The world is a continent, an unknown island.

Ever since I discovered that Mingyu would absorb the spiritual power of others, the White Tiger caught the monster and let Mingyu grasp its hand. I did not expect that she would even turn away the demon power of the monster, and the ability to transfer is different. When she got to her palm, she didn't know where to go.

White Tiger has never seen such a practice.

No, this is not a practice. Mingyu has not cultivated at all. This may be something she is born with.

"It seems that someone is fighting outside." Ming Yu felt keenly that there was a different flow of air outside the house. It was strange that since she was able to absorb the spiritual power of others, she seemed to be able to feel the different atmosphere from the mortal.

Just like being outside the many monsters, it seems to have the same breath as the white tiger.

The white tiger went to the door. "I will go out and see."

He just opened the door and was about to go out, and he saw an rainbow of light in the air. It was the light that the nine gods would have.

"Broken stone?" White Tiger recognized the figure that was fighting with the monster in midair. He had seen it in nine days.

"Who is a broken stone?" Ming Yu asked curiously.

Bai Hu said, "The nine-day **** will be to save you."

Ming Yu called, "Let's go out and help him."

"No, you must stay here, Yan Xiaoliu protects you." Baihu said, although Mingyu can absorb other people's spiritual power, but she will not even martial arts, others will not let her absorb the spiritual power, so Still don't want to take risks.

"White Tiger, White Tiger..." Ming Yu had no time to object, and he saw the White Tiger left.

"Yan Xiaoliu, let's go help." Ming Yu called Yan Xiaoliu's hand and called.

"Ming Yu." Yan Xiaoliu stood still and pulled Mingyu back. "There are monsters outside, don't go out."

"What are you afraid of?" Ming Yu put his hand in the palm of his hand. "I can absorb their spiritual power."

Yan Xiaoliu said, "That won't work. They won't do anything without holding your hand."

Ming Yu’s lameness, originally wanted to be like a slap in the face, anyway, Yan Xiaoliu would listen to her every time, but she remembered that because of her waywardness, Yan Xiaoliu would be taken away by Fan Luo. She suddenly happened to be fine.

"Well, then I am waiting here." Yan Xiaoliu said.

Outside the yard, the broken stone and Tang Hanyan, they fought with the monster, and the dragon did not appear. It was the fire that came out to deal with the broken stone.

When the fire saw the broken stone, he immediately recognized him. After all, he was an old rival before 10,000 years ago.

"Sure enough, you!" The broken stone snorted, but there was doubt in my heart. Why did these big monsters not go to Tianbao after catching Mingyu?

No, Wentian has never seen these big monsters since they unlocked the seal. What do they want to do?

"Broken stone god, do you think you want to save people?" The fire screamed with a gloomy smile, and did not put the broken stone in his eyes.

Not to mention the seven big monsters on the island from the ancient seals, they also have dragons, it is impossible for a **** to want to take away the ink from the island.

"What about Miss Mingyu?" asked the broken stone.

The fire sneered at the sound, "Why tell you? If you have the ability, go find him."

The broken stone said to Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin, "I will deal with it, you will save the jade."

"Good." Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin did not hesitate. Now the most important thing is to find Mingyu.

Just when they were going to enter the yard, they appeared in front of them.

"Two little ants, dare to come here." Looking at them contemptuously, it is ridiculous for their incompetence.

Tang Hanyan saw the original shape of the dragonfly, and took the hand of Ye Muxin back two steps. "That is awkward, be careful."

"You...what are you keeping Mingyu?" Ye Muxin knows that this monster like a rhinoceros is an ancient monster, they must not be her opponent.

"Looking for death." 兕 sneer, huge body fluttering to Tang Han smoke them.

Her speed is extremely fast, Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin avoided the first time, but it was too late to avoid the second time. If it was not for the white tiger to appear, they must have died.

"White Tiger Spirit Beast!" Tang Hanyan saw him and cried in surprise. "Is it clear that Mingyu?"

"Nothing, she is in the house, you go to find her." White Tiger said, "This is only for me to deal with."

I saw that it was a white beast of the spirit beast, and there was a fierce light in the bottom of my eyes. When I killed her son, this white tiger was also a helper.

"Good." Tang Hanyan took Ye Muxin's hand and went on to find Mingyu.

"Today, I can finally calculate the old account." He said with a sneer, she knew that Baihu was here before, but unfortunately Xiaolong had ordered her not to approach Mingyu, and she was not allowed to pick things up. Now it is different, it is the white tigers they want to escape, there are It is normal to have a death or injury.

Bai Hu looked at him, remembering that he had teamed up with Xiao Xiao to kill her son. In the past, he should have killed him.

"Come on," said White Tiger.

The fight was fierce here, and on the other side of the yard, Xiaolong and Lu Wushuang seemed very calm.

"Your spiritual power is consumed so fast, is it because of the girl?" Xiaolong did not see Lu Wushuang for several days. She only saw her today, but found that her appearance was not right. She said that the day was sucking away. She is half the spiritual power.

In the human continent, it is not so easy to restore spiritual power.

Lu Wushuang calmed his face. "Yes."

"I said not to look down on her. She is the daughter of Shaodi and Xiaoyan." Xiaolong is not surprised. "But this method of absorbing spiritual power, I remember that only the dragons appeared."

"Impossible, her parents are not the dragons, and the dragons have disappeared for so long." Lu Wushuang denied, "I have never heard of the dragons have such ability."

Xiaolong was sealed for many years. When he was very young, he had seen the dragons and the reasons why the dragons were killed.

"The dragons have a strange lineage. Once they have twins, one of them will definitely absorb all the other abilities. After birth, one of the talents is highly valued by the family. The other child usually survives soon, even if it survives. Down, it was just an ordinary person. Until then, a dragon named Abandon appeared. All his abilities were absorbed by his brother, but he survived, and at the age of twelve, he suddenly showed up. One ability that has never been seen before is to absorb the spiritual power and exercises of others.” Xiaolong said while recalling the rumors he had heard before.

Lu Wushuang frowned. "Do you want to say that Mingyu is like this dragon?"

"I'm not sure." Xiaolong said, "unless she has the bloodline of the dragon."

"That is called Abandon, after absorbing the spiritual power and exercises of others?" Lu Wushuang asked.

Xiaolong glanced at her. "In the beginning, it was able to pass on to others. Later, he did not know how to cultivate, and actually turned other people's spiritual power and exercises into their own."

"What?" Lu Wushuang exclaimed.

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