told.

The people in the North City were evacuated, and Ye Hao said goodbye to Ye Yiqing.

Qi Qi looked at Ye Hao. Although he didn't know so much, he also understood that Ye Hao was different from them. "Ye Ye, I will hand you the North City."

"The emperor, please take care." Ye Hao whispered.

Her words were just finished, and in the direction of Tianbao, there was a sound like a dragonfly, and a huge serpent figure appeared in the air.

It is not a dragon, although it is very similar.

It’s Wentian’s return.

"Emperor, hey, let's go." Ye Hao urged, since Wentian came back, I am afraid that the monsters that are hiding must not be able to sit still.

Ye Yiqing nodded heavily. "Hey, you take care."

Watching Ye Yiqing leave their ship, Ye Hao then turned and left the port.

"Hey, hey!" Fire Phoenix eagerly came over. "Look there over Tianbao."

"I saw it." Ye Hao said, "When the weather comes out of the cold bone market, there is no need to make a fuss."

Fire Phoenix called. "I know that Wentian is coming back. I mean those big monsters, all going to Tianbao, and I want to go to the sky."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, thinking that the big monsters were still thinking about the demon power of the sky not long ago. Now that Wen Tian is coming back, they want to return, and they are really shameless.

"They were originally in Tianbao." Ye Hao said faintly, "When you want to go back to Wentian, it doesn't matter to us."

"Isn't it even better in Tianbao?" Fire Phoenix cried. "How do you revenge?"

Ye Haoyi, "What crime do you report?"

"When Tian killed my parents, I want to take revenge!" Huo Huo screamed.

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