Mingyu was taken to a small island. There is only one manor in the whole island. It should be a hospital in the country where a prince is here. It has been occupied by the monsters. Quanquan first disappeared when she sent her to the island. The other monsters brought her to a room.

Bai Hu and Yan Xiaoliu have always been with her.

The beast recognizes the white tiger as a beast. When he sees him, he is not too close to it. He is also polite to Mingyu.

"This is like the base camp of the beast." White Tiger said, he can feel that there are a lot of powerful monsters here.

"Isn't it in Tianbao?" Mingyu asked questioningly. I heard that Tianbao was the most monster in the sky, and once unified the entire human continent.

Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "This is not in Tianbao."

"Don't go out, I will go out and see." Bai Hu said that he is not sure who is going to catch the jade. Is it Wentian? Wen Tian should be in Tianbao, who is the big monster here?

"White Tiger, you are careful." Ming Yu whispered, although he is an ancient spirit beast, but after all, there are monsters everywhere, still pay attention.

"Reassured, there will be nothing." Bai Hu nodded and told Yan Xiaoliu, "Protect Ming Yu."

Yan Xiaoliu’s face should be heavy, and he would also protect Mingyu without the white tiger.

When the white tiger left, Mingyu looked at Yan Xiaoliu seriously. "Now we are two people, and there are no water monkeys and springs. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"..." Yan Xiaoliu's lips looked at Mingyu. I don't know why, he forgot her. This sentence he can't say anyway.

Even when he thinks of it, he is very painful. If Mingyu knows it, he must be very angry.

He found himself feeling uncomfortable even when she saw her frown, and how she would be sad.

Ming Yu looked at Yan Xiaoliu in front of her eyes. The more she felt in her heart, the more she felt strange. It was Yan Xiaoliu. He was desperately trying to save her as before, but she felt that he had changed.

He doesn't remember her...

"What did Van Gogh do after you took it?" asked Ming Yu frowning.

"Let me practice..." Yan Xiaoliu whispered.

Ming Yu does not believe that it is so simple, before Ming Xi must have concealed her, "You don't remember me!"

Yan Xiaoliu’s face changed, so I saw it so soon?

"You really don't remember me!" Why is Mingyu so clever, seeing Yan Xiaoliu's face, suddenly stood up, and sure enough, he came out, "You don't remember me!"

"I didn't mean it!" Yan Xiaoliu said anxiously. "My memory... I have disappeared. I just dreamed of you every night. I don't know where you are. I don't know what your name is. It is... you. My brother told me that I will go to you."

Ming Yu was so angry that "you have come to me, why are you still hiding and not coming out? I lost the bunny that time, was you taken away?"

Yan Xiaoliu did not know that taking the little rabbit would make her cry into tears. "I just... take it and look at it."

"Why don't you appear on your own?" Ming Yu asked.

"I think... see if you can remember." Yan Xiaoliu said.

Ming Yuzhen is wanted to hit him, "You stupid it? Can think of it hiding behind it?"

Yan Xiaoliu bowed his head. He couldn't think of it. He only knew that Mingyu was very important to him. But what happened between him and Mingyu could not be remembered.

"I don't want to talk to you now, you go out." Ming Yu said.

"Then I don't talk, don't be angry." Yan Xiaoliu was helpless. He didn't go out and took a few steps back to see Mingyu.

Ming Yu was so angry that he couldn’t speak, he was stupid before, and now he is stupid!

"What did Van Gogh do to you?" Ming Yu asked without hesitation.

"Master, he..." Yan Xiaoliu had to explain.

Ming Yu glared, "You call him Master? He took you away, let me see you, you can't remember me, you actually called him Master!"

"..." Yan Xiaoliu said carefully, "What is it called?"

"You... you are mad at me." Ming Yu’s feet, "How did Mingxi not kill you."

Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "He almost killed me."

Ming Yu stunned him, and his heart was both happy and sad. He was glad that he could finally return without death, but he was saddened that he had forgotten everything.

"You deserve it!" Ming Yu thought that he had not suffered much in the past year, and he did not know what was tortured by Fan Luo. His eyes could not help but be red.

"Don't cry." Yan Xiaoliu panicked forward, but did not dare to wipe away tears for Mingyu.

Ming Yu took his hand. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be caught by Van Gogh."

"I... I'm fine." Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "Don't cry."

"If you don't want to save me, you won't be beaten by the monsters, you won't be discovered by Van Loo." Mingyu has always blamed herself. For a long time, she could not forgive herself.

Yan Xiaoliu did not remember how he was caught by Van Loo. He felt that he was not good at forgetting Mingyu now, and the others were quite good.

"Van Luo forced you to cultivate, only to make up your memory!" Ming Yu called, if Yan Xiaoliu did not lose his memory, he will certainly not follow the Vatican practice, will definitely come back to find her.

"That's not very good, I am practicing now, and I can protect you." Yan Xiaoliu said with a smile.

This kind of bitterness is not fun at all.

"How much bitter have you eaten?" Ming Yu asked, she knew that cultivation is not easy. Listening to the white tiger said that it is not so easy to cultivate in the mainland. There is no spiritual power and no elixir. It is impossible for mortals to practice. Otherwise, no one in the world will be able to cultivate successfully for so many years.

Yan Xiaoliu said, "I have not suffered."

"How is it possible? Do you think I don't understand anything?" Ming Yu said, "You tell me how you have been through this year."

"Okay." Yan Xiaoliu saw that she was no longer angry. She was relieved and sighed, and there was no monster to come to them. He told Mingyu how he had passed this year. In fact, there is nothing to say. He is practicing in the cave every day. Except that Master has not seen other people, it is very hard at first, and it is necessary to cultivate to wash the bones. But after breaking through the primary, it is not difficult to practice.

"...Master said that my physique can automatically absorb spiritual power at night, so I cultivated faster." Yan Xiaoliu said that although the spiritual power of the human continent is small, but there is aura in the moonlight, he relies on the night to absorb Aura cultivation.

After Ming Yu listened, he did not feel that he was forgiving, but he still felt that it was a bad person. He asked Yan Xiaoliu to practice, but also to use Yan Xiaoliu. "How did you meet Mingxi?"

"Master asked me to lead him into a formation." Yan Xiaoliu looked at Mingyu with a guilty conscience. "I don't know who he is..."

"You hurt Ming Xi?" Ming Yu called.

Yan Xiaoliu hurriedly shook his head. "No, it is the one around him who is called a nephew."

"What?" Ming Yu shouted, when the question was about to be questioned, the door was suddenly pushed open.

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