Ye Hao was speechless. When she heard the fire phoenix, she remembered Auntie and Abi who had been with her for a long time. After she was destroyed, she did not know their ending, but she remembered it. The last time she saw it. They, Abi is pregnant.

She did not expect Fire Phoenix to be their child.

"Oh." Fire Phoenix took her hand. "You have restored the memory of Xiaoxiao. Do you remember the things before the ancient times, have you seen my parents?"

"I have seen..." Ye Hao whispered that they had been with her for a long time. "I really didn't think that you were actually a child of Abi and Auntie."

Fire Phoenix hurriedly asked, "What are they like?"

"You look a lot like aunt." Ye Hao said with a smile. "The first time I saw them, I was in space, just like you."

Abi and Auntie should leave the fire phoenix in the space, and the space is followed by the ink-capacity, so he will encounter the fire phoenix after his reincarnation.

"I have never seen them." Fire Phoenix slammed down, not knowing what to think, looked up angrily. "I must avenge them. I am going to Tianbao now."

This child!

Ye Hao pulled him back. "Where can you report any hatred in Tianbao? Can you kill Wentian, or can you go in Tianbao?"

"I have to go to find the smell of death." The fire screamed and screamed, red eyes like an impulsive bear child.

"What is the meaning of your death?" Ye Hao said with no anger, she knew that his heart was uncomfortable, that he felt pain in his heart, never saw his parents, and knew who the enemy was and could not take revenge. "You are dead, aunt Will Abi be happy? They just want you to grow up and leave you in the space."

Fire Phoenix called, "What can I do?"

He is not reconciled. He can hardly know the news of his parents, but he will never see them. The enemy is there, but he can't kill each other.

"Who told you?" Ye Hao asked.

"The horns will be." Fire Phoenix said, "They have all seen my parents."

Ye Hao patted him on the shoulder. "I went to see the sky and asked him personally."

The fire phoenix frowned and looked at Ye Hao. "Hey, you... will you help me?"

"Don't I stand on his side instead of your side?" Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief. "Well, go back, don't you let Mingxi protect the law?"

"I will go here." Huo Huang said that he knew that Ye Hao had a deep relationship with Wen Tian, ​​but his relationship with Ye Hao was also good. He was still her beast.

Ye Hao sent the fire phoenix back to the Yejia Mansion. She hesitated for a long time. She always looked in the direction of Tianbao. The big monsters such as 兕 and 螭 都 were there. They should be looking for the smell of the sky. Once again, the world is unified.

Suddenly, she received the white letter from the white tiger, thinking that she was telling her about Ming Yu, but she did not expect to give her a more shocking news.

White Tiger actually took Mingyu on the way to China!

Although they were accompanied by Tang Hanyan, Ye Hao still felt very angry.

"This girl is simply too bold!" Ye Hao was so angry that he was about to smoke, and hurriedly turned to find Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan happened to talk to the broken stone. They saw Ye Hao screaming at the door. He stepped forward. "What happened?"

"Ming Yu is coming to China and has already gone out to sea." Ye Hao screamed, "She really doesn't know the danger at all."

“Just like this?” Murong Zhan said with a funny smile, his cheeks were all angry.

Ye is holding him, what is the meaning of this understatement, is he not worried about his daughter?

Murong Zhan whispered, "You are not angry, Ming Yu will still come."

"I can let the white tiger bring her back." Ye said.

"If the White Tiger can bring her back, they will not be on the way to China." Murong Zhan said, "Ming Yu is afraid to come to Yan Xiaoliu."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "Isn't Yan Xiaoliu going back to find her?"

"I let the broken stone go to pick up the jade, can you rest assured?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

"Don't worry." Ye Hao said, "Ming Yu is not the same as Mingxi. She is just a mortal. Even if she is a scorpio now, what if she encounters a monster? There is no self-protection."

Mo Rongzhan said, "Mingyu can't be just a mortal. Even if her strength is taken away by Mingxi, she is still my daughter."

He is a nine-day god, and Ye Hao also has half the blood of the Protoss. How can Mingyu be an ordinary mortal?

Ye Hao knows that he makes sense, but it is difficult to rest assured.

"You have to go back nine days?" Ye Hao asked.

"Wangmu reminded me several times, I will go back and see." Murong Zhan looked at her lowly. She was going to take her back with her, and then she would restore her godhead. Since Mingyu wants to come to China, she has always been You should not go with him. "This time I will go by myself. You will wait for me to come back."

Ye Hao didn't really want to go to nine days. He heard that he said that naturally there is no opinion. "Good."

Murong Zhan squatted, "Do not intervene in the things on Tianbao."

"Do you think I still have the qualification to intervene?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, even before, she was not qualified to intervene, let alone now.

"Don't go find Wentian." Ink said that she didn't know that she used to be different from the present. If she really wants to go back, her words can affect Tianbao.

But he didn't want her to get involved again.

"Oh." Ye Hao seriously nodded, always felt that this is the focus he wants to say.

Murong Zhan originally wanted to say that even if he heard her come to see her, don't see it, but I think it is also a white saying, "take care of yourself."

"Know, you haven't been so embarrassed before, is it so old?" Ye Hao asked with an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Murong Zhan was funny and angry.

Ye took his arm. "I will wait for you to come back anyway. Right, there is still something to ask you, Auntie and Abi... Was it smelled?"

"Not really." Ink said that it seems that the fire phoenix should also know about this. "They were accidentally injured, and Wentian prevented them from reborn."

In this way, it is still related to Wen Tian.

"Who was accidentally injured?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, can be called a casual injury, it should not be in Tianbao.

Murong Zhan glanced at her, "God will."

Ye Hao was awkward and wanted to ask who it was, but she still held back her interest. "Then you explain it to Fire Phoenix."

"When I come back, I will find him again." Murong Chan said.

"Good." Ye Dagger.

Murong Zhan and Yan Ye have a lot of things, and when Ye Hao is going to be impatient, he brings back nine days.

Ye Hao looked at the figure disappearing into the sky, and when she was going back, she was looking for her.

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