For nine days, tens of thousands of years have only closed the Tianmen.

Once, the Protoss and the Dragons joined forces to encircle the dragons and encircle them in the Tianmen. Once in a nine-day period, God will be demolished and almost ruined for half a day. Today, the Emperor ordered the closure of Tianmen, but to seize himself. Son.

When the Tianmen Gate is closed, all the continents under nine days will lose their aura, and the Tianmen Gate is not intended to be closed. If you want to open it, it will take at least ninety-nine days before it can be opened again.

When something happens in other continents, nine days are completely unknown.

"Tai Emperor!" Even the Russ and the autumn winds are stunned. The Fengtianmen is too serious. It is only to leave the Emperor in nine days. You don't need to seal Tianmen.

"Isn't you heard it?" The Emperor was angry at the goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper will face each other. It is not so easy to seal the Tianmen. It is not to say that it is closed when both hands are pulled. It is to start the nine-day storage. It is not that they can start. It must be the key of the Emperor and the Queen. turn on.

They can't open it at all!

After the Emperor Taiji finished, he remembered that the storage device had not been opened at all, and the Tianmen could not be sealed.

"Do you know the consequences of Fengtianmen?" Murong Zhan asked coldly, the world is full of monsters, and the nine days to seal the Tianmen, it is to give the monsters the opportunity to hurt mortals.

"Then you want to go into the dungeon yourself?" asked Taidi.

Ink said, "No, I must go to the mainland."

Taidi took a deep breath, "Now don't blame!"

"Tianmen can't seal." When the mother did not know when it came, she stood behind the emperor.

"How are you here?" The emperor asked in a blank voice, did he not design the king to go to the weak water?

The mother looked at the emperor and looked at it. "When the weak water is done, I will naturally come back."

Taidi is so stunned, actually so fast!

"Mother." Murong Chan gave the mother a ritual.

The mother gently decapitated and walked to the side of Murong Zhan, smiling at the Emperor. "I only heard the Emperor say that he wants to seal Tianmen?"

Taidi chilled his face and did not speak.

"Nine days is what is going to happen, what needs to be closed?" Wang asked with a smile.

"The mother of the mother, it is not a big deal, the emperor wants to put the Shaodi into the dungeon." Eight roads said with a smile.

"Oh? Taidi, Azhan is committing a heavenly rule?" Wang mother looked at Taidi in a puzzled way. "If it is a stipulation, then there is no need to seal Tianmen. I personally took him to the dungeon."

The emperor snorted coldly. "I don't want him to leave for nine days. He has to follow the tricks. Isn't this a big counter-intuitive, shouldn't it be in the dungeon?"

"This is the case, just because Azhan wants to go to the dungeon on the mainland, even if he wants to put him in the dungeon, it will not seal the door. The influence of Tianmen is on the whole world. You can't make a hasty decision." The mother's tone was calm, and she was not angry. The Emperor deliberately led to the weak water.

"Well, then the mother will personally send this counter to the dungeon." The emperor immediately said that it is okay not to seal the gate, as long as Murong Zhan is in the dungeon.

Wang Mu's lips smiled, but his eyes were not smiling. "Tai Emperor, the nine-day **** will be locked into the dungeon is a natural rule. What crimes should I put Azhan into the dungeon?"

The Tai Emperor looked at the Queen Mother with a cold eye. "Is it a sinful disobedience? Is this enough?"

"Azhan is a young emperor. If it is really disobedient and unfilial, the Emperor will teach him." Wang did not care for her son.

"So, the mother is trying to protect him?" said the Emperor coldly.

The mother asked, "Why didn't the Emperor Azhan go to the mainland?"

"Since he defies the order and refuses to take troops to attack Tianbao and go to the mainland to do things, it is better to stay in the nine days to practice."

"I think it is better to practice on the mainland." Wang said.

The emperor is holding the mother, "Do you want to help him?"

"Yes." The mother simply said, turning to the head and said to Murong Zhan, "You go to the mainland."

She had long known that Taidi had made Lu Wushuang go to the mainland without a good thing. Before she did not care, she felt that she couldn’t afford the wind and waves with her unparalleled ability, but now it seems that she is a little unremarkable.

Murong Zhan looked at Taidi, "Mother?"

"Go, there are me in nine days." Wang mother said faintly, she was anxious not to be forbearing, and the Emperor took advantage of her to deal with the dragons. From that moment on, she knew his insidious sinisterness. She had lost it for the sake of forbearance. Once you have a son, there will be no second time.

With the appearance of the Queen Mother, the goalkeeper will be more hesitant, and seeing that Murong Chong left the Tianmen did not stop.

Taidi did not order them to stop Murong Cham.

"Wang Ma, do you know what you are doing?" Tai Tai asked coldly.

"It’s clear enough." Wang said, "Is the Taidi going to put me in the dungeon?"

Taidi’s heart was blocked, and he knew that his design to lead the mother to weak water would definitely be discovered, but he did not expect her to come back so soon.

And still carelessly against him in front of everyone.

She knew why he did not let Murong Zhan go to the mainland, but she still did not help him to retain Murong Cham.

"Don't think you don't dare!" Taidi angered.

Wang Wang looked at him with a smile and smiled. "What else does the Emperor dare not dare?"

"You..." Taidi was so angry that his face turned red. "You go back to the palace immediately. You can't leave half a step without an awkward order."

"Then I will go back first." Wang said faintly, knowing why the Emperor did not say too much here, if people know that he set up a bureau to lead her to weak water, he does not want the emperor's majesty.

The mother returned to her palace, and it became clear why Murong Chong was anxious to return to the mainland.

"It seems that Quan was first arrested by Lu Wushuang, otherwise Quan did not dare to start with Ming Yu." Wang Mu whispered, "Lu Wushuang is simply looking for bitterness."

Not long after, she heard that the emperor had already let the two gods of Xi Chi and Qiu Feng take the troops to the mainland and plan to attack Tianbao.

“How many soldiers are there in total?” asked Wang.

"Five thousand." said the servant.

The mother smiled faintly. "Five thousand? I also want to catch Wen Tian. In those days, 50,000 soldiers could not catch the smell."

Taidi is really looking at himself as always.

"I haven’t been to the mainland for many years..." Wang mother sighed. "I really want to go."

"The Queen Mother is going to visit her grandchildren." Next to the show, God smiled, she is the confidant around the mother, and she understands the mother's mind.

"Yeah, I really want to see you." The mother smiled. "Then you will accompany me for a trip."

He also hesitated for a moment, "Will the emperor be angry?"

"What does it matter if he is not angry?" asked the mother faintly.

It seems that the Queen Mother really does not care about the idea of ​​the Emperor.

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