This time, Wu Rongzhen prepared a large ship for Mingyu, and two hundred soldiers went with her. Although he knew that there were white tigers and Tang Hanyan around Mingyu, he still didn't feel at ease.

Mingyu stood on the deck and looked at the distant sea. They had been out to sea for half a month. According to the route map, they should soon arrive in China.

When she was very young, she went to China, where she lived for two years, but she has no memory at all. She can't remember what Huaguo looks like and she doesn't know what the sea looks like.

It turned out to be such a magnificent, heaven and sea, and everyone looked very happy.

"The demon power there is very strong." Bai Hu came to Ming Yu's side and looked at the direction of China. He recognized that the demon power belonged to Wen Tian, ​​and the Shao Emperor was not there.

He suddenly did not know whether it was right or wrong to send Mingyu to China.

Ming Yu said, "That is the location of Tianbao."

"Yes." The white tiger nodded. "I don't think that after so many years, the changes in the human continent are so big. It was not at the seaside before Tianbao."

"There is a lot of changes in the time of 10,000 years." Ming Yu said that she turned her head and her eyes flashed a little confused. How did she feel that someone had been watching her since she went out to sea, and every time she turned back, she saw nothing. .

The white tiger has been looking at the front and has not found the same thing about Ming Yu. "I hope that Wen Tian will not rule the world on this occasion."

"You are at ease, my sister-in-law will definitely not let him do that." Ming Yu said, has a firm confidence in ink-tolerance and Ye Hao.

"That's you still don't know Wen Tian." White Tiger whispered.

Ming Yu does not know what Wentian is like. Anyway, she believes that evil is invincible.

"Is there something in the sea?" Ming Yuxi looked down on the deck, and she seemed to see something sailing over the bottom of the boat.

"It should be a whale in the sea, don't be afraid." White Tiger said with a smile, "I won't bite."

Ming Yu looked at the huge figure in the water, she wowed, "I saw such a big fish for the first time."

White Tiger said, "There is nothing in the sea, there are many things you have not seen."

"Is there a monster in the sea?" Ming Yu asked. The last time the white tiger said that the beast was also divided into many kinds, would there be a monster that survived in the sea?

"...Yes, it is called the Kraken." White Tiger said, "However, there should be no Kraken on the earth. Generally, the Kraken can only survive in the Dead Sea. They are unlikely to come from ridiculous hell."

Ming Yu pointed to the big fish I had never seen before. "Is it a Kraken?"

The white tiger looked at her finger and his face suddenly changed. "How can there be a sea monster!"

In front of their boat, a hexagonal arowana appeared, which was several times larger than normal, and looked terrible, with a huge fangs and sharp eyes, and prominent eyes were staring at them.

The whales that were placed in the lower reaches of their boats floated under their feet, and somehow they were already killed.

"What happened?" Tang Hanyan and other people in the cabin rushed out, they felt strange demon power.

"Hexagonal arowana? How can it appear on the mainland!" Ye Muxin screamed, she saw this kind of siren in the book, are they not only living in the Dead Sea?

Bai Hu said, "You bring Mingyu to the cabin, I will deal with this Kraken."

"Ming Yu, go." Tang Hanyan will protect Ming Yu in his arms, and she will protect her back to the cabin with Ye Muxin.

The hexagonal arowana jumped into the water and the white tiger immediately chased it up.

"What is the difference between a sea monster and a monster?" Ming Yu asked curiously, and kept looking back.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin are crying and laughing. It’s time for this. I still care about the difference. “We haven’t met the Kraken before. I don’t know what they are different. However, even the white tigers and the beasts don’t feel their demon power. The sea is hidden."

Duan Jingshu ran from the other side. "It's not good. We don't know when we broke a hole at the bottom of the boat."

"It must be the hexagonal dragon fish." Ye Muxin cried.

"What fish?" Duan Jingshu still does not know that there is a Kraken outside.

Tang Hanyan’s face is heavy, the sea is no more than the land, they can’t know how many Krakens there are, and they can’t go to the bottom of the sea.

"The Kraken, there is a Kraken outside." Ye Muxin said.

Duan Jingshu took a breath.

"There are white tigers outside, we protect Mingyu." Tang Hanyan said, "The Kraken does not know who is coming, we must be careful, fear that there is not only a hexagonal arowana."

"Fast into the cabin." Duan Jingshu said that the cabin has enchantment, the Kraken is not easy to hurt Ming Yu.

As they said, their ship swayed violently, as if to turn over.

Ming Yu gave a scream and was stunned by Ye Muxin.

"I went out to see." Duan Jingshu said.

He just walked out of the cabin and jumped into two strange things like monkeys in the window next to him.

"What is this?" Ming Yu was scared by their weird look. The whole body is hairy and looks like a monkey. It looks different when you look at it.

Ye Muxin said, "This is the water monkey in the water. I like to catch people in the water and eat it."

"It looks so ugly." Ming Yu called.

Tang Hanyan took the sword and stopped them as long as they were close to their water monkeys. "With the Mingyu into the cabin."

"Good!" Ye Muxin nodded and took Mingyu into the cabin.

"Ming Yu, you are not going out here." Ye Muxin guarded the door and looked at Tang Hanyan from the door to fight with two water monkeys.

After the water monkey leaves the water, the strength is halved, and Tang Hanyan is more than enough to deal with them.


A loud noise, the window of the cabin was knocked open, and the two water monkeys opened their black mouths against the jade.

Because of the enchantment, they could not enter the room, they could only yell at the window.

"Be careful!" Ye Muxin cried, and in the past a sword stabbed into the chest of one of the water monkeys.

The water monkey grabbed her sword and took the leaf heart to the outside.

Ye Muxin beat the other water monkeys outside.

There are more and more Krakens on board, and mortals are not opponents at all. Most of the soldiers have been hit into the water.

At this time, a hexagonal arowana appeared outside the window, green eyes stared at the jade, its tentacles like a hand, through the enchantment, wrapped in the body of Ming Yu.

"Help!" Ming Yu called, and touched the dagger from the waist. When she didn't pay attention, her palm had a faint transparent light. She grabbed the tentacles and did not stab the dagger into the hexagonal arowana. The tentacles, a touch of cold light, the tentacles were cut off, and the jade fell into a strong embrace.

The hexagonal arowana made a shrill scream and immediately escaped and disappeared into the sea.

Ming Yu’s round eyes glared at the person who saved her, “Yan Xiaoliu!”

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