Yan Xiaoliu appeared to be a little cramped. He was obviously easy to accommodate, and he was disguised as a soldier. He couldn’t recognize his appearance. How did she recognize it?

"It's really you!" Ming Yu cried. "Are you coming back? No, why are you so easy? You have already returned. The person who has been looking at me is you, right?"

Ming Jin is such a bright person, immediately remembered the strange feelings since this day, it turned out that she did not have the illusion that he was secretly watching her behind her.

"I don't know what you are saying, you admit the wrong person!" Yan Xiaoliu lowered his head and released his hand to launch Mingyu. "There are a lot of Krakens outside, I will protect you from leaving."

"You are obviously Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu affirmed that although his appearance changed, she could recognize it, but she did not understand, since he came back, why not come directly to her.

Yan Xiaoliu still wants to hide his own, but he didn't even talk for a while. The window came in several water monkeys. He took Mingyu and stood behind him. "Be careful."

Ming Yu looked at Yan Xiaoliu's shoulders, and she didn't see him for a long time. He seemed to grow taller, but it seems that it is not right.

He saw her look is not right!

"You are careful." Ming Yu said that although it felt very strange, but there is no time to think so much, more and more water monkeys, but it seems that they are not Yan Xiaoliu's opponents.

When did Yan Xiaoliu become so powerful?

Ming Yu thought about it, she knows that his martial arts is strong, but he is just a mortal, how can mortal martial arts be the opponent of the monster.

"We went out." Yan Xiaoliu felt that the ship sank more than half, and continued to be more dangerous in the cabin. He took the hand of Mingyu out of the cabin. It was already a mess, and the white tiger was still dealing with the Kraken. The original Hexagonosaurus had already Killed by him, now a huge water monkey playing with him, looks several times larger than other water monkeys, and looks like a human.

The demon power is obviously much stronger.

“Do these all appear in the sea?” Ming Yu asked in surprise. “We have never met before in the sea.”

If she met these monsters when she was a child, she would not be able to live without it.

"There was no Kraken before." Yan Xiaoliu said that the hand holding Mingyu has not been released.

"The Kraken is coming to me?" Ming Yu thought for a moment. When they went out to sea, they did not hear that there were monsters in the sea. If the Kraken attacked the ship at sea, there was news.

Is that coming to her?

Yan Xiaoliu also feels that this is possible, but why did the Kraken come to find Mingyu? He remembered that Abu could control the Kraken. Isn't she in Tianbao?

How do people in Tianbao deal with Mingyu?

"Ming Yu, are you okay?" White Tiger saw Mingyu on the deck, worried that she would not be injured.

"I am fine." Ming Yu called.

The water monkey screamed and rushed to Mingyu.

Yan Xiaoliu held the jade to escape, and the white tiger quickly jumped to the shoulder of the water monkey, biting its neck.

"Oh..." The water monkey screamed, and the hair of the whole body stood up and turned into a sharp sword.

The white tiger is very powerful from it, and the claw is still scratched by the hair.

He stood up and wanted to continue the duel with the water monkey, only to find that the strength was suddenly exhausted, and even the spiritual power of the sea could not work.

what happened?

"The water monkey's hair is poisonous, which will make people lose their fighting power for a short time." Yan Xiaoliu said, he carefully guarded the jade, his eyes staring at the water monkey with vigilance.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin came out of the cabin and saw such a huge water monkey stunned.

"Protect her." Yan Xiaoliu pushed Mingyu to them. At that moment, the water monkey's long arm pressed against him and Mingyu.

Yan Xiaoliu shunned dangerously and saw that Mingyu was protected by Tang Hanyan, and this was the sword and the water monkey.

"White Tiger, you are fine." Ming Yu shouted, wanting to run to the white tiger but was stopped by Tang Hanyan.

"I'm fine," Baihu said. "Wait a minute."

Ye Muxin quickly threw the detoxified medicinal herbs to the white tiger. "Come on."

Ming Yu nervously looked at Yan Xiaoliu, who was fighting with the water monkey.

Suddenly, a beautiful song was heard from the sea.

"Who is singing." Ming Yu asked strangely, she never heard such a sweet song.

"Looking at the ears!" cried Yan Xiaoliu. "This is the song of the Kraken, it will confuse people."

Everyone licked their ears, but it didn't work. The songs still plunged into their ears. The living soldiers were already comatose. Even the water monkeys jumped into the water and dared not to listen.

The big water monkey fighting with Yan Xiaoliu turned and fell into the water, and the Kraken on the boat disappeared.

"Ming Yu, come over!" Baihu cried, let Mingyu go to his side, and he used the newly restored spiritual power to protect her.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin have begun to experience hallucinations, and the swords in their hands have been thrown away.

"What happened to you?" Ming Yu asked in confusion.

"Ming Yu, are you okay?" Yan Xiaoliu came to Mingyu's side and saw that she was still clear-eyed, and she did not seem to be confused by the song.

"No." Ming Yu shook her head. She held the white tiger's arm and looked at Tang Hanyan. "The song of the Kraken will make them coma?"

The white tiger was originally able to resist the singing, but he was scratched by the hair of the water monkey. The venom in the body was not completely untied, so it was affected, and the mind was not so clear.

"Who are you?" The white tiger glared at Yan Xiaoliu, who had not seen this boy before, but now appears on their ship, and it seems that it is not low, and it can resist the singing of the Kraken.

"He is Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Yu said quickly.

White Tiger has heard of Yan Xiaoliu, but isn't that mortal?

"This is not the song of the mermaid." Yan Xiaoliu couldn't care about explaining so much with Baihu. He had heard that Ah did not sing, and she gave him a pearl. As long as he was with him, he could not be confused by her singing.

"It’s a spring, a singing voice," Baihu said. "Although it’s not like the song of a mermaid, it can also confuse people. He must be nearby."

Yan Xiaoliu stunned. He had never seen Quan Xian, and thought that the Kraken was controlled by the mermaid.

"Let's go." Yan Xiaoliu helped the White Tiger to leave.

"You take the jade with you. After I detoxify, I will catch the spring first." The white tiger whispered that he was a beast, and Xiaoquanquan could not treat him.

Ming Yu pointed to the sea. "Can we... can we go?"

Around them, the sea monsters are already dense, and they are all fish that Mingyu has never seen before.

There are also sharks bigger than their ships, and they are looking at them coldly.

On the back of the shark, stood a clean teenager, he was singing in a low voice.

He is the first.

Murong Zhan is looking for a monk.

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