Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2581: Brother and sister

"Brother." Seeing lying to find her, Ye Hao was happy in his heart, but also fortunate that Murong Zhan had just gone nine days.

In Ye Jiada's house, only two gods were left, and the stone was broken to pick up the jade. Both the wall and the fire phoenix were giving Mingxi protection.

Probably the sense of lying in the air, the wall immediately appeared behind Ye Hao, seeing is lying, he silently looked at Ye Hao, and silently left.

He has seen a living, knowing that Ye Hao’s brother, naturally, will not harm Ye Hao.

"I will come to see you." Lying in a low voice, did not care about the appearance of the wall.

Ye Hao walked to the front of her life. Before she recovered her memory, she knew that she was a younger brother, but she didn’t feel anything. Now, when I see it again, my feelings are completely different. "I used to I am going to find you, and I met in a hurry. We didn’t talk well."

"Yeah, we haven't talked for a long time." He entrusted her to Mo Rongzhan, thinking that he would see you soon. Who knows that this is a million years.

"Brother, let's go inside." Ye Hao pointed at the hall, they could not stand and talk like this.

Lying behind Ye Hao, looking at the back of Ye Hao, the corner of his mouth floated a little smile, "Good."

"Ah, did you leave the cold-bone market?" After sitting down, Ye Hao personally poured tea on his face. "What is going on outside the sky castle?"

Looking at the natural and brisk Ye Hao, I was a little embarrassed in my heart. If it was a small cockroach, I wouldn’t dare to ask for it directly.

"The Supreme Lord did come out, but it has been in the Chamber of Secrets, but it has not yet come out." There is no concealment in the lying life. He will tell Ye Hao in the situation of Tianbao today. "Hey, they ask to see the Lord."

"Hey, before Ah Tian had not unlocked the seal, they only wanted to compete for his demon power. Now they know that the demon power can't take it away, and they are afraid of Ah Tian's account, so they can't wait to come back." Ye Hao snorted, I feel guilty about the shamelessness of those monsters.

The reason why the Wicked Beast is a Wicked Beast is that they are free to do whatever they want, and they have never been bound, what is moral and shameful, and they are nothing in their eyes.

Lying in a chuckle, "Are you holding the squad for the Lord?"

"I don't feel sorry for him. If it wasn't for him, then some of their tribes had long been ruined by the Protoss. No one was grateful to him." When Wen Tian had not opened the seal, he still thought about robbing him. Demon power.

Those big monsters are very clear about what once they snatched away the demon power of the sky.

"Now it is no longer a million years ago." Lying in a low voice, "the Lord will not repeat the same mistakes."

Ye Hao looked at his sleep, "but he will still be against the Protoss."

"Small, do you blame me?" asked the layman.

"Why should I blame you?" Ye Hao felt funny, and he did not say that he had been protecting her for her after the encounter. Ten thousand years ago, she began to have no parents at the beginning of her memory. She was born to bring her big, she told him. Only grateful, how can there be resentment.

I said, "If I left you in the first place, you will not be taken to Murong Cham for nine days. Maybe... many things will change."

"No, if I stayed in the first place, it might be even worse." Ye Hao never regretted going to Murong Zhan for nine days. Even if it was a small sister, she did not regret it. "Brother, this is doomed, not who. wrong."

"Then you..." hesitated for a moment, "I don't want to go back to Tianbao, right?"

Ye Hao coveted and whispered, "I don't belong to Tianbao."

"Is it back to nine days?" The father knew that the Emperor would definitely find a way to restore her to her.

"I don't belong to nine days. The mainland is very good." Ye Hao laughed. Even if she recovered her mind, she didn't plan to go to nine days. That place is not suitable for her.

Suddenly sighed, "I also think it is very good here. There is one more thing. I have never told you that when I saw Xuanyuan God, I can’t remember him. He should have destroyed me. Memory, if I remember, will definitely prevent the Lord from killing him."

Ye Hao said, "I know, my brother."

It seems that Xiao Yan really did not blame him, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Everyone wants to see you. I haven't seen each other for a long time."

Before she met with them as Ye Hao, now she is regaining her memory and everyone wants to see Xiao Xiao.

"Wait for me...I will see them in Tianbao." Ye Hao thought for a moment. Her former people in Tianbao were like a family. Now she is a bit strange.

"Okay, let's wait for you to come back." Standing up, "I will go back first."

Ye Hao called to live, "Brother, the demon war has no meaning. I will stop Murong Cham and Wen Tian in the same year. This is entirely caused by the ego of Tai Tai. He just doesn't want to see the world. The mainland was better ruled by Wen Tian than he was. He also saw that Azhan was more popular than him in nine days. In fact, he wanted to see them kill each other, not for the world."

"I don't know how the Lord is going to plan." The layman said that if Wen Tian still wants to continue the war of the year, they can't stop it.

"He just is not willing to be interrupted by the ascension. It is better to re-hijack, this time will not be disturbed again." Ye Hao said that the dragons have disappeared, it is impossible for the Emperor to use the White Dragon King again.

I looked at Ye Hao and looked at it. "I don't want to be reconciled, not just this. He doesn't want this anymore."

Ye Hao bowed his head. "That brother advised him."

"Okay." If it is so easy to persuade, it would be fine.

There is only one person who can persuade him to move.

It is a pity that I didn’t know before, and even Xiao Xiao didn’t realize the impact on him.

Ye Hao is not a small sister, even though she is obviously a reincarnation of Xiaoyan, but after so many years of change, she has no weakness and timidity, and Ye Hao in front of her eyes is more assertive and stronger.

This is the little sister they had hoped to see before. It is really like this now, and he has a little bit lost in his heart.

Xiao Yan is no longer dependent on him, she has grown up in her own way.

Lying away from the Yejia Mansion, he came to Tianbao and found that the big monster that had been in front of the gate disappeared.

"Is it gone?" He fell down the wall and asked about the bunch that had been here.

"I don't know what news I heard suddenly, so I left." Shu Li said faintly, "You go to find a small donkey? Why, she refused to come back? Really want to go back nine days, once again against us." ?"

The face is indifferent and said, "Small scorpion has never been our enemy, scheming, you still stare."

The bunch is cold and cold, "What can she do before the Lord, and now she is seeking to live in Tianbao."

"In case, just in case."

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