On the other side of the manor, it seems to be the deliberation hall. There are a lot of strange people sitting in a row of Taishi chairs around the hall.

The main seat is a tall man with a big eyebrow and a big mouth. His mouth looks big and looks tough and strong. He looks at everyone with a stern look. "Everyone suddenly gathered here, what is the matter?"

A woman sitting on his left hand stood up. "I don't want to be an enemy of the nine days. I have to deal with Tianbao first. How do you get out of the way and bring the daughter of the Shao Emperor?"

The lady who is talking is not someone else. It is the ancient monsters. In order to facilitate the speech, all the big monsters are transformed into adult shapes.

"Yes, hey is right. He grabbed the daughter of the Emperor, and that is to be an enemy of the nine days. We have to deal with Tianbao, and we have to deal with it for nine days. Isn't that looking for death?"

"Who told you to arrest the daughter of the Emperor?" The man whispered, "Just ask her to come."

Fire frowns, "Oh, dragon, who are you, the daughter of the Emperor, do you want to invite me?"

"Whether she can come, she is already here." The man said faintly, "Since I dare to bring her, I can guarantee that I will not be an enemy of the Emperor."

He said, "What guarantee do you have?"

"Do you want to question me?" Xiaolong's eyebrows were slightly picked and looked coldly.

"...no." The voice of the beggar went down.

In the world of the beast, there is never a class, everything is to see the strength, who is strong and who is the leader, including the former Wen Tian, ​​because the strength in Tianbao is above all the tribes, so they go to In Tianbao, but Wentian is now back, but refuses to see them. It is obvious that they hate that they want to win his demon power.

If they don't kill, they will be killed sooner or later.

At this time, Xiaolong appeared.

Xiaolong is already scarce in the beast. I remember that tens of thousands of years ago, the dragon was sealed under the water, and thought it was extinct. I didn’t expect it to appear.

With the demon power to decide the outcome, all the big monsters are not the opponents of the dragon. They have to bow down in front of the dragon and praise him as the new master.

"The girl's business, I have decided to do it, and promised that your things will not change." Yan Long said with no expression.

"Since you have said this, we will believe in you." The fire beast said.

Although the other monsters did not speak, they were able to feel the majesty of the dragon body. They thought that they had offended the smell of the sky. If they even offended the dragon, they would be even more embarrassed to survive on the human continent.

"Then we will go first." Although he was not willing, he had to endure this tone.

If she can, she would rather kill the girl with her own hands.

The daughter of the Shaodi... Isn't that the daughter of Xiaoyan? Xiao Yan once killed her son, she still wants to pay back her teeth.

However, now she is not daring to do it.

When all the monsters have been retired, Xiaolong frowned and looked at the young woman who had been standing in the corner. She had a layer of black yarn on her face. This is not an ordinary black yarn. It is a three-piece treasure, not only obscuring people. Look, it will be invisible.

"Is you let Quanquan go to the girl first?" asked Xiaolong.

"How? Even you are afraid?" The woman came over, and from her eyebrows, it was unparalleled in the nine days.

Xiaolong said, "I still have something to fear. I used to pay with Murong Zhan. He is not a good class. You are nine days with him. If he knows that you have captured his daughter, I am afraid I will not let it go. Passed you."

"Then wait for him to know and say." Lu has no expression on both sides. "And, Miao Mingyu is not only the daughter of the Shaodi, but also the child of Xiaoyan. Who is Xiaoxi? You don't know, I know. ”

"What do you mean?" asked Xiaolong.

Lu Wushuang said coldly, "As long as you can catch a small cockroach, you can threaten Wen Tian and Mo Rong Zhan."

"I don't want to threaten Murong Chan." Xiaolong shook his head and said that he had handed him over with him during the Xuantian continent. At that time, he did not restore his deity. He could not kill Murong Zhan. Now Murong Zhan has already It’s a young man, how can he get the upper hand.

"What about the weather?" Lu Wushuang asked. "Do you want to unify the world of the earth? Or do you want to continue to be sealed in the lake of Xuantian continent when your lake is a dragon?"

Xiaolong thought that he had been trapped for tens of thousands of years, and his heart was furious. "No!"

"Then you will kill Wen Tian." Lu Wushuang said, "If you kill Wen Tian, ​​you will be able to make meritorious deeds. At that time, you will have the qualification to talk to the Taidi. The Emperor is a **** with reward and punishment, as long as you can get rid of it. What is the heart of his hatred, letting you rule the world?"

"Do you think that smelling the sky is so easy to kill?" asked Xiaolong.

Lu Wushuang smiled. "If it is easy to kill, why can I unravel your seal and let you appear here? Then, isn’t the daughter of Xiao Yan now in your hands? You can bring Xiao Xiao, Then use her threat to smell the sky, as long as Wen Tian is in a trap, how difficult is it to kill him?"

"There is nothing in God." Yan Long looked at her faintly. "When Bai Longwang personally shot, he couldn’t kill Wen Tian. Do you think I can kill him?"

"You are not a real dragon, but you also have a dragon's blood." Lu Wushuang said, "If you can't kill him, you can at least hurt him. If you drive him to a ridiculous hell, the Emperor will naturally reward you."

Xiaolong’s heart was cold. Although he was released from the seal and came to the mainland, all the demon powers were restored. However, he was not stupid enough to believe that the Protoss promised him.

He was sealed by the Protoss.

"Tai emperor is going to smell the heavens and go to ridiculous hell, or do all the monsters go to ridiculous hell?" asked Xiaolong.

"What are you afraid of, as long as you can deal with the smell of the sky, that is to help the Taidi, is the Emperor still able to believe you?" Lu Wushuang said with a smile, "I am afraid that you are not the opponent of Wen Tian."

Xiaolong sneered sneer, "A python, dare to compare with 蛟龙?"

Lu Wushuang’s eyes flashed a touch of cold light, and she wanted to be the disdain of the dragon to the python. “Think about how to use the ink jade.”

"What about the little girl?" asked Xiaolong.

"I went to see her, the daughter of the Emperor..." Lu Wushuang’s mouth floated with a sneer, and I heard that it was a mortal.

Xiaolong looked at her slightly, "How do I feel that you are resentful to the little girl?"

"No, I don't hate her." Lu Wushuang said faintly, she hated the girl's mother. "There are spirits on the island, you better be careful."

"White Tiger Spirit Beast?" Xiaolong is cold and has already felt that the White Tiger is approaching here.

Lu Wushuang’s body flashed and disappeared into the hall.

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