"Don't sing, there is nothing to say." Ming Yu looked at the spring above the shark, preventing him from continuing to sing.

Quan’s humming sound came to an end, and he looked at Mingyu somewhat strangely. “You...”

Too strange, this girl is not tempted by his singing, she does not seem to have any spiritual power, it should be just a mortal.

"Are you not coming to me? I am here, what do you want?" Mingyu stood on the deck, their ship was destroyed by the Kraken, and it was sinking at a slow speed. They are all watching the Kraken. She thinks that they are not the opponents of the Kraken. Let's talk about the conditions first.

Quan first carefully looked at Mingyu. This girl is the scorpio he is looking for. The few people are protecting her. There are spirits and white tigers around. There should be no mistakes, but why can she resist his singing? ? This made him wonder.

"You go with me." Quan said first.

White Tiger pulled the hand of Ming Yu. "You can't go with him."

Ming Yu smiled at the white tiger. Of course, she would not leave the Kraken with such unclearness. "Where are you going? I am just a mortal who can't do anything. What are you looking for?"

"You are the daughter of Shaodi and Xiaoyan." When Quan said the ink-filled hand, the shoulders shrank and his mouth smashed. If he could choose, he really didn't want to be enemies with Murong Cham. Today, he took his daughter, and later Murong Zhan will definitely kill him. "Of course you have a very important use value."

"I don't even know martial arts. You come to me, but bring so many Krakens? Is it too grand?" Ming Yu pointed at the surrounding Kraken.

Quan first whispered, "I don't dare to take it lightly."

After all, it was the daughter of the Shaodi. However, before he came, he did not know that Mingyu was a mortal with no spiritual power.

"You should have survived in the Dead Sea, who brought you to the mainland." The white tiger stood in front of Ming Yu, and a pair of tigers looked at Quan Xian sharply.

"The Shaodi took me out of the ridiculous hell." Quan said first.

White Tiger angered, "If the Emperor took you out of the ridiculous hell, then who is your command?"

Quan first licked his lips. "You don't have to take care of me. Anyway, I am not looking for you, just the girl."

"If you want to take away the jade, then pass me first." The white tiger made a gesture ready to fight.

"You have not fully recovered your spiritual power. Can you kill so many Krakens?" Quan first asked, "There are countless sea monsters on the seabed."

Ming Yu patted the white tiger's shoulder and smiled and said to Quan. "Will you come to me, will you kill me?"

"You are the scorpio of the world, you should not kill you." Quan said seriously.

"It is also said that if you kill me, my mother would find you to fill the sea and find you." Ming Yu returned.

Spring first thought of Murong Cham, his face became more ugly. "I don't want to catch you, I can't do anything."

"I don't care, I am going with you now, you have to ensure my safety." Ming Yu said with a delicate voice, "White Tiger and Yan Xiaoliu will follow me."

"..." Is this one catch and two?

White Tiger looked back at Mingyu. "Mingyu, whoever knows the other party, can't go with him."

"It doesn't matter, he said that he won't kill me." Ming Yu said with a smile, they don't have any chance of winning now, just like the spring said, there are not many Krakens under the sea, and their ships are already sinking. White Tiger and Yan Xiaoliu can only protect her. What do they do with Tang Hanyan?

Are there other soldiers who do not have any self-protection ability?

Quan whispered, "You are quite familiar."

"You have so many Krakens, let them send the people of my ship to the shore." Ming Yu said, "Where you want to take me where to go."

"Do you dare to mention the conditions?" Quan was unbelievable, and had never seen such an impunity.

Ming Yu said, "Of course, do you agree?"

"If you don't agree?" Quan asked first.

"Then I jumped into the sea and let the white tiger go back and tell me, you killed me." Ming Yu called.

Quan immediately said, "I promise you!"

Ming Yu is satisfied with a smile. "Be a man, keep your promise, let alone you are a demon, and you can't even talk."

"You come over." Quan said first.

The White Tiger hesitated for a moment. Since Mingyu had promised to go with Quanquan first, she had her idea, and he also believed that no matter how long it was nine days or the mainland, few people dared to treat the daughter of the Shaodi.

Needless to say, Yan Xiaoliu, he naturally wants to follow Mingyu.

Spring first ordered other Krakens to hold up the ship that was about to sink. On the way back to the shore, Tang Hanyan only woke up, but they could not find them.

"What happened?" The broken stone stood on the deck, frowning at Tang Hanyan. He came to see the daughter of the Emperor of the Emperor Mingyu, but did not see her, only the ship that was held by the Kraken because of his appearance The Kraken has disappeared. "What about Mingyu?"

"Ming Yu..." Tang Hanyan felt that the man in front of him had an momentum that he had never seen before. Even if the elders who were the highest in the Xuantian mainland had no such pressure, "the spring was first taken away."

The face of the broken stone changed, "Spring first?"

"Yes, who are you?" Tang Hanyan asked.

"The younger emperor will pick up Ms. Ming Yu in the future." Broken stone frowns, "Since Miss Ming Yu was arrested, how are you here?"

Tang Hanyan was shocked and sent by the Emperor... That is the nine-day **** will be?

No wonder his spirit is so powerful.

"Spring first confuses us... I only heard Mingyu in order to save us, take the initiative to leave with the spring, the white tiger followed her, and there is another." Tang Hanyan told the stone that they met in the sea.

From the words of Tang Hanyan, I am afraid that there are still people instructing the back of the spring. "Are you spiritually restored?"

"It has been restored." Tang Hanyan said.

"Follow me to find Miss Ming Yu." The stone-breaking order, if something happened to Mingyu, the Emperor will be angry.

He is very curious, in addition to smelling the world, who else dares to be an enemy of the Emperor.

"You go to find the Emperor, she has a very close relationship with Tianbao. If Miss Mingyu is taken away in Tianbao, she will definitely be able to save it." The broken stone looked at Duan Jingshu.

Duan Jingshu stunned, "Who is the Emperor?"

Ye Muxin patted his head hard. "You are confused. The Emperor is the Emperor, and the Ye Hao is the Shao Emperor."

"What!" Duan Jingshu screamed and closed his mouth under the stern eyes of the broken stone. "Yes, God will."

"Go," said the broken stone.

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin rushed to follow up, but their cultivation was inferior to the gods, not to mention the fact that fighting with the Kraken consumed a lot of spiritual power, and could not catch up with the speed of breaking the stone.

The broken stone found that their speed was too slow, stopped and threw two medicinal herbs, "Serve!"

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